13 NOVEMBER 1847, Page 17



Revelations of the Beautiful, and other Poems. By Edwin Henry Barring- ton.

Hints to the Sick, the Lame, and the Lazy; or Passages in the Life of a Hydropathist. By a Veteran. With illustrations by a Recruit. [The author of this work is a retired Scotch veteran, who in mature life, after hard service and free living, had an attack of gout. It does not seem to have been very severe, but it frightened him and put him out. Some flying indications of a fresh attack sent him to the cold-water cure establishment of Marienberg, at Boppart on the Rhine. There he went through the usual processes, very much improved his general health, sharpened up an appetite that seems never to have tly failed, and thinks he has banished the gout from his system; but as he a touch shortly before he left Marienberg, this is possibly not the case.

There is nothing very new either in conclusion or description in Hints to the Sick, the Lame, and the Lazy. Many enthusiasts, and some more sober-minded per- sons, have described and recommended the hygienic virtues of the cold-water cure; Mr. Lane and several others have popularly depicted the processes and modes of living at the hydropathic establishments. Our author's case adds as little as any case well can do to support the merits of the cold-water cure; for he was simply unhinged and nervous, and troubled with flying twinges. He had constitution to stand the remedy; and it would be strange indeed if a month or two of total relaxation, with temperance, air, exercise, and a system of bathing and stimulation which agreed with him, did not set up his general health. The Hints, however, are agreeable reading; free in remark, vivacious in manner, with just enough of the old military tone to give character without offence. The small quarto is. profusely sprinkled with wood-cuts illustrative of the text, which are full of spirit. Apart from gent or any other ill which flesh is heir to, Hints to the Sick is a clever and amusing book, though perhaps pushing quaintness of manner a shade too far.]

Sermons Preached in the Chapel of Harrow School. By Charles John Vaughan, D.D., Head Master of Harrow School, and late hollow of Trinity College, Cambridge. [The precise adaptation of these Sermons to the congregation before which they were preached, though it does not unfit them for general perusal, rather militates against their use for lay reviewing. The principles of morals and the doctrines of Christianity are the same for Harrow boys, big and little, as for the world; and anything very peculiar—such as the two discourses addressed to youth departing for College—have a character of their own. Still, the handling is of a kind that does not altogether fit such sermons for notice in a journal where their literary manner, or at most their scholastic theology, can alone be ventured upon. Perhaps, too, they have somewhat too much of inherent conventionalism,— scholastic, high-toned, and well-bred, it is true, yet enough to deprive them of the freshness and vitality requisite to give distinction to a published sermon. We can readily fancy discourses that might have less of a dignified polish, but which should draw their illustrations ins more direct and homely way from Harrow life, and consequently enforce the conclusions with greater vigour.] The Moral Power of the Christian, its Extent and Obligation. Three Sermons preached before the University of Cambridge in March 1847. By Ralph Lyon, D.D., Rector of Bishop's Canndle, and Vicar of Hayden, Dorset, &c. With an Appendix.

The Children's Year. By Mary Hewitt. With four Illustrations by John Absolon, from Original Designs by Anna Mary Hewitt. [This is a pleasant little book for the young, or for those who like to study the young mind without the trouble of observing it; since all the incidents, and even the thoughts and opinions, are not only founded on fact, but are fact itself, bating Mary Howitt's style. It has long been the writer's opinion that juvenile books should "endeavour to enter more fully into the feelings and reasonings of the child" than they do; that the author should "look at things as if it were from the child's point of view, rather than from his own." To accomplish this, Mrs. Howitt has studied two of her own little ones for a twelvemonth. Their usual doings and their general characteristics have been noted, and any little occurrence described,--as Herbert's departure to school, Meggy going with her maid to so- journ at Esher for a few weeks, the books they heard read, the sports they invented, and the little visits they paid or received. The matter and ideas are all juvenile enough; but the style, as we have said, is Mary Hewitt's, subdued to a lower key than usual—and a very agreeable style it is. Nor should Anna Mary Hewitt a designs pass without a word of welcome: they are characteristic and pleasing.] Harden Hall, or the Three Proposals; a Novel. Edited by the Honour- able F— B—. In three volumes.

