13 NOVEMBER 1847, Page 6

Aims tellanceus.

Parliament met on Thursday pro forma, and was further prorogued, by commission, till the 18th instant, "then to be holden for the despatch of divers important affairs."

We understand that Lord Seymour will propose the Right Honourable Charles Shaw Lefevre as Speaker of the House of Commons, and that Mr. John Abel Smith will second the motion.—Times.

The following circular has been sent-by.Lord John Russell to his sup- porters.in the House of Commons.

" Downing Street, Nov. 8, 1847, "Sir--4 take the liberty of informing you that the House of Commons will pro-, ceed on the 18th instant to the choice of a Speaker, and that the Address in au, swer to the Queen's Speech will be moved on the 23d instant. - "I hope it may be consistent with your convenience to attend on those days:

"I have the honour to be your obedient servant; RussaLL.7 The Earl of Yarborough will move, and the Earl of Bessborough second; the Address in the Lords. Mr. James Heywood and Mr. _A. Shafto Adamr. will be respectively the mover and seconder in the Commons.—Times.

-The Morning Herald and the Standard have given currency to a rumour. respecting the retirement of Lord Grey and Sir Charles Wood from office; and the vacating of seats by Lord Enfield and Mr. Barnard, in order to make room in the House of Commons for Mr. Macaulay and Mr. Hawes. The Times states authoritatively that there is not a particle of foundation

for either rumour. _ A Cabinet Council was held on Wednesday, at the Foreign Office: it sat two hours.

A correspondence between the merchants trading with Buenos Ayres and the British Government has just been published. The memorialists com- plain of the sham blockade which Montevideo pretends to enforce in the Rio de la Plata. In a reply dated the 21st of October, Lord Palmerston says, through his Secretary, "that her Majesty's Governmeet are in com- munication with the Government of France, with a view to take such steps as may tend to bring these long-pending affairs to a final and satisfactory conclusion."

The Mauritius Association of London has published a long letter which they have addressed to Earl Grey on the prospects of the island. After warmly thanking the Government-for She palliative measures of relief already ordered, they proceed to inquire how "this general bankruptcy of merchants" has come to pass. The one fact is that the cultivation of sugar has not been profitable: all engaged in it have eunk their capital. It ia complained that sufficient freedom of immigration is not allowed from India; that the rupture with the Queen of Madagascar has cut off former supplies of food and labour; and that the export-duty on sugar pf 11. per ton is no longer bearable. They ask for the abandonment of this duty,. "now and for ever." They complain of the injustice of having to sustain the cost of maintaining Mauritius as a military position, and pray that the island may be relieved from this burden; the Mother-country assuming the charge of all that may be deemed "national." They further ask for charters of incorporation and a Sheriff's Court to be granted to the towns; and for a reduction in the overpaid and underworked civil establishment. Finally, they entreat for an alteration in the duties of sugar imported into Great Britain from the Mauritius: the duty they propose is the reduced one of 9s. 4d. per hundredweight: foreign sugar being retained at its present rate of 20..

In the year ending 5th January 1841, the average price of British Plan- tation sugar was 49s. Id. per hundredweight; for the year ending the 5t1.4 of January last it was only 344. 5d.; -the average price- of hluscovado ,in last week's paper was 22s. 6d.!

Some days before the deputation of West India merchants waited on Lord John Russell and Earl Grey, the subjoined despatch from the Colo-

rata' 1 Secretary had been sent out to the Governor of Jamaica: this week a copy of it has been published by the Colonial Office, in the London papers. ero GOVERNOR ant C. attar, &c.

Downing Street. 30th October.

transmit to you herewith a copy of a memorial from proprietors, mar chants, and others, connected with the island of Jamaica, in which they repre- sent the difficulties under which they labour, and apply for assistance to be ena- bled to surmount them.

The topics brought before her Majesty's Government in this memorial are, as you will perceive, the same which have been for some time past under their con- stant consideration; but the progress of events gives them every day an increasing interest and importance.

