13 MAY 1882, Page 1

In the House of Lords on Monday, Lord Granville, in

moving the adjournment of the House, declared that, having known Lord Frederick Cavendish intimately for many years, " he had

never known a man of a higher and finer nature," a man abso- lutely without personal vanity, but tired by any call of duty to devote great abilities to the public service. His death, glorious to himself, had left a noble woman desolate. Lord Granville hoped that all might join in her most courageous prayer," That God may influence the results of this most fearful crime in a manner contrary to the hopes and expectations of its perpetra- tors, and that it may result in the good of Ireland." Of the Per- manent Under-Secretary, Mr. Burke, Lord Granville spoke in terms of admiration which were echoed most warmly by Earl Cowper and the Duke of Marlborough. Lord Salisbury, in seconding the adjournment of the House, paid a hearty tribute to Lord Frederick Cavendish, who had earned "the love and honour of all who knew him." He did not doubt that the Government were preparing for " stern and vigorous action."