13 MAY 1899, Page 16


[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR"] SIR,—Many stories are told of the affection which exists between animals, and that this affection does exist was fully proved to us the other day. We have a black cat which is a great pet, and which is in the habit of going out into the garden at the back of this house. He, unfortunately, the other day, mis- took his house and was driven into the street, where he had never been before. We made every inquiry, but nothing could be heard of him. Late at night a little white dog, who is the cat's great friend, was taken out to help in the search. He suddenly- dived down an area, reappearing in great e±citement, only to disappear again. He was, of course, followed; when he was found licking his cat with every appearance of affection and