13 NOVEMBER 1852, Page 11



In the English Stock Market, the same want of animation alluded to last week has again prevailed. No effect was produced on Monday by the report of the French Senate respecting the Empire. Consols, which closed on Satur- day at 1001 1, remained without the slightest change on Monday and Tues- day, and left off the same on the three subsequent days,safter a temporary depression of on Wednesday, owing to the arrival of lower prices from Paris, and a similar decline for a short period yesterday : they afterwards rallied on a purchase of about 40,0001. Stock by the Government Brokers. No effect was produced from the Queen's Speech. The attention was chiefly ab- sorbed with the settlement of the Account. Today the Funds have continued in the same state : Consols leave off 1001 1 for Money, and 1001 1 for the Account, with no particular feature. Bank and India Stocks have not altered during the week. Exchequer Bills have declined 2s. Money has been rather more in demand for commercial purposes. In the Foreign Stocks there has been great steadiness, and the transactions have not been numerous. Dutch Two-and-a-half and Four per Cents are 1 better; Mexican has improved 1. The protest made by the Committee of Bondholders against the want of punctuality in the payment of the dividend due 1st July last on this Stock has been productive of a good effect. Colonel Facie addressed a letter to the Committee, which contains the answer to this protest, from the Mexican Government : it states that the Congress will meet on the 15th instant, and the 'Government will then take care to pro- mote by every means in its power the payment of this dividend without further delay, as it feels the importance of maintaining its credit abroad. Turkish Scrip has been less dealt in, and has only varied between 11 and 21 premium : it closes today 11, 21, with business done at 2, z premium. Advices from Constantinople have been received during the week to the 30th October, and up to that date no new determination from the Sultan had transpired. The sum of 300,0001. had been remitted to the Turkish Ambas- sador in London, to enable him to give notice of a return of the instalment. The question of the indemnity of 7t per cent still remains in an uncertain state. At a meeting yesterday of Turkish Bondholders, it was resolved to appoint a Committee to watch over their interests, and investigate the cir- cumstances attending the negotiation of the loan. Swedish Scrip has de- clined .1 this week : it has varied between 1 and 1l discount, closing today at 211 discount, with business done at It discount. In the Share Market, Railway Stocks were tole, ably well supported in the early part of the week ; but a tendency to depression was exhibited on Wed- nesday, in consequence of a reaction in French Shares on the receipt of lower quotations from Paris, and from which there was no recovery yesterday. At the close of business, there was a difference in some of the leading lines compared with Saturday last, to the following extent. Increase—York and .North Midland, 2/. 15s.; York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 10s. Decrease— Great Western, 11..10x. ; East Lancashire, London and South-western, North British, and South-eastern, 1/. ; London and North-western, los.; Caledo- nian, and Midland, 10s. There was a demand for French Shares on Monday, on the arrival of the news concerning the proposed reestablishment of the Empire ; and on Tuesday it continued on the receipt of higher prices from France. There has since been a considerable reaction, owing to a decline on the Paris Bourse. The principal Shares have fallen to the following extent compared with last week—Paris and Rouen, Paris and Strasbourg, and Rouen and Havre, 4/. ; Northern of France, 31. 10s. ; Paris and Lyons, 2/. 16s.; Paris and Orleans, 2/. ; Lyons and Avignon, 1/. ; Grand Junction of France, 7s. 6d. Today there has been scarcely any alteration in the English lines : the French Shares were further depressed in the morning, but rallied at the end of the day. SATURDAY TWELVE o'Clocx.

The English Funds have not altered this morning : Consols for Money 100 j, for Account 1001 f. In Foreign Stocks, Danish Five per Cents are 1061 61, Russian Four-and-a-half per Cents 105 6, and Austrian Scrip '6 6 premium—being 1 higher in each case. Turkish Scrip is 21 premium: Swedish 2 11 discount. No business has yet been transacted in the two lat- ter Stocks, the quotations being the same as yesterday. Railway Stocks are Inlet at present; bargains have taken place at the following prices—York, -Newcastle, and Berwick Extension, 13; Hull and Selby, 1131; Ditto Half- shares, 561.

SATORDAY Two °Tikes.

In the English Market, the Funds leave off the same as in the morning : Consols for Money 1001 1, for Account 1001 1; the latter were for a short time 1001 sellers. There has been scarcely any business doing in Foreign Stocks. Russian Four-and-a-half per Cents have fallen 1, being now 1041 5. The transactions in Turkish Scrip have been at 2, 21 premium ; and in Swedish Loan at 11, 11 discount. In Railways there has been rather a bet- ter market for English Shares. Great Western have improved 15s. French Shares have rallied a little. Bristol and Exeter, 1051; Caledonian, 591; Chester and Holyhead, 231; Eastern Counties, 121; Eastern Union, Class A late E. 'U. Shares, 91 ; Ditto B and C, 61 ; East Lancashire, 781; Edinburgh and Glasgow, 741 ; Great Northern, 831 ; Ditto Half-shares, B. 6 per Cent, 1191 ; Great Western, 951; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 87 ; Ditto West Riding Union, 81; London and North-western, 1241; Ditto Fifths, 161 ; London and South-western, 931; Midland, 791; Norfolk, 48; North British, 361 ; North Staffordshire, 131; Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, 48 ; South Devon, 21; South-eastern, 781 ; South Wales, 401; York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 73 ; Ditto Extension, 131 ; York and North Midland, 69; Hull and Selby, 1131; Ditto Half-shares, 661; London and Greenwich, ;

Caledonian, 102; Eastern Counties Extension 6 per Northern 5 per Cent, 127; Lancashire and Yorkshire 6 i

Purchase, 1013; Northern France, t Western West orthern of Fran, 35 ; Paris and Ly s, ; Bonen and Havre, 20 ; Sambre and Meuse, 101 , arm and


Flanders, 41 ; astern of France, 181. Mines—General, 13 ; Santiago de Cubs, 151 ; United Mexican, 71. Banks—Australasian, 71 ; London Joint Stock, 201 ; Union of Australia, 651. Miscellaneous—Peninsular and Ori-

mium ; Eastern Counties Extension 6 per Cent, No.

North British, 100 ; South Devon, 16 ; York and Nort ental Steam, 871.

3 per Cent Consols 3 per Cent Reduced Ditto for Account 1 1


99 34 per Cents Long Annuities 103 i Bank Stock

6 7-16 4

223 4

Exchequer Bills 72 75 Brazilian 5 per Cents 100 2 India Stock 274 6 Belgian 41 per Cents 95 7 Chilian 6 per Cents 105 7 Danish 5 per Cents. 1051 61 Danish 3 per Cents Dutch 24 per Cents Ditto 4 per Cents Mexican 3 per Cents Peruvian 6 per Cents Portuguese 5 per Cents1824 Russian 5 per Cents Ditto 41 per Cents Spanish 3 per Cents Ditto Deferred Sardinian 5 per Cents Austrian Scrip

82 4 65


25 1

103 5 101 2 20

2 25 4 On 84 0 6