13 NOVEMBER 1858, Page 2

Ckt airtnrculis.


The Ninth of November brought with it the usual civic ceremonies. Lord Mayor Wire assumed office and began to reign. The day NM hir

and ninny, and the streets were thronged with idlers at an early hour. The Lord Mayor .proceeded to the Guildhall where he was received in state by the Court of Aldermen and the common Council. Then form-

ing a procession, he proceeded in his gilded coach through the streets to Westminster. The procession was simple and unostentatious. There were several bands of music, an escort of Light Dragoons, many flags belonging to the London Companies, many carriages, hosts of police, but no man in brass, no 'imitations of mediceval institutions. Arrived at Westminster, the Lord Mayor was presented to the Judges in the Court of Exchequer, and sworn in. There was of tonne an exchange of com- pliments. The .Chief Baron said to Mr. Wire.

'I recollect many other members of your profession who have been placed in the same position. I remember none more entitled to the honour than yourself. Rftucated at the University Which has produced so many emi- nent members, you have been long under my notice, not merely in the po- sition which I now have the honour to fill but many years before, as a member of a profession common to us both. The honour, I say, has been most worthily conferred on a member of a profession in which the public is in the habit of placing the highest confidence—a confidence which, gene- rally specking that profession moat abundantly deserves." Then the Judges were invited to the evening banquet, and the proces- sion reforming, rolled back into the City. The Guildhall was decorated for that great Saxon institution—the dinner, with trophies of arms, flags, and other ornaments of ancient and modern make, and plentifully- illumined with gas. There were twelve Ministers present, including Lord Derby, Lord Chelmsford, Mr. Disraeli, Mr. Henley, Sir John Pakington, Mr. Walpole among the other guests were the Duke of Malakoff, Lord John Russell, Lord Brougham, the Bishop of London, Mr. Roebuck, and Mr. Monckton Mines. After dinner, General Peel represented the Army and Sir John Pakington the Navy, Lord Chelmsford replied for himself; the Duke of Malakoff, answering for his master, said-- It afforded him great pleasure to be able to respond, on the part of his august Sovereign, to the sentiments of respect and confidence expressed for his Majesty; and he was sure he but gave expression to the feelings of his Sovereign when he stated that it would be his constant care to do all in his power to prevent any occurrences which could lead to a disturbance of the peace of Europe. His earnest desire was to maintain the alliance between France and England. It would of course be unreasonable to suppose that there could be a perfect and entire identity between two great nations such

as France and England, but there never was a moment in the history of the two countries when their relations were on a more friendly footing, or when there existed a more earnest desire to maintain an alliance which bad for its object the interest not only of the two nations more immediately concerned, but the peace and happiness of the whole world. (Applause.)

The Lord Mayor -proposed the health of Lord Derby and her Majesty's Ministers, remarking upon the opportunity they had of carrying out a rather extensive series of reforms. Lord Derby began in the usual strain of courtly compliment. He then contrasted the state of things existing last year with the state of

things existing now ; when instead of gloom, and increasing pauperinit we have all the indications of returning prosperity—fewer paupers, 50 abundant harvest, an ample revenue, a great demand for labour. Then he turned his eyes abroad. "I rejoice to say that I have entire confidence—that I have every reason to believe that there will be preserved to the world the inestimable blessiDeE

of peace. I will not say that complications may not occasionally arise ke-

tween countries, but this I may say with every confidence, that I am speak; fog the truth, that all the great powers of Europe are convinced, if not of ttD. sinfulness, at least of the evils of war, and that the valuable labours of di-

plomacy are directed—never with more success and zeal than at the.presfn" time—to smooth difficulties, to remove obstacles, and to find for disputed .