(Harden Hall is a species of fashionable novel; at least it contains a good deal of what is intended for fashionable life and character. The writer seems to have drawn some of the materials from observation, but falls into a literal kind of ex- aggeration when aiming at effects. The style of the whole, however, is too inar- tastical, not to say puerile, to sustain a three-volume novel, though it might do for a juvenile tale.] Essays. By R. W. Emerson. First series. New edition. [This new edition of a well-km.17 work has reached us from Boston, and is a very creditable Tscimen of American typography; and the whole "getting-up of the volume" might in elegant neatness rival that of any London publisher. Of its contents and literary character we had occasion to speak at large upwards of six years since.] The Oration of Demosthenes on the Crown. With Notes. By J. T. Champ- lin, Professor of Greek and Latin in Waterville College. Second edition, improved. The Agamemnon of „Eschylus. With Notes. By C. C. Felton, A.M., Eliot Professor of Greek Literature in the University at Cambridge. [These two editions of the most celebrated if not the best speech of the Greek orator, and the most grandiloquent and kingly of the plays of JEschylus, are in- teresting specimens of the press of the United States, as well for the peculiar taste shown in -the selection as for the manner of the execution. We have exa- mined a considerable portion of the text of the Crown Oration, and find it a very careful reprint of that adopted by Dindorf from the recensions of Reiske, Schaefer, and other commentators; though, for our own part, we do not set much value by the emendations of the critics, and believe that a student, reading the old folio edition of Wolf, would come nearer to a faithful report of what the orator actually did say, than by accepting the interpolations and improvements of those German scholars who think they know what he must or ought to have said. The notes are not such as a profound scholar would have written; but have the appearance of being memoranda jotted down by a clever student in the course of his own in- quiries, situ all the materials before him; and, for that reason, better adapted, perhaps, to be useful to others in the like circumstances than more abstruse and critical annotations. They are chiefly directed to illustrate the peculiarities in the style and diction of the author, and the logical nexus of his argument; a very profitable study to young writers, especially those who, in the "model republic, are every day listening to an exaggerated and barbaric style of eloquence. We can recommend the book as a correct and portable edition of the Crown Oratioo of Demosthenes.

The edition of the Agamemnon is a more ambitions, and upon the whole, as was required, a more scholarly performance. The text is, in the main, that of Klausen; though we have again to protest against the licence assumed, even the few cases " where " the editor has substituted from others different readings, where equally well supported, and where the sense would be rendered clearer by the alteration." We never knew anything but an incongruous and piebald phraseology result from this excessive rage for emendation; by which we would undertake on plausible grounds to make any ancient writer say precisely the con- trary to that which he intended. But we suppose that this affectation must be excused in the juvenile scholarship of a young country. AS a compilation of the most useful observations of preceding commentators, embodying likewise original and pertinent remarks on the meaning and substance of the drama itself irrespeo-

tive of the language, we think Mr. Felton's edition of the Agamemnon likely to be a very useful book, and Can safely recommend it to the student. We cannot help noticing the type as elegant and appropriate: it reminds us of the rare and beautiful edition of ./Eschylus, printed at Glasgow by Foulis, under the superin- tendence of Person.]

Cathedral Rhymes, suggested by Passages in the Liturgy and Lessons. By the Author of "Recollections of Childhood," &c.

[This volume consists of sacred poems; some, paraphrases of passages in the Prayer-book or the Lessons, the rest founded upon occasional topics, but treated in a religions manner. They are all smooth, pleasing, and animated by an Eng- lish household or family feeling; hat they are sometimes weakened by over-ex- pansion, and have generally too much of the "Annual" style of verse. The ex- ceptions from this defect, and therefore the best poems, are those which are sug- gested by some living subject, where the images are derived from nature, instead of being drawn from what the writers on oratory call the " commonplaces " of the theme. "The Charity School Girl" and " Blackberries " are examples of thia more real style.] The Council of Four; a Game at "Definitions." Edited by Arthur Wall- bridge, Author of "Torrington Hall," &c.

