13 MAY 1916, Page 13


ITO THE EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR:1 SIR,—I am venturing to ask the help of the readers of the Spectator on behalf of St. Mary's Convalescent Home, Birchington-on-Sea. This Home was founded in 1888, and receives poor women and girls after illness, mothers and their young babies, and there are also a few rooms for ladies who require convalescent treatment. These inmates aro admitted for either a long or a short period, according to their needs, and are well cared for by trained nurses ; but the principal benefit is derived from good food and the health-giving air of Birchington, which is well known to be most beneficial in such cases. In consequence of the difficult times through which we are passing, and the increased cost of food and fuel, it has become necessary to make a very urgent appeal to keep the Home going on the efficient lines in which it has hitherto been carried on, as it would be a real misfortune to many if it had to be closed. It is charmingly situated close to the station and the sea, and the Committee of Management have every confidence in recom- mending this work to the interest and sympathy of your readers. The Home is undenominationaL Contributions will be gratefully received by Hon. Lady Fremantle, Sloane Terrace Mansions, S.W.—I am, (president of Committee and Treasurer).