Long before the enactment of the act for the ultimate repeal of the discrimi- nating duties on foreign sugar, it had become manifest, that in the existing state of opinion in this country, founded as it was in reason and on facts, if the culti- vation of sugar by free labour could not be sustained on principles of free trade, it could not be sustained at all. So long as these principles were not brought into operation, it was obvious that the basis on which this commerce and cultivation rested was hollow and unsound, and that all calculations connected with it must proceed upon very doubtful and precarious data. It was essential, therefore, to the welfare of all parties, to commence without delay the experiment of bringing the principles of free trade by progressive steps into full activity, and maintaining the cultivation of sugar with a reduction and early extinction of the discriminating duties. This experiment being indispensably ne- cessary, was to be undertaken Ins spirit of hope and confidence; and in that spirit, I trust, it will still be carried on. Bat, at the same time, there is no application of the principles offree trade which was entitled to more anxious attention on the part of her Majesty's Government with a view to promote its success; because of aU merely commercial measures it is that which involves the most momentous consequences, moral and political, as well as commerciaL With the maintenance of the Colonial agriculture and exports is bound up the moral and industrial well- being, the education, enlightment, and good government of the Negro race in the British Colonies; and, along with that, the abatement and ultimate extermination a the slave-trade and of slavery throughout the world.

It was with a full sense of the importance of the interests depending, and of the critical nature of the experiment, that I applied myself to the subject when I as- sumed the seals of this office; and then, as now, the want of an adequate supply of labour was the difficulty most dwelt upon by the planters and merchants; and this was the evil which it was obviously most essential to obviate.

For the early, though not, certainly, the immediate mitigation of this evil, I looked to the education and industrial training of the Negroes; and I have pressed this subject repeatedly and most anxiously on the attention of the Assemblies. For a more direct alleviation, I place great reliance upon the introduction of im- proved methods and implements of agriculture and processes of manufacture; and I have rejoiced to receive, from time to time, reports of improvements of this na- ture being in successful progress. But the supply of labour by immigration was -the resource for which it was conceived that the assistance of her Majesty's Go- vernment might be chiefly made available; and I lost no time in considering by what means this assistance might best be given. The expense of the transport .of Coolies from British India was such as to excite doubts on the part of the Ja- maica Assembly as to the expediency of carrying that immigration forward; and I saw much reason to apprehend that these doubts were well founded, and that this immigration could not be conducted on any terms which would render it adequately remunerative. It remained to establish, if possible, an extended emi- gration from the parts of Africa where slavery does not prevail, and whence an intelligent and serviceable class of emigrants might be procured. After every practicable inquiry had been made in this country as to the prospect of succeed- ing in such an attempt, her Majesty's steam-ship Growler was despatched to the Kroo coast for emigrants; and although she has been for the moment di- verted from the prosecution of that particular service by the occurrence of an op- portunity of conveying a large number of liberated Africans to the West Indies, the intelligence which has been received by no means abates the hopes which have been entertained; and she has gone back to Africa with the additional ad- vantage of conveying thither, as delegates from British Guiana and Trinidad, be- tween one and two hundred Kroomen and other Africans. These persons have heen exceedingly prosperous in British Guiana; and they return to their country, according to a despatch from Governor Light, of which a copy is annexed, with large sums of money, the earnings of their labour in the West Indies; twenty- .nine of them having deposited in the hands of the captain of the Growler no less

