13 NOVEMBER 1841, Page 9

The Paris journals of Thursday, and those of Toulouse, disclose

a monstrous fact. Eight citizens of Toulouse, arrested as implicated in the recent troubles, and three of them as writers in the Emancipation, a newspaper of that town, were ordered to be sent from Toulouse to Paris to be tried. The eight were taken out of prison, chained by the necks together, transported a short way in a cart, and then made to walk the remainder of the road in their chains. The Courrier Francais remarks, that the custom of thus chaining prisoners has ceased even with the forcats.

The article in the Journal des Dibuts of the preceding day, asserting the existence of a general conspiracy for a redistribution of property, is discussed in the Opposition papers ; who do not deny the fact, but ridicule the exaggerations of alarmists. One of these papers, the Conatitutionnel, publishes the report of the first day's proceedings in the trial of nineteen Communists, accused of being members of an illicit association, who founded a journal called the Humanitaire, the leading doctrines of which were "materialism, abolition of marriage, abo- lition of all religion, of arts and sciences, the destruction of capital," &..