13 MAY 1843, Page 7

Zbe QCourt.

THERE is scarcely any movement at Court to record this week ; except Prince Albert's trip by the Great Western Railway to Windsor, on Tuesday, to inspect various improvements—the shifting of storehoutels and gates with a view to increase the privacy of some parts of the Castle, and a new summer-house in the Home Park for the use of the Queen and the children.

Her Majesty has been visited by the Dutchess of Kent daily ; by the Dutchess of Gloucester on Tuesday and Thursday ; by the Queen Dowager on Wednesday, and by the Dutchess of Cambridge and Prin- cess Augusta yesterday. The Prince visited' Queen Adelaide on Saturday ; and visits have passed between the Dutchess of Kent, the Queen Dowager, the Duke of Cambridge, the Dutchess of Gloucester, the Princess Sophia, Prince George of Cambridge, and the Hereditary Grand Duke of Mecklen- burg-Strelitz.