MDR than 5711. 15a. 10d. I am not, therefore, without hope that the succeeding operations of the Growler may realize the prospect of emigrants being obtained from the Kroo coast in large numbers; and her Majesty's Government are prepared to take prompt measures for conveying them to the West Indies with the least -outlay which may be found to be compatible with the proper conduct of the ser- vice. It is indispensable that that outlay should be defrayed by the Colonies to which the emigrants are taken; nor is it possible for me, especially in the present state of the resources of this country, and having regard also to the extraordinary demands made upon them from the various exigencies of the time, to hold out any expectation that her Majesty's Government can recommend to Parliament that either a grant of money or a loan should be made by this country to the West India Colonies for the advancement of these objects; but any number of merchant-vessels will be employed which it is found possible to employ with advantage, and the ex- penses of which the Colonies may be prepared to provide for. The manner of .conducting the service must afford an absolute and indisputable security against any immigrants being taken without their free consent, obtained by fair and well- founded statements. Her Majesty's Government cannot for a moment admit the validity of the arguments in favour of Africans being rescued from slavery by purchase, in order that they may be removed to a state of freedom. Such a pro- ceeding would be sure to make more slaves than it redeemed; and to make them in the worst way, by furnishing, like the slave-trade itself, a provocative to the system of barbarous outrage and warfare by which that traffic is fed. It is in- dispensable, in order to guard against abuses of this nature, that the service should be conducted under the regulations of the Government, and on those parts only of the African coast where slavery and the slave-trade are found not to pre- vail. At present, however, there is nothing to show that the employment of ships of war will be necessary, or that any coat of superintendence need be incur- red beyond that of a Government agency on board the vessel and on the coast. Such a superintendence is, in fact, as necessary to the success of the undertaking as it is essential to the character of this country; for any occurrence of abuses would inevitably put an end to the operations. With regard to the means by which the Colonies might be enabled to meet the cost. When.I first came ta the consideration of this subject, the wisdom of the Assembly of Jamaica had already furnished, in the clause of their Immigration Act imposing stamp-duties on engagements for immigrant labour, an example of legislation which I did not fail to adopt and recommend to other colonies. I added, as you are aware, and I still recommend to the attention of the Legislature of Jamaica, a suggestion for the imposition of a monthly tax on immigrants in- troduced at the public expense, and not under a stamped. engagement to labour. This may not be required in the case of the C., 'lie immigrants, whose habits and comparative isolation in the community throw them upon engagements with the planters as a necessary resource. .But I should fear that without it the African immigrants introduced at the expense of the colony, in order that they may hire themselves to work, will not always be found to fuffil that expectation and repay the cost of their passage. Such are the measures which I have hitherto adopted and recommended to meet the deficiency in the supply of labour; and the steps which were necessary to give effect to these measures, so far as they depended upon her Majesty's Government, have been taken. I trust, with the least possible delay, and with all the care re- quisite to give them a fair prospect of success; and there is no other proper and practicable measure calculated to advance these objects in which we should not most gladly cooperate with the Legislature of Jamaica to the utmost extent of the means at our disposal.

If the measures now in contemplation, or any others which may be devised, for the introduction of immigrants, should have an extensive success—and if neither that success nor the anticipation of it be allowed to interfere with the diligent pursuit of every possible improvement in agricultural and manufacturing pro-' ceases, and still less with the education and industrial training of the Negroes—I trust there is good reason to hope, not only that the present difficulties of the West Indian interest may prove to be temporary, but that when they shall have passed away, any measure of prosperity which may be obtained will be steady and assured in its progress, and not subject to that constant recurrence of revul- sion and vicissitudes which IVAS the characteristic of West Indian agriculture and commerce in former times.

The statements made to me by the gentlemen who waited upon me with the present memorial were strongly corroborative of this hope. They assured me that they had no reason to complain of want of industry on the part of the labouring population. The evil was not that they were wanting in industry, but that they were too few in numbers for the many employments of industry to which a state of freedom had given birth, independently of those in which the fixed capital of the sugar-planter is invested; and that such is the real state of the case, is shown by the large increase of imports which has accompanied the decline of exports since the period of emancipation. Nor did these gentlemen complain of the rata of wages as exorbitant. Oa the contrary, they stated that they would be content to pay the present wages, if a sufficiency of labourers at those wages could be ob- tained with certainty and regularity. Under these circumstances, it is evident that no injury can arise to the native labourers of Jamaica by the introduction of foreign labourers: on the contrary, it is most important to the natives that this foreign aid should be given, deeply intere,ted as they are in the general prosperity of the island and the support ot the educated classes, and those of European ex- traction, on whom for a long. time to come the civil institutions and the ad- ministration of the laws must mainly rest. And it is worthy of remark that, in some colonies at least, the Negroes themselves have evinced no repugnance what- ever to the introduction of immigrant labourers, such as might be expected in countries where there is a competition for employment-' but that in many places' the strangers have been very hospitably received by the Negroes, and treated with a marked cordiality. If this reception' and the advantages they meet with, shall induce the im- migrants to settle finally in the West Indies, there can be no doubt that their gain will ba great in doing so. But if they shall prefer to return to Africa with: the property they may have accumulated, there will be a fairer prospect than has

ever yet been opened of at length Introducing Into that country the arts and' habits of civilized life; whilst the saccess of free labour in the West Indies ',QV cooperate with these civilizing itittuences in extieguishirig the slave-trade, aids it will no longer be the interest of nations claiming to be civilized to promote the' worst barbarities of those on whom the advantages of Christianity have not yet! ' been conferred.

