13 NOVEMBER 1830, Page 5

It appears that the reports circulated last week-that JUANILA, the

Royalist General who defeated VALDEZ, had defeated Mum. akiso—were true. MINA has returned into France with about two hundred followers. EL PAsroa has also returned. The whole expedition is done up ; and with it, for another year _at least, all rational hopes of any thing like a successful attack upon FERDI- NAND in the North. The amount of the Royalist corps opposed to the Patriots was nine hundred! The Patriots had eight generals, and as many armies!

Chance, Which, in the case of the fight of Paris, and in the Brussels insurrection, so eminently befriended us, had placed a friend of ours in the Patriot army. The following communication from him is curious, because of the new view in which it places the characters of the Spanish chiefs. Our correspondent has had the most ample opportunities of forming a just estimate of MINA and VALDEZ j and we have every reliance on his capacity to make a proper use of his opportunities. The anecdote of the young Frenchwoman is interesting. How strangely that wonderful people are misapprehended among the great mass of our country- men ! We speak of them as frivolous, yet perhaps no nation in the world can exhibit so many examples of deep and intense feeling.

" VALDEZ has been called a rash, commander. I have seen no trace of this fault in his character. He appeared to me very cautious, and was far from exposing his inen without occasion. The affair of Tarifa cer- tainly was rather more than a bold action ; but he was then only colonel, and was led away by the desire of distinguishing himself. As a general, he would require caution as well as decision, and he appears to have been Conscious a the change required in his condoct. He is beloved by his officers, and is very attentive to the comforts of his soldiers.

" Colonel GURREA, whom he is about to join in his descent upon Arm- gon, is a man of singular courage, both physical and moral. Tried in long wars by the side of MINA, he acquired a high name for decision and ready invention. Ills moral courage has been severely put to the test during his late residence in France, where he has been assailed by fre- quent applications from parties of equivocal patriotism. He firmly re- sisted their intrigues, and has at last triumphed over all the difficulties they threw in his way. He entered Spain on the 29th ultimo; and the last accounts received from the frontier state, that he hes hitherto been welcomed in every village he has entered. With him are two sons of General MILANS ; who are fine young men, full of fervour and devotion to the cause.

"VALDEZ had, perhaps, more difficulties to surmount than any other Constitutional chief. The province in which he entered (Navarre) has at present exclusive rights and privileges. Of these an enlightened govern.. ment would deprive it ; and the knowledge of this fact induced the inha- bitants to repel rather than to encourage the advance of the Constitu- tionalists. Bands of Royalist volunteers were readily formed ; and al- though their want of organization rendered them feeble opponents, their numbers in some measure made up for their want of skill. Their intre- pid opponent, not being content with the usual Guerilla mode of war- fare, and charging them, whenever it was practicable, with the bayonet, was enabled easily to throw them into disorder. This once done, victory was certain; for although well-officered, their' panic prevented a rally. To this must be attributed the success which attended his little body of two hundred and fifty men on the 18th of October, when he drove before bim nearly two thousand. He was not joined by a single peasant during his stay in Spain, and only one Spaniard, above a mere peasant, came to-

, a

see him.

" From this account:you will perceive that but feeble hopes can be enter- tained for the liberty of'Spain, unless the other chieftains on the Pyre. nees, or General TORRITOS, who coriemands the movements in the South, aneetwitha very different reception from that of VAI.DEZ. As to MINA, the general opinion is certainly not in his favour : his conduct at Barcelona in 1S23—his indolence while in England—his endeavour to seduce the soldiers of VALDEZ while at Bayonne, and after a convenient kind of re- conciliation with VALDEZ, effected on the 24th October last—his order for VALDEZ to advance six leagues into the territory, which, if obeyed, would have led to the certain destruction of VALDEZ and his corps—all end to make the best Spaniards regard him with a very suspicious eye. }leis, perhaps, the best Guerilla chief in Spain—his knowledge of the country, his ready expedients and courage, qualify him eminently for this stodeof warfare; but he is incapable of moving large bodies of men, and on 'a plain would fall an easy prey to a man without -a name. His conduct lately has reminded me of that of MIRABEAU during the French Revolu- tion : MIRABEAU amused the French with the expectation of a system of government, which, he said, when developed and understood, would corn- anand.the suffrages of all ; but he died, and no one is the wiser for his scheme, if he ever had any. MINA (I .hesitate while I couple his name with that of so great a man as MIRABEAU) declared to his friends, the credulous, believing Spaniards, who clung, and I fear still cling to him, that he was taking measures for working the work of the revolution in a day—that he was so laying his plans that all must succeed when he began, but that 'the time was not yet come.' However, he has begun, and has miserably failed.- . .