tween countries a peaceable rather than a hostile solution. If I turn to the great empire of India, although I must admit that hostilities, or ratio bloodshed, is still going on—still I-believe I may congratulate the coue!Y on the fact that in the main an organized rebellion has been put down. .1:0! months, perhaps, there will be bands of marauders, partly from desperatol,' and partly from inclination, who may harass our troops, but the o gani.sw_ rebellion is at an end, and when the return of the dry season shall res_im; action to our troops, I have no doubt but that the energy andskill of 1,0J, Clyde, combined with the discretion and judgment of the Governor-Genera! and supported by the reinforcements which have been sent out from .t: country, will soon restore matters to their normal state of tranquil- I not also exprees a hope that the gracious message of peace an i .race_';, which her Majesty was advised to send out, will most probably bring "" bee te their elleghence, and restore not only our supremacy, 'but the gene 1j peace of the eountry. Turning to another great empire still further rastneere, I rejeeee to. state .that the operations and negotiationa (=Tied en by her Majesty, An eimeenetren with her attgust ally,. tJ4e Z.,ca- n—esor of the Fren4h, have led to the termination of a very anomalous

'es of hostilities. Of the commencement of those hostilities I shall say ten

nothing, but now rejoice to saythat further leloodehed has been put an end and treatiea have beaus entered into, which will be important 110t On,ly to this coundy but to the general interests of commerce and eivilizatiote (Cheers.) I shoiard do gross injustice to one of the most deserving of public oreanta if' dideidttake this, the earliest, opportuniey of.deolaring that for the success of thoaemegotiations Xnglsind is deeply indebted to the ability, the untiring zeal, the determination and ,pnergy of the Earl of Elgin. (cleave Besides settling the Chinase question, that distinguished noble- iliee gave a most unexpected extension to oor comraercial relations by enter terieg into negotiations with the hitherto secluded, but by no Means unim- Doreen, empire of Japan. My Lord Mayor, I believe that the treaty which ;re have entered into with that country, will, if properly made use of, tend natty to thesdevelopmentof.the commercial interests of this country; but rteuetthat, speaking as I ma in the midst of this great commercial metro- DoliB, I shall not be thought prasampteousor impertinent, if I Nenure to ;ay that the advantages to be derived by this country will greaely depend en the good judgment, peaceable demeenour, and orderly conduct of the agents who may be sent out to conduct eornmercial speculations, and it isof the first importance that those who go to Japan as the pioneers of our future com- merce with that country should be careful not to wound the ,prejudices or ridicule the customs of the people no matter how strange or grotesque they

may. appear. A prejudice created in the early stages of our intercourse might greatly affect and damage our future relations.

"I have now, my Lord, drawn a picture which I trust you will not think exaggerated of the state of our affairaabroad, and an equally favourable and equally true one of our improving position and prospects at home. Do I on account of them claim any ,particular credit for her Majesty's present Go- vernment? I do no such thing, because I know that much of it has arisen from causes which were wholly beyond our control. I speak not for the purpose of glorifying the 'Government of which I am o member, but I speak as an Englishman, in an assemblage of Englishmen, of the peosperity of our commontountry—a theme which I know can never be indifferent or unimportant to them. My Lord, I have said that I entertained a firm be- lief in the preservation of the public peace of Europe, and in the presence of the representatives of the sovereigns of many of its kingdoms, I trust I may be permitted to state the grounds on which, and the policy by which I think that the general peace may be maintained. I believe that the po- licy best calculated to maintain the peace of the world is, in the first place, a firm aud temperate maintenance of our own rights, and a careful deference to the rights of other nations, and all possible abstention from interference in their internal affairs. I would add-, a determination not to give or to take offence, and a determination, if offence should unhappily arise, to have in the first instance, recourse to that principle which, to its eternal honour, was settled in the Paris Conference, namely, that of referring the matter to the friendly offices of some neutral country. (Cheers.) Lastly, I hold that we should observe an unflinching adherence to all our treaty obligations. These are the principles of her Majesty's present Government—these are the prmciples upon which we desire to act—and these are the principles which, when we are called upon to account to Parliament next year, we ex- pect to show we have unflinchingly and inflexibly maintained. (Cheers.) The result of these principles has been that peace has been maintained ; that we continue the most friendly relations with all the great powers, but especially, I may say, in corroboration of what fell from my gallant and il- lustrious friend, the Marshal Due de Malakoff, that there never has been a moment in which our relations with France have been on a more friendly footing than at present, or when on both sides of the Channel there was a stronger desire to maintain that alliance which has now so long and so hap- pily subsisted. I believe that alliance to be not only a blessing to the two countries principally concerned, but an advantage to the whole civilized world.