I stated to the deputation which waited upon me, sense of the views which I' have here developed; and, at their instance, I have thus conimunicated them to you: and as it appeared to them that some advantage might be derived from making them known to the Assembly of Jamaica, I have to request that you will submit to that body a copy of this despatch.

I have, &c., (Signed) GREY. •

A new Board has been formed under the jurisdiction of the Lords of the Admiralty, called the Tidal Harbour and Conservancy Board. The mem- bers are Captain Bethune' R.N., President, who has conducted tbe ltailway Department of the Admiralty, now merged in the new Railway Board; Captain Washington, R.N., who held the command of the surveying-ship Blazer, and has acted as Secretary to the Tidal Harbour Commission, now abolished; and Captain Vetch, RE., Consulting Engineer to the new, Board. These officers are each to have 800/. per annum; their office is to• be in Duke Street, Westminster, ia the house occupied by the Tidal Her- hour Commission.

The meeting of the Convocation of the Clergy takes place at St. Paul's Cathedral on Friday the 19th, at eleven o'clock. The Latin sermon is to be preached by Dr. Jell, the Professor of King's College.

The Earl of Dalhousie, Governor-General of India, with the Countess the Marchioness of Douro, amid suite, embarked on Thursday, in the Sidon: steam-frigate, for Alexandria.

A new mode of communication between railway passengers and guards,: and between the guards and the drivers of the engines, has been inventedr by Messrs. Brett and Little, of Furnivars Inn. 'rho apparatus consists of an alarm-bell and a galvanic battery placed on the engine; and a galvaniYed. wire running underneath the carriages, so as to form with the coupling: irons a communication sufficient to complete the galvanic circle. The in- vention was tested last Monday, on the Brighton and Chichester Brandt Railway: the signal was given in every instance with perfect completeness.

It is stated by the Globe, that if nothing be heard of Sir John Franklin's expedition next year, Government will tit out three different expeditions'tol be despatched by different routes in quest of the adventurers.

The obituary of the week records the death of the Archbishop of York, on the 5th instant, at the Palace, Iiishopsthorpe, after an illness of only two days. On Tuesday the Archbishop visited York Minster, apparently in his usual health: on the following day he was found lying on his bed M- a state of extreme exhaustion, from which he never rallied.

Edward Vernon Harcourt, second eon of George first Lord Vernon, was born OR the 10th October 1757. His early days were passed in Westminster School; and in due time he was transferred to Christchurch, Oxford; where, in 1786, he re- ceived the degree of Doctor of Civil Law. At an early age he became Canon of Christchurch and Prebendary of Gloucester; and in 1791 he was created Bishop of Carlisle; in which see he remained for sixteen years. In 1807 he was trans- lated to the Archbishopric of York. The Archbishop was Lord High Almoner- to the Queen, a Governor of the Charterhouse, and of King's College, Visiter of Queen's College, Oxford, and -a Commissioner for Building Churches. He wait made a Privy Councillor in 1808. He was married on the 5th February 1784, to Lady Anne, third daughter of the first Menotti:3 of Stafford; who died in 1832. Fourteen children were the fruit of this union.

The late Archbishop was not remarkable for brilliant talents; but hit administration was marked by quiet good sense and discretion, and showed no lack of firmness, which his important position in the Church att casionally demanded. He continued to attend in the House of Long until after he had turned fourscore. Up to the last -moment of his existence he retained possession of unimpaired faculties; and notwithstanding his extreme

age, experienced only& aright inconvenience from his advanced years, being some- what feeble in the use of his limbs. It is currently rumoured that the Right Reverend Dr. Maltby, Bishop of Durham, will be translated to the vacant Archbiehopric.—Morning Chronicle. The widow of the late Mr. Iluskisson has presented to the members of Lloyd's a marble statue of the deceased statesman by Gibson. It is to be placed in the vestibule of the new Lloyd's Room. The correspondence on the matter has got into print; but it possesses no interest beyond the fact in which it has originated. The good-service pension at the disposal of the Government by the death of Captain Willes has been conferred on Sir John Ross.—Nautical Standard.