" A considerable number of Parisian students joined the corps .of V.a.a.rmz: These were chiefly formed into what was called the Sacred Company. All the persons forming this company were men of educe- /10A in its ranks were many Spanish officers, who, having no soldiers to aommand, served in it as privates. This company was always the fore- ! oat in fight, and distinguished itself upon every occasion. It is impossible

speak too highly of the manner in which the few young Parisians acted no fatigue appeared too great, and no privations produced a corn- plaint. One of them had not been able to repress the ardent feeling of Ids wife, and she accompanied him. Dressed in man's attire, with a little carbine slung over her Shoulder, she showed as undaunted a mien is many of the other sex. When the drum beat to arms, upon the approach of theenemy, her cheek retained its colour, and she-showed no symptom of fear. On one.occasion, however, she was sadly dispirited. Previous to the attack upon Bera, it was not thought prudent to take her with us, and sherernained with about forty men at the head-quarters. During our absence, a strong body of Royalists approached the village; and the officer commanding the company did not think it prudent to maintain his poet. He therefore ordered a retreat to France;' and as ,night approached, our little heroine -was sent with her servant to the FrenCh.viBage of Sara. Here the authorities wished to detain her, as she tame from Spain. Her sex, however, saved her; and the gallantry ..of the French commanding officer ordered her an escort to head-quarters in the morning. The effects of this fear of detention, however, were visible Bert Morning when she rejoined the trobps, having spent a- sleepless and SNOW night." THE KING.—So much has been said this week of what his-Majesty meant to do and did not, that little remains to be said of what' he has done. On Saturday, their Majesties attended the performance of Lord Burghersh's new opera at the Concert-room of the King's Theatre. They went thither in two private carriages, without the slightest appearance of state. On Monday, there was a select dinner-party at St. James's. On Wednesday, his Majesty held a levee, at which the following special presentations took place.

Mr. John Evered, Mayor, wall an address to his :Brij asty fro n the corporation of Bridgewater, by Colonel Astell. The Bev. Dr. Schwabe, of the Lutist:rail Church its Goodman's-fielits; the Bee. Dr. Ste:TO:mid', of the Lutheran Church in the Savoy ; the hey. G. Slacks, of the itekistimeil Chtircii in Hooper. square ; the Rev. C. Busse, of the Ilanfourgh Church, Trinit,lane, wit!i an address from the German Protestant churches in London. Mr. Colquhoun' Colonial Agent for St. Vincent,

m accopanied by the Hon. W. Fraser and Mr. J. A. Gordon, with an address of condolence

and congratulation from the Council and Assembly of' St Vincent. Mr. Douglas Halford, by Sir 'rrayton Eliot Drake, Bart. Mr. Several, M.P., hy Lord James Tray. The Rev. Dr. Kuper, on being. appoimed Chop. n lai ta her Majesty, by Earl liuwe. M. Antoine y gocac, attache a In 1,Cention of his

Most Catholic Majesty, by the Spaoish Minister. 'rho Lord Mayor of Dublin, by Sir Henry liar-

dingo, Bart. The Earl of Sufrolk, by the Marquis of Lansdowne. The Duke of' Lobster, by the E 1 of Mr. Serjeant Adams, by the Lord Chaneello, The Iler. Charles Busse, by the Bev. Dr. Eloper; The Earl of Carnarvon, be the Earl ofAlbernarle. 'The Hey. Henry Majertille, by his G:ace the

Archbishop of Canterbury. Mr. Jonathan Sisson, one of the Deputation from the Corporation of Dublin to their Majesties, by the Lord Mayor of Dublin.

Lord Willoughby de Broke, by the Lord in Wait- ing.

Mr, John Foley, by Lord Redeidale. Mr. Lester, with an Address from the town and county of Poole, by the Right II Galeraft. The Hon. B. Craven, by the Lord Ch.M.:dant, Mr. Charles Frederick Willinns, his Majesty's Counsel, by the Lord Chancellor.