"My Lord, in speaking of the present Government, your Lordship has been kind enough to sketch out a sort of programme—a some- what extensive one, but in which there was the rather important omis- sion, that no hint was given of any assistance to enable us to carry it out. Your Lordship's advice may have been kindly tendered, but it looks ex- ceedingly like a bait for the purpose of drawing us out in anticipation of the session. But, my Lord, we are now growing older, and have learned more caution, and we will not take the bait. We are content to be judged, not by our promises, but by our performances and with whatever reset I may regard this important assemblage, I cannot persuade myself that the present Is an occasion upon which to anticipate the speech from the Throne, which is to be delivered at the commencement of the session, or to forestal an- nounceme.nts which will fall so much the more gracefully from the lips of the Sovereign. At this moment, having enjoyed that brief period of repose which is allowed to a Minister of State, I am, along with my colleagues, actively and seriously engaged in maturing and considering the details of those measures of legal, social, financial, and political improvement which I hope at the commencement of the session to submit to the impartial judg- ment of Parliament and the people. Of the character and spirit of these measures I will say this much—that as a Conservative Government we look with reverence and attachment to the great institutions of this country, in- stitutions under which, I will venture to say, the people have enjoyed as great an amount of civil and, religious liberty, and as perfect independence in word and action, as ever did any nation on the face of the earth. But neither shall we forget that these institutions have not been the creations of a day nor the simultaneous operations of a single generation. We know that they have been brought to their present comparative perfection by successive additions and improvements, and that they possess a flexibility which enables them to be adopted to the growing wants and wishes of the people; and therefore, although I cannot gratify your Lordship's very na- tural curiosity with regard to the precise measures we mean to introduce, still I can assure you that they will not be framed to please this or that elms, but the communite et large. We shall not legislate for the high or thC low, for the rich or-for the poor, but for the well-understood benefit of all classes of the people. As I have stated that the institutions under which . We have the happiness to live are only the aggregate of successive improve- . Merits heaped up by successive generations, so I trust that we shall leave our impress on them by adding other improvements which shall harmonize With while they improve their general character." (Cheers.)

Amongst the other speakers were Lord Breueham and Mr. Disraeli. r Broughacn said little but he made one cutting allusion. The City of London had-been well described as the cradle of our liberties, and he believed it would- long remain true to its ancient traditions. The Purity of the judicial bench and the iodependence of the bar are the best aeeueities for rational freedom. In this country the bar has always upheld its

• inelepeneence, and in France, too, the same honourable profession has dis- PlaYed equal courage and fearlessness. He believed that the bar of France would, in the worst of thmen—eineevorie times even than any yet seen in that counny—continue to be animated by the same noble spirit.

The opening meeting of the Royal Geographical Society was held at Burlington House on Monday, Sir Roderick Murchison in the chair. A large number of fellows were present. Since the last session many ac- cessions have been made to the library and map rooms. Papers were read describing the ascent of Demavend by Mr. Thomson and Lord Schomburg Kerr, the explorations of the rivers of Western Australia by Mr. F. Gregory, and the search after Leichhardt by Mr. A. C. Gregory.

In order to aid in the formation of a series of the works of British en- gravers which is in progress at the Museum of Art, South Kensington, Mr. Sheepshanks has given a valuable collection of many hundred en- gravings, chiefly proof impressions, together with several series exhibit- ing the various states of the plates. The donation includes many impres- sions after paintings by Leslie Landseer, and others, whose works form portion of the gallery of pictures which he gave to the public. Mr. , Sheepshanks has also given an interesting and valuable collection of I etchings by Landseer and others.

The Waterloo Bridge Company have brought an action of trespass against a land-tax collector for illegally levying a distress in respect of land-tax assessed upon the tolls taken on the north-side of Waterloo Bridge. The case involves some nice legal questions long a subject of dispute. The Judges have taken time to consider their decision.