Commercial failures have again been more numerous in London. On Monday, the firm of Messrs. Thurburn and Co., East India agents, of Crosby Square, Bishopsgate Street, suspended payment. The liabilities are estimated at 120,0001.; the assets at upwards of 90,0001. The want of remittances by the last mail is the cause assigned for the stoppage. On the same day, the acceptances of another East India firm, Messrs. Johnson, Cole, and Co., of Great Winchester Street, were returned. The liabilities are thought to be heavy. A new firm in the same trade, that of Messrs. Ryder, Wienholt, and Co., was brought to a stop on Wednesday, by the arrival of remittances on houses that had previously failed. The liabilities are between 50,0001. and 60,0001. Accounts from Liverpool announce the suspension of the firm of George Har- graves, of that town, East India merchant; whose liabilities are said to be consi- derable. The stoppage has excited some surprise. Mr. Hargraves was three or four years ago in possession of an immense sum realized in railway speculation. Large shipments to China and tardy returns are the cause of his temporary stop- page. Ogilvie and Clark, in the Brazilian trade, have suspended payments.

From Manchester the accounts are still unsatisfactory. To the list of those who have sunk are now to be added, Mr. David Ainsworth, manu- facturer and general warehouseman; Mr. P. Cowsill, calico and quilting printer, of Booth Street, and of Blackford Bridge, near Bury; Messrs. Kershaw' Holland, and Co., manufacturers of jaconots and shirtings; and Mr. Z. Just, of Pall Mall. The liabilities of Mr. Ainsworth are put down at 30,0001.; those of the other firms are said to be comparatively trifling.

The failure of Campbell of Islay (reported yesterday) would have been se- verely felt by the Glasgow banks; but they hold securities upon his estates, which are not entailed, and of far greater value than his liabilities, which are about 600,0001. A notion prevails that Mr. Campbell was connected with a large house of the same name in Glasgow; which is erroneous, as he was altogether discon- nected with commercial affairs. His stoppage is caused by investments in land, share speculations, and expensive style of living. Being a near kinsman of the Duke of Argyll, he maintained a" tail" in proportion to his relationship with his Grace, which was both great and.expensive. It is re rted that a noble Lord re- siding in Lanarkshire has also suspended payment. F liabilities are not stated; but he is known to be connected with some very extensive distilleries, and held shares in several railways connected with his part of the country. A baronet, also residing in Lanarkshire, figures in the list of bankrupts as a timberonerchant,— namely, Sir Wyndham Carmichael Anstruther, who inherited only a few years since a fine estate yielding a large income. It thus appears that the Scotch aris- tocracy are suffering from the severity of the times as well as their mercantile brethren.—Liverpool Albion, Nov. 6. From Dublin we learn the failure of Messrs. Figgis and Oldham, a respectable house carrying on business as druggists and wholesale grocers. The liabilities are not stated.

It is stated from Manchester, that Messrs. Jones Loyd and Co. have during the pat week intimated to their numerous connexions, that their business, after Christmas, will be conducted simply as a bank of deposit and discount bank; and have requested the payment of any advances that m.sy have been previously made.

The Union Medicate calls attention to some premonitory eases of cholera which have recently occurred in Paris. The patients have recovered; but the attack was of the Asiatic type. Accounts from Moscow, to the 17th October, state the number of pa- tients ill of cholera to be on that day 135. On the 16th, 37 had been at- tacked, of whom 23 had died. Seven fatal cases were reported in Con- stantinople on the 25th October.

A letter, dated the 6th instant, from Copenhagen, mentions the cholera as generally prevalent in that city.

The reported occurrence of a case of Asiatic cholera at Falmouth, on board a ship which arrived there from the Black Sea, has incited the town of Worcester to adopt precautionary measures; on Tuesday the inhabit- ants appointed a committee to organize a Board of Health. A similar step was taken at Gloucester on Friday last.

From a letter 'written by the accomplished son of a Liberal English Member of Parliament, who has been traversing a part of India not beaten by the tourist race, we are permitted to extract the following pleasant pas- sages.

"Chumba, August 7th.

"Chumba is the capital of a territory of large extent in the Western Himalayas, South of Kashmir; and the residence of a prince who pays us a tribute for pro- tection formerly paid to the Sikhs. His country lies between the Jullunder Dmb and Gholab Sing 's dominions.