Sir John Pollen, by tin Marquis of Winchester. Dr. George Taylor, on Isis ap;iiiintment as Sur- geon Extraordinary to the Kirig, by the Earl of


Sir John D. Astley, 1LP ,by thu Earl of Eldon. Sir Andrew Agnew, lsy Earl-Cat:icor,. Viscount Encomia:, by the Earl of Eldon. Rev. Dr. Steinkopii; isy the Bey. lir. Kuper. Sir George Thomas, Bart., by the Earl of Errol. The Dean of Westnainster, by the Marquis of


Bey. Bit limn Bradford, Choplalo In Ordinary to his Majesty, by theBishop of chicheder. Sir Stephen Wynne, by the .Duke ot Buckingham. Dr. Hair, Royal Morse Guards, on Isis appoint- ment of Physician Extraordinary to isis Royal Highness the Duke of Ctuuberland, by the Duke of ttiehmond. Sir Robert Price, by Viscount Iiereford. Hon. John Talbot, by Earl Talbot.

Rey. Dr. White, by the Rev. Dr. Kuper. Sir John Rae Reid, by the Earl of Liverpool. Rev. Frederick Latewurd, by the Bishop of Lon- don,

Sheriff Hallaban and Sherif Mallet, of Dual's, by Sir Henry Hardinge, Bart.

Sir William Cosway, by Mr. Newnhain wood.

ROM William Ponsonliy, by Lord Clinton. Lord Edward Chic-Inter,b d

e ie I3rial of Belfast.

Mr. Legit, M.P., by Diajonden. Sir A. Barnard. Lord Itibblesdale, by Earl Howe.

Lord Ossulston, by the Earl of Tankerville. lier. 3.1;, Ward, Rector of St. James's, by the Bishop of London, Lord Lillord, by the Marquis of Lansdowne. Alderman Morrisson, of Dublin, by Sir Henry

Hardinge, Bart. Earl of Guilford, by the Lord in Waiting. Vey. Sir Richarsi liuglitn, by Captain Caner, R.N. Earl of Craven, by the Lord Chamberlain. Hon. E. Stanley. by the Earl of Gerby. Sir T.F.E. Drake, Bt. bythe Earl of Macclesfield. Hon. Lieut..Col.Abercromby, M.P. Ca promotion, by Vi..

Rev. C. V. liolme Sumner, on his reappointment as Chaplain its Ordinary to the King, by Col. Holme Sumner. Viscount Corry, by Earl Howe.

Rev. Oliver Rogers, on return front the Continent, by Mr. Weare Gardiner: John Lee, LL.D. of Hartwell, Buckinghamshire, by Lord St. Helens.

Earl Cornwallis, by the Earl of Posslyn.

Rev. Charles Careyelerke, Archdeacon of Osford, by his Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury. Via. Valentia, by the Earl of Roden. Earl of Albemarle, by the Duke of Susses.

Rev. J. Lugar, by the lit. non. Sir (5. Murray. Dlr. Parnther, by Lord Hereford.

Dlr. Miller, M.F. by Sir G. Clerk.

Ms. H. Barker, Sin J. D. Astley, Vis. Eneombe. DI.?. and Mr. Peach, M.P. by site Earl of Eldon. Mr. Cm:dock:on beingeppointed Apothecary to

his Majesty's Household, by Sir A. Cooper, Bt. Mr. Engler, by the Prince of Change.' Mr.Pennefather, by the Earl of Rosslyn. Mr. Leslie, by Maj..Gen. Sir A. lhanaed. Mr. Bethel', by Lord Vibes-1.81:e.

Mr. Ellice, by the Earl ofJerssy.

Mr. Poore, by the Marquis of Winchester. Mr. W. Northage, by Sir A. Barnard. Mr. Loftus Bland, by Co. Biggins. Mr. Crawford Antrobus, by Sir Coutts Trotter. Mr. Sydenham, by the Duke of Buckingham. Mr. Kilderbee, by the Earl idiStrodtiroke.

Tomline, by the Rt. lion. Sir J. Beckett. , Maj.-Gen. Lewis, by the Duke of Wellington. . Mr. Montefiore, on his return from the Continent, by the Duke of Norfolk.