[The editor of this little book was at a party when they tried to play at "bouts 'Imes," but there was not invention enough in the company to manage it suc- cessfully. Some one then proposed definitions: a word and paper were given out; every one wrote down an idea of the word; and the whole was handed to a reader, who read the definitions aloud. This did so well, that four of the party, including the editor, proposed to most and continue the game. Hence the little book before us; which takes its title from the number employed in its concoction.

The words defined are one hundred, with four definitions to each. Definitions in strictness they are not, but opinions rather—a sort of essay in a sentence. As a social game it might be amusing enough, and curious as an indication of men- tal bias or turn of thought. We give-an example. "Justice-1. A plant from hea- ven, which man tries to cultivate on earth. 2. A light in the distance. 3. The length of your purse. 4. Blind man's buff."]

Lettres de Madame la Duchesse de Praslin. Revues et corrigims avec soin. Edities par Monsieur F. De Porquet. [A neat edition of the letters of the ill-fated Dachesse de Praslin, illustrated by explanatory foot-notes and preliminary matter. Any words liable to misconstruc- tion have been omitted or altered, the editor states: but it seems impossible to get rid of the original subject matter.] The History of Masonic Persecution in different quarters of the Globe. By various Authors. With an Introductory Essay on the Usages of Sym- bolical Masonry in the Eighteenth Century, and copious Notes, by the Reverend George Oliver, D.D., P.D.G.M. of the G. Lot Massachusetts, &c. [The reprinted tracts m this volume are replies to literary attacks upon Masonry, and sometimes defences against actual persecution instituted by Popery. With' one exception, they were all published in the last century.] John So vile of Haysted; a Tragedy, in five acts. By the Author of" Feu- dal Times," &c.


Roberts's Sketches in Egypt and Nubia; with Historical Descriptions by William Brockedon, F.R.S. Lithographed by LOUl5 Haghe. Parts VL and VII.

[Mr. Roberts continues his remarkable scene-painting on paper, with a few tints, in unabated magnificence. The present number is a full one. The larger prints are—" The Temple of Edfoa, Ancient Apollinopolis,"—a massive parallelograin seen from above; Dendera,"—a view of the entrance, with its deep shadowed re- cesses;" Ruins of Karnach,"—a wide expanse, with the rains stretching across in the middle distance, before the setting sun; "Grand Portico of the Temple of Philie "; "Grand Approach to the Temple of Philea "; and a "View under the Grand Portico at Philre." Heading the separate portions of the text, in the on- tinted form, there are—" Colossal Statue at the entrance to the Temple of Luxor," —covered by sand, all but the bust; " Siout," the approach to it from the Desert, with the picturesque minaret of a ruined mosque in the foreground; "Nubian Women at Norti ' ; "Entrance to the Caves of Beni Hassan"; and the "Temple of Wadi Sabrina, Nubia." Never was the colossal and often magnificent archi- tecture of Egypt paraded before the view in such suitable proportions as in this great work. Again Mr. Roberts seems to defy the limits of his volume: you dis- cern the immense space of the Egyptian temple through some foot or two of paper. The "Ruins of Karnach " exemplifies the artist's skill at producing, with a few tints the impression of natural colour and atmosphere: the ruins ranged athwart the glow of the setting sun, the broad shadow cast towards the spectator all across the country, the tawny heat above, the massive terrace in front, with the living figures upon it and their lengthened shadows, combine to give an effect of reality and space that mocks the modesty of the materials actually employed:1

Scotland Delineated. Part V.

[The present faeciculus of this handsome work contains six engravings—" Crich- ton Castle," by T. Creswick; " Dowie's Tavern," "Fleshauirket Close," and "Danblane Cathedral," by George Cattennole; "St. Bernard's Well," and " Dum- barton," by W. L. Leitch. The lain is a very striking view, and one not so hack- nied as the river front of Dumbarton has been by sketching tourists: here Dum- barton and Dumbuck are seen, with the town at their back, from the Northern bank of the pretty river Leven, which flows from Loch Lomond. It occurs to US that the lithographs in the present number are not drawn on the stone with BO much care and finish as those in previous parts have been: the three landscape views of the Well, the Castle, and tbe Cathedral, are rougher and looser, and. therefore at once less delicate and leas effective.]