"This place is five days' journey from Kangra, whence I last wrote. On the second day's march, we struck into the hills; which I traversed with great ease in my jompon, or palki, as this sort of sedan is called here. The bearers carried me wonderfully: they go up and down any place not absolutely perpendicular with ease, and clamber along the face of a hill on the merest sheep-paths; when they came to a steep ascent they put on eight or ten men in front, with ropes to haul the weight up, while the bearers supported it. I was astonished at the way in which they took me over places where one would have thought nothing but a goat could have walked with safety. The river passages were most amusing scenes. "My Coolies, jompon, supplies of every kind, were provided by the Chumba Rajah; who would have been insulted by an offer to pay for anything. Two or three of his .people, with an escort of sword and shield men, attended me, besides Gholab Sing Vakeel, with a guard of his own, and a Soubahdar with some more soldiers; the last a fat jolly-looking fellow, who would walk by the Bide of my jompon, waiting on me with the greatest assiduity. On the 5th, having a march of twelve koss before me, I started with torches an hour before day-break, to avoid the extreme heat. Clambering along most difficult mountain-paths' we continued to ascend for four or five hours. The view from the summit of the Chnwarree Pass would alone have repaid me for the journey from Simla. I believe the height to be about 10,000 feet. Having wound our way up through gorges and forests, we came out on a wavy expanse of turf and fir trees. On one side the lower ranges of hills, and the plains of the Paojaub, intersected by the Payee and the Bees, lay stretched before us like a map; and on the other, a foreground of majestic mountains clothed with dark pine-woods, and backed 'by the sublime snowy range. I think the snowy range of the Iliina= /ayes impresses one more and more with its grandeur every time one sees it; its immensity of height, the craggy beauty of its outline, and the distance at which you know the mountains to be, which their size brings so near to you. I never saw a place where I should have so much enjoyed a day or two merely for the sake of eating the air,' as the Hindustani phrase is. By the time the sun reached his zenith, I got within four miles of Chumba; and was met by the Ra- jah's Vizier with his retinue, salaams and welcome—baskets of fruit and pots of honey, and the customary bag of rupees, which was waved round my headwith a flourish, and deposited in the hands of the faithful Nonce. I dismounted for a moment from the jompon, and eat on a rock in conversation with the Vizier; and then proceeded towards Chumba. The town is on the banks of the Ram, the third of the five rivers which I have come to. I crossed the river by a small rickety wooden suspension-bridge, and arrived at the entrance of Chumba on g horse which was sent out to meet me by the Rajah; a white home, with legs, mane, and tail dyed red, and an embroidered saddle. I found the Rajah himself with all his court, horses, elephants, and about a thousand men, waiting on the bank of the river to receive me. I made him a bow and shook hands; another bag of rupees was waved over me; and 1 was conducted to a crimson canopy which had been erected for the occasion. We sat there a few minutes, and then I mounted an elephant with the Rajah; the Vizier sitting behind, holding an umbrella over our heads: and I was thus escorted to my halting-place, a garden- house of the Rajah's, under a salute of artillery ! Here the Rajah again dis- mounted to accompany me to the place which had been prepared for me; where we sat for a few minutes under another canopy ; till I intimated that I had been up since four o'clock, and had had no breakfast; when he took his leave, and shortly sent an offering of sixteen sheep and thirty jars of sweetmeats. "The reigning prince is a boy about nine years old; the handsomest child I ever saw, and very intelligent. He might sit for a portrait of 'the lovely boy stolen from an Indian King,' who was Titania's changeling page.' - - - - lain located in a nice shady spot, a large enclosure like a kitchen-garden full of trees, with an open garden-house, and two or three tents pitched for my accommoda- tion; a sentry is posted at the door, to keep out intruders; and I am frequently waited on by the Rajah's Vakeel, and the Kotwal or Mayor, with profound obei- sances and offerings of fruit, flowers, and ice. I am taking mine ease, and rest- ing myself and servants. Several of the latter have been attacked with fever; and I have had to call in the Royal Hakeem, who is tome them in twenty-four hours, Ott peril of bodily incarceration. In the evening of the 6th, I sent fur the elephant which is plated at my disposal; and, accompanied, as usual, by a train of swords- men, with the Vakeel and Mayor attending on horseback, reclining on crimson velvet cushions in a gilded howdah, I went forth to breathe the air. As we went along, the people brought'a handful of tuberoses which were growing wild in the hedge. Came back to iced waters and iced creams, manufactured in little earthern jars and flavoured with cinnamon; not equal to Grange's crème I Is vanille.' "7th. I intimated my wish to visit the Rajah this morning; and his state elephant was accordingly sent for me; the faithful Nance sitting behind the how- dah with an umbrella, and another Chaprassie in scarlet livery waving a hand punkah. I dismounted in the court-yard of the palace—a poor tumble-down. building; and was received by H. H. and a great-crowd of attendants, and con- ducted to the sidle d'audience, or Durbar; where I expressed my thanks for his attentions, and the pleasure I experienced in Chumba, &c. I then presented him with a patent Macintosh air-bed which was blown out by one of my people in attendance, and astonished the weak minds of the Dasher. I also sent him pow- der, shot, and gun-caps. When I got back to my house, he sent me an English double-barrelled gun to look at, which Colonel Laurence had given him; and begged I would restore the browning of the barrels, which had been worn off. This was of course beyond my skill; but I consoled him with the assurance that in England 'harm shikaree-wallahs'—i. e. great sportsmen—rather preferred a gun which showed signs of use.