Mr. East, by the Duke of 13uckingham. Air. Bonham, NP. by Stir Robert Peel. Mr. W. Scott, by Col. Fitzelarenee.

Mr. W. Maitland, by Via (Indies.. Der. Maxwell, M.P. by the Earl of Itoden.._ Maj.-Gen. Thornton, on being appointed Lieut.- Governor of Jersey, by Lord Hill.

Lieut...Gen. Eden, by Vice-Adm. Sir Lis Moore.

Maj..Gen. Sir J. Wilson, on being appointed LieutiGovernor of Ceylon, be Lord Hill.

Mr. F. Newdigate, by EarliTalhot.

Mr. Cholmeley, M.P. by Lord A. Beauclerk,

Mr. Penrhyn, by Lord Stanley. Mr. Price, ALP:4,y Mr. Evelyn. Mr. }Wheel, by Via, Valletort.

Mr. D. W. Ilarvey,II,P. by Lord Dunboyne. Mr. Egaiton, by Lord Sk-elmersdale.

Mr; iStuaetWortiey, by Lord Ellenborough.

Mr. Dugdale,by Earl Howe. • Mr. Connet,by Lord Carbery.

Mr. J. ,E. M.P. by Viscount Duncan.

Mr. EdmondTerithigham, by Lord Stafford.

Mr. Robert Ales, by Viz. Bevesfbrd. Mr. Moore, by the Earl of Longfcad.

Llent-Gen. SMCAMhOff1bY thaBari .ironierek Colquhoun, Colonial Agent for Dominica, companie I by the Eon. W. Fraser, with an address of enidobence and congratulation from the Council nod Assembly of Domini,. Mr, Slayers, Conmiat Agent for Barbadoes, with an address of condolence and congratulation from the Council and Assembly of 112Tbadoes, by Lord Conbermere.

Mr. Coate, M.D. fey Lord Downes.

Mr. liesincilj, DI.P. by the Marquis of Lans-


Mr. 'Mule, on his return from the Continent, by

the Earl of Fir. Dlr. Milbank, by Che Arnm. of Cleveland.

Mr. T. 11 nib., by Mr. morge Harrison. Mr. l'hiiip., nuke of Norfolk. Mr. James fiMente, by the Marg. of Sligo. Mr. C. sVhittoore, by hard Skehnersdale.

Dlr. A. W. Mane, DI ember sof his Majesty'S Council its the Mauritius, by Sir O. Murray.

Mr. Wm. Ii cry ilrant, e by General Eden. Dlr. Gwen, by 1, 3rd Burghersh. •

Mr. Farren, isis Brdannie Majesty's Consul. Urn. for Syria, by the E. of Aberdeen. Mr. Head, by the Earl of Rosslytt. Sir. D. Banks, by Sir E. Banks. - Mr. 'Wilbraham, MA'. by Lord ',Cogent.

tileA. P m elhabe the Lord in Waiting.

Dlr. (times, 51.1'. by the Earl of Itosslyn. Air. Gillon, by lien, the lion. Sick. Hope. Dlr. Mercer, by Lord Rivers.

Sir. .T. Cockburn, by Sir R. Peel.

Dlr. S. Lefeyre, by the Earl of Jersey.

Mr. Selwyn, on being appointed icing' s Coun- sel, by the Lord Chancellor. Weylatici, NIA'. by the M. of Cholmondeles. Dir. J Stuart, .1'. by the Lord in Waking.

Mr. Macleod, of al aeleoil, by Lord Saltoun. 13..T. Eaton, osi his retumfrom the Idediter.

rztlrn5, act,! WI being promoted, by the Duke •

of Mr. Gordon Forbes, ley Lieut..fien. Eden. Mr. Charles Cochrane, by Capt. Fortser. Mr. Erelvn Shirley, by Lord Itedesitale. Corn .1. 11. Drewe, by the Earl of Powls. Dlr. Jnnkins, 71.1'. by Lord Hill.

Mr. Diekinsou, by the Duke of 13nekingham.

Dlr. H. Johnstone, by Ada,. Sir W. J. Hope.

Mr. Tattoo Egerton, by Lord Skelorersdale.

Deputy Commi..ary-General liewetson, by the

it igin Dots. — Arbuthnot.

Mr. C. Mackinnon, M.P. by the Star. of Chandos. Lord DI. 11111, by the Mar. of Downshire. Dr. ijuarrier, by ',Maj.-lien. Campbell. 1.mal R. oil his promotion. .

Sort C. Townshend, by Lord G. Deresibrd. Lord Stanley, to pIVAellt a Memorial from the Cot- ton Weavers of Lancashire, by the Earl or Derby.

of .Iirlie, Lord Lieutenant of thecoonty of Forti.., Peel. Sinony, by the Duke of Lcinster.

Dr. hWdson, in sir lieresford.

Rev. W. L. /lila., by Lord Dlaryborough.

Mr. I'. Browne. his slojesty's Secretary of Legs- tion at Copenhagen, by the Earl of Aberdeen. Sir J. litrydges. icy siteDuke of Buckingham

and Cheerio, • Lon. Col. Grant, Lit,?. his Majesty's Lieutenant orinvernesi.shire, by Vis. Melyije. lion. H. Corry, by Eail Howe. ' Sir J. Mordount, by Earl Talbot.

Sir J. Mackeriste, Bart. M.P. his Majesty's Lieutenant of the county of Ross, by Sir is. Peel: Dr. Cantrell, Madras Establishment, by Lord El- lenborough and sir 'I'. Bowser. Commanders--li. Eastwood, Bolton, Gordon, flillyar, George, King, H. D. C. Douglas, by Captains—The lien. C. L. Irby, J. L. Beckforcl, Priekete, Lawrence, Brasier, R.N. by Viscount Gen. Hunter, by Lord Hill. Maj.-Gen. Fitter, uts promotion, by Lord Hill. Cornet Clioltrieley, by Sir C. Forbes, sPoget, by the Marquis of Sligo. Commander Addiogion, on promotion, by Sir H. Illackwood.

Corn. King, on his return from the South Ameri- ean Survey, by 'Cl. Melville.

Com, l'alpy, iuy Admiral Sir F. Laforey.

Maj.-Gen. Cale, by Lord Melville.

Lieut.-nett. Sir 13. O'Callaghan, on promotion, ami iippointinem to command Fort St. George, by Geo. Lord

Capt. .ilaberly, in sir H. Ho:ham.

Capt. T. Forrest; by Sir B. Martin.

Copt II. Barley I Earl 11 oue.

Capt. Sir A. Club,a, C.13. on his return fro/riser- vice, by the Doke of Leeds. Capt. Lempriere. I-.- tic A. Dickson.

Capt. Copland, 1,.y Sir. I.ester, M.P.

Capt. Chi pchase, icy el. Mar. of Londonderry. Capt Colthurst, by Lieut.-lien. Sir It. ()Tat • laghan.

. Cep:. Enoch, an promotion, by Licut.-Gen. Sir W. Gordon. Capt. Patton, by Vice.Admiral Foote..

Lieut. C. Smith, on his returnfrom foreign ser- vice, by V15. 3lui

Lieut. Archer, is Vi. Beresford.

Lieut Cary, by Ilast..Col. F. Fittclarence. Cart Ti. Duff; by Via, Duncan.

Lieut. E. H. Ftinney, cm his return from foreign service, by Sir S. tiulse.

Capt. A. Craven, by Col. F. Fileclarence.

Capt. C. G ' ascoyne by Gen. Gascoyne. Capt. Spencer, by Col. O'Zilalley. . Capt. filllyar. on his return from the Continent and appointment- to the Revenge, by Viscount Capt. A'Caurt, Lord- Beresford. Copt C. Hope, on his rippointment to his Ma- jesty's ship Tyne, by Lord Me'yille. Capt. H. F. Lenhouse, on Isis return Learn France, by Sir H. Hotham. Capt. Hamby, by the Earl of Derby. •

Dent: Rogers, on going to join Ins regiment M the

Mediterranean, by Col. Reeves.

Lieut. A. Nodded:4d, by Lard Melville. Cornet Oliver' ori appointment, by Col. 11111. Lieut. Tuna, by Lord E. Somerset, Capt. Wilson. by the Earl of Errol. Lieut. Halliday, 85th infantry, by Vice-Admiral

Tollemache. - - • Capt. Hart, by the Bishop of Chichester-- Capt. M. Grindley, by Cal. Fitzclarence.

Capt. Jones, by DI ei.-Gen. Newberry. • Mr. W. Reginald Courtenay, by his father, Mr., Courtenay.