" This grand reception of an humble individual like myself, and the way in which one travels here as king of the country, more feared than the Rajah, is amusing enough. Very few Europeans have ever been here; and the princes and people both think that they see in an Englishman a personification of that great and terrible Kumpani ' which sways their destiny: and in my case, particular letters from Colonel L., and probably my name, secured more than usual attention. " I left off my letter to go and take a ride with the Rajah. The little fellow sits his horse very well, and has a great air of dignity. I went up with him afterwards to the residence, and took leave; and was there presented with a suit of robes 'of honour, which will do excellently well for a fancy-ball. "August 8th.—I will conclude my letter this morning, being retained by a rainy day. I am very well, and enjoy myself very well without any European society. I suppose my father is about this time addressing the independent of elec-

tors . I think a despotic government is best, when one can be at the head of it: the fickle reek of popular breath, however, is all the go in old England."

Results of the Registrar-General's return of mortality in the Metropolis for the week ending on Saturday last—

Eymotie (Or Epidemic, Endemic, and Contagious) Diseases Dropsy, Cancer, and other diseases of uncertain or variable seat Diseases of the Brain, Spinal Marrow, Nerves, and Senses Diseases' of the Lungs, and of the other Organs 0 Respiration Diseases of the Heart and Blood-vesaels Diseases of the Stomach, Lirer, and other Organs of Digestion Diseases of the Kidneys, Sc.

Childbirth, diseases of the Uterus, Sc.

Rheumatism, diseases of the Bones, Joints, Sc, Diseases of the Skin, Cellular Tissue, Se.

Old Age Violence, Privation, Cold, and Intemperance

The comparison of the deaths registered last week in London with the deaths which would have been registered if the rate of mortality had been the same as in Dorsetshire, shows these totals—London, 1052; Dorsetshire, 659; excess, 393.

The temperature of the thermometer ranged from 62.0° in the sun to 37.5° in the shade; the mean temperature by day being warmer than the average Man temperature by 4.4°. The mean direction of the wind for the week was South.. west.

M. Deschappelles, the renowned "Chess-King," died last week, at Paris. A letter from Darmstadt announces the arrest of a servant of Count Giirlitz, who was also in the service of the unfortunate Countess, who, it will be remem- bered, was found burnt to death, and of whose murder the Count was accused. The servant is accused of attempting to poison the Count. Some soup served up to the Count's table, having a curious colour, excited suspicion; and on being analyzed, was found to contain a strong dose of poison. The father of the servant has also been arrested.—Morning Chronicle.

Count de Gomer, who was condemned some few months ago for shooting a boy, has committed suicide, in the same wood in which the boy was wounded. He had been in a state of great excitement ever since his trial, and was constantly at- tended by a domestic. The Procureur du Roi had appealed against the sentence on the Count de Gomer, as not being sufficiently severe. The Count Gustav de Gomer was thirty years of age. He was rich; and had been married for some years to Mademoiselle de Parts de Pressy, belonging to one of the oldest and wealthiest families of the province of the Artois. He was the father of three chil- dren, and had always led a calm and happy life. He was descended from the Artillery General de Gomer, whose name is frequentlysited in the accounts of the wars of the time of Louis the Fourteenth, and who gave his name to a mortar which he invented.

Number of Autumn deaths. average.

Total (including unspecified causes)

3.6 lea

• 211 101 120

157 251

331 60




• • • • it 13

16 11

3 •• .

2 42

63 6

.... 28 1052