Capt. Sclireiber,by Col. Fitaelarence. Capt. Hurst, by the Duke of Richmond. Lieut. Johnston, by Lord Combermere. Lieut. R. Jones, by Count Munster.

Lieut. J. Burnett, by Sir George Cockburn Lient. E. B. Notteby Sir Francis Collier. Capt. Ferguson, by Mr. Lester, Lieut. IL C. Macdonald, by Maj..Gen. Campbell. Capt. Meade, on his appointment to the Staff, at GeacbQuartem, by Lord Shill. Capt. W. H. Dillon by the Dukeof Sumter. Lieut. J. C. Wickilam, Ms Majesty's ship Ad.

Venture, On his return from the South Assent- can Survey. by Sir George Coeichurn.

Lieut, W. 8. Thomas, by the Etat of Errol. Lieut. J. Marshall. by Sir George Cockburn.' Lieut. W., Clark, by, the Right Hon. Lead.Napier. Lieut. ilieyliger; oni iris appointhlent,liy Benetit Frederick V_ aitland.

Lieut. Si. BIarthall, bythe'RaitofFife.

Lient.-CoLiLindsayrby the Earl of Ilardwicke. *Lieut. T. Mitchell, on his return from the Soudi- American Suivey, by Sic 13. Coclihtms.

General Gazooyne, by Lord Hill. Maj.-Gen. Ld. C. Manners, by the Earl of Jersey. Hon. lien. Sir A. Hope, on his promotion, by Lord Hill. Maj.-Gen. Sir Hugh Grugh, on his promotion, by Lord Hill.

Lieut.-Gen. Sir T. M. Brisbane, K.C.B. by Via. Beresford.

Maj...tien. Sir T. Rey nell, on succeeding to a Batonetcy, by Sir Herbert Taylor. Lieut.-Gen. Peachey, by the Marquis of Chandos. Lieut..Col. Crewe, by Lora Carrington. Lieut.-Col. Macadam, by Sir A. Barnard. Col. Gore Langton, by the Earl of Macclesfield. Col. Sir J. Burke, Bart. DIX. by the Marquio of Clanricarde.

Col. Baron Tuyll, by the Duke of Richmond. Col. Duffy, on promotion, by Sir-A. Barnard. Lieut.-Col. Newton, by the Hon. Gen. Phipps. Colonel Ellicombe,on being promoted. Col. C. Dumonceau, by the Prince'of Orange. Lieut.Col. Evatt, on his promotion, by Ear J.

W. Gordon.

Lieut.-Col. Monteith, on his return from Persia, by Lord Ellenborsolgh. Col. Waller. on his promotion, by Sir W. Gordon. Col. Cradock, by the Duke of Leeds.

Col. Count Sturm, by the Prince of Orange. Lieut.-Col. Wm. Jones, on his promotion an the Hanoverian service, by Col. F. Fitzclarence. Lieut.-Col. Burke, by the Earl of Rossiya. Major Wyndham, by the Earl of Howe. Major Butler, by Lieut.-Col. Fitzclarence. Major Ricketts, late Governor of Sierra Leone, by Viscount Sc. Vincent. Major Tyler, by Col. Fitzclarence. Major Faddy, on his promotion, and return from Canada.

Major Fiades, on his return from India, by Earl Amherst.

Major Mackie, on being promoted. Major S. Clerke. on being appointed to the Staff; by Col. Fitzclarence. Major Macdonald, on his promotion, by Viscount Beresford.

Major J. W. Freshfield, M.P. by the Duke of Sussex.

Lieut.-Col. Sutherland, by Mr. J. Alexander, M.P.

Col. A'Court, on his promotion, by Ld.Beresford. The Hon. Col. H. Murray, C.13. on his promotion, by Earl Cathcart. Lieut.-Col. Drummond, by Lord Pedesdale. Lieut.-Col. J. Bell, on his return from India, by Lieut.-Col. Bowler. Lieut.-Colonel Snodgrass, by Lieut.-Gen. E. 111'Nenzie.

Major Schreiber, by Col. Fitzelarence. Lieut.-Col. T. Staunton St. Clair, by the Earl of Rosalyn.

Hon. Col. D. Ogilvy, by Sir R. Peel. Lieut.-Col: Chicheoter, by the D. of Richmond. Mr. Whitmore, by Lord Skelmersdale.

Mr. Abel Smith, M.P. by the 31arg. of Salisbury. Sir. W. O'Brien, by the Earl of Gosford. Mr. Coke, by the Lord Chamberlain.

Mr. Tower,of Bybee, by the Lord In Waiting. Capt. Ainslie, by Liaut.-Gen. Sir T. Bradford. Capt. Codrington, by Vice-Arbxdrat Sir Es Co- drington.

Capt. J. Stevenson, by Maj.-Gen. J. Macdonell. lieut. D. O'Brien, on his appointment to the 72.nd Highlanders, by Lieut.-Col. Arbuthnot. Gen. Sir Ronald Ferguson, by Lord Hill. Lieut.-Gen. Sir Thomas Bradford, by Lord Hill. Mr. Robert Smlrke, by Sir Robert Peel. Corn. Canner, on his appointment to his Majesty's ship Wellesley, by Lord Melville. Mr. Blunt, by Colonel Floclarence. Lieut. Jeffreys, by Lient..Gen. Livett Campbell. Lieut. George Pi:Kiley. iv Lord Melville. - L lents. Sydenhani, Wyide, and G. Jackson, by Lord Melville.

Earl Mountcharies, by the Lord in {Vanilla. Hon. Capt. 11. F. Greville, by the Earl of Erre/. Rev. J. Marshall, on his return front the Medi-

terranean, by Via.

Rev. J. Jeffreys, by the Bishop of London. Rey. J. Falls, by Sir H. Blackwood.

Rey. I. Cosset, on his reappointment as Chap. lain to his Majesty at Windsor Castle, by Sir Herbert Taylor. Sir Charles Burrell, be Col. Fitrclarence. lion. John Blomfield, on returning to Stockholm. The lion. P. J. Caithorpe, by Lord Calthorpe. Vie. Castlereagh, on being appointed a Lord of the Admiral ty, by Lord Londonderry. Rev. H. M. Wagner, on being appolotea Chap- lain in Ordinary to the King for Brighton, by the Duke of Wellingido. Mr. Hunghe, attached to aria presented by his Royal Highness the Prince of Orange. Lord C. Wellesley, on hisappointment to the Rifle Brigade, by the Duke rif Wellington. Capt. Lord J. Townsend, by the Duke of Leeds, Rear-Admiral Fowke, by Lord Melville. Vice-Achniral Sir Graham Moore, on promotion, by Lord Melville.

Rev. E. Cartwright, to present his History of

Western Sussex, by the Duke of Norfolk. Lord Sussex Lennox, by she Duke of Richmond. Lord W. Fitzgerald, by the Earl r.illarrington. Lord Harry Vane, by the Marquis of Lleveiand. Mr. George Pidcock, by the Ben Col. Lygan. Bev. 1. B. Robinson, A.M., by Capt. Wool more. Lord W. 11,,rver, his Majeity's Seareta7 of Le- gation at Madrid., by the Earl of Aberdeen. Mr. Gilbert Joliffe, by Sir William Joliffe. The liev. Bartley Lee, Domestie Chaplain to the

Earl of Errol, by 'lob Vaughan. The Rev. J. llayes Sadler, by the Hon. A. Trevor,. M.P.

Rev. J. B. Ferrars, by the Archhp. of Canterbury. Lord George lilt, by the Marquis of Downthire. Dr. Hall lindelin, Travelling Fellow of the Uni- yersity of Oxford, on returning front abroad, by

Sir Henry Belford.

111r. Hume, M.P., with a congratulatory address to las Majesty from the parldh of St. Leonard, Shoreditch.

Mr. Hume, 1.1.P., to present a petition from the inhabitant Householders of Marylebone for re- lief from Taxation.

Ensign IVard, by Major-General Campbell.

On Thursday, their Majesties entertained a large company at dinner ; and in the evening there was a full dress party. At ten o'clock dancing commenced among the younger portion of the guests ; which continued until twelve. The following were among the noble guests on this oc- casion.

DUEES—Rutland, Leinster, Dorset, Argyll,NVellington, Norfolk. Dv cur.ss xs —Montrose, Dowager Richmond, Argyll. MAitotrissES—Salis:oary, Sligo, Lothian, Downshire, Worcester, Graham, Ormonde, Exeter, Douro, Lan,downe, Cholmon- deley, Camden, Atrglesey, Hastings. MA nem °sits SES—StaffOrd, Lansdowne, Salisbury, Cholmondeley, Ormonde, Downsbire, Wellesley, Li:Ara:4er Salisbury, Exeter. EARLS—Belfast, Haddington, Gosford, Clanwilliam, Grosvenor, Verulam, Wilton, Uxbridge, Euston, Radnor, Darnley, Sefton, Tankerville, Monntcharles, Newburgh, Errol, Denbigh, Mayo, Spencer, Essex, Eiden, Surry, Amherst, Car- lisle, Talbot, Rosslyn, Chesterfield, Bathurst, Clarendon, Dudley, Glengall, Cowper, Westmoreland. Co nivrsssxs—Belfast Haddington, Ettston, Verulam, St. An- tonio, Radnor, Sefton, Mountcharles, gatrlisle, Newburgh, Wilton, Mayo, Surry, Amherst, Chesterfield, Athlone, Lon-.dale, Jersey, Howe, Bathurst—Dowagers Glengail, Clarendon. visemesers—Granville, Ranelagh, Palmerston, Beresloed, lifelbourne,Castlereagh, Goderieh, Strangford,31orpeth, Hereford. VISCOUNTESSES —Keith, Granville. Loans—Durham, Hill, Seaford, Ellenborough, Rivers, Sey- mour, Rihblesdale, Manners (two), Strathaven, Elphinstone, Lilford, Wharncliffe, C. Paget, Auckland, Gray, G. Somerset, St. Helen's, Graves, Cumbermere, Farn- borough, Maryborough, F. Somerset, Ashley, Manners, Althorp, L. Gower, Bad- stock, Loughborough, Brudenell, Cawdor. LADLES —Lyndhurst, Maryborougb, Strathaven, Farnborough, Manners, Seymour, Graham (two), Anne Beckett, Kerri- son, G. Fans., Cockburn, C. Cavendish, Shelley, Taylor, Jolliffe, Warren, Anne Coke, Canning, H. Mitchell, Clinton' Lennox, Gordon, De Roos. Talbot, Paget, Conroy. RIGHT H oxo RAI:MRS-8k S. Canning, Sir J. Beck2tt, Sir J. Leach, J. C. Caicraft, Sir G. Murray. The Bishop of London. /lux ouRABLEs—Mrs. Hope, Misses Bfolyneux (two), W. Bathurst, Forrester, Bliss Forrester, Misses Butler (two), Miss Villiers. BAnoxs—Tnyll, Antonio, Rolamb—Count Redern. CREVALIERS—Vanvitelli, De Neumann. Sires—C. Smith, E. Kerriscn, T. Acland, G. Warrender, A. Johnston, H.,Neale, J. Cockburn, A. d'Este, J. Shelley, W. Jol- life, R. Stopford, J. Lowther, IT. Taylor, R. Chester, A Barnard, W. Gordon, J. Conroy, W. Cotton, • L. Moeller. -E. Codrington. ADM t RALs—Sir W. Johnstone Hope, Stopford. GENEKALs—Maedonell, Stevenson, Wheatley. CoLoNELs — Thornton, Wood, M.P., Fitzclarence, Hill, Cavendish, Poten, Higgins, Woodford. CAPTAINS—W001MOre, Shelley, Maitland, Fitzclarence, Lord C. Weilesley—Lieu- tenant Hill, MESSRS—H. Hope, M.P., J. Seyrncrer, Norton, Cnrzon, Bankes, jun., C. Cavendish, Grosvenor, A. Stanhope, W. Irving, Stevenson, Drummond, H. Greville. MISTRESSES—Bloomfield, Howley, Arbuthnot, Wooimore, Norton, Bankes, jun., Cavendish, Wheatley, Cakraft, Lewis. MISSES—Johnston, Cock- burn, Shelley, Cavendish, Conroy, Eden, Wheatley (two), Gordon.

The Duchess of Kent, who came to town on Monday to attend the -dinner on that day, returned to Claremont on Tuesday. The Princess Augusta and the Margravine of Hesse Hombourg remain at Brighton. The King, it is said, will return to Brighton in a week or ten days. The next levee takes place on Wednesday.