Miss Rachel Leverson, otherwise Madame Rachel, a professional beauti- fier of ladies, dealing in cosmetics that impart an interesting pallor to cheeks by nature red, and give a glow of youthful health to those worn white, and skilled in destroying hairs on the face, and in restoring hairs to the head, has been somewhat scurvily treated by her landlord. She en- gaged apartments in the house of one Atloff in Bond Street. She included her Majesty and the Peerage among her patrons. Ere she had been there a week, for some reason unexplained, Adolf desired to be rid of her. Ho took her plate from the door, entered her bedroom, tried to thrust her down stairs, locked her in, and refused to admit her solicitor's clerk until be Caine armed with a numinous. The upshot was that Mass Leverson brought an action in the Bail Court, and a Jury awarded her 20/. damages. , Mr. Disraeli only offered a few conimon-place remarks about the sup- port which the City had rendered tosilae cause of libeity, and the secunly Members of the House of Constnons have-found in-the city.

Mr. William Williams, Member IT Lambeth, mot his constituents at

the Horns' Tavern, on Monday, recounted to them the feats of his career in the last session. As he was never "absent a single day and night" these were pretty numerous. He voted against the Conspiracy Bill, for the abolition of church-retell, the abolition of the sham royalty of Ireland, the repeal of the Septennial Act, the Abolition of exemption from arrest. Ile voted for inquiry into the state of education, for a tin pound county franchise, -for' the balibt. Of course he was great on the subject of expenditure, and contrasted the estimates of Peel and Welling- ton with those of Palmerston and Llerby. If his views were adopted "millions" would be saved. As to Cherbourg, which he went to see, it La a wonderfully fortified place, lint we haye nothing to do with that. Portland is opposite ; we have extennive national defences, 232,000 men . on land, exclusive of the 92,000 in India, and 39,380 at sea. The only reason that alarm has been expressed about Cherbourg is to enable the Government to dip deeper into the pockets of the people. In touching-on the coming reform bill Mr. Williams was afraid the Government would try to strengthen the counties. " On one thing he was emphatic—the claims of the metropolis for more teeMbers must be attended to.

The Bishop of London began the primary visitation of his diocese on Thursday with divine service, at St. Paul's Cathedral. A large number of clergymen were present. The Bishop's first charge will be delivered on Wednesday next.

A large meeting hold in the Vestry of St. Pancras, on Tuesday, passed a set of resolutions unequivocally condemning the flagrant outrages of decency perpetrated in the cemetery at Camden Town, and affirming that the act of Parliament under which they are alleged to have been committed, had been obtained by fraud, and the faculty by false- hood.

A deputation afterwards waited on the Bishop of London and stated their case. Dr. Tait said he fully sympathized in the feelings of disgust caused by the proceedings in the cemetery. Parliament is to blame, and those who upon false representations procured the faculty to remove hu- nen remains. He thought the Consistory Court, if applied to would not refuse to revoke that faculty. He himself would use his influence with the vicar of St. Martin's and the parochial solicitor.

Omnibus rivalry has led to a formidable-looking charge brought by Mr. Pope the secretary of the Saloon Omnibus Company against Mr. Edwin Chadwick, C.B., Robert Keating of Shamrock Lodge, William Halliday Camisy of the Oxford and Cambridge Club, and a number of other directors and drivers of the London Omnibus Company for a conspiracy to libel and injure the trade of the Saloon Omnibus Company. A large number of law- yers were engaged in the case which was commenced on Saturday before Mr. Paynter, the Westminster Magistrate. The conspiracy is stated to have begun in 18,56, when the Saloon Company started six omnibuses, and to have been continued until the present time, when they have fifteen on the road. One evidence of conspiracy is the notorious "nursing" system. When the Saloon Company put an omnibus on a new road, its big rival put one there also. In going along the streets General Company omnibuses, sometimes three or four together. sometimes one follow and precede one of the rival carriage. Then: it is alleged, the Loudon Company advertised the . Shares of the other company for sale at 31. 10e. per share, when they were worth 54 Another piece of evidence was the statement of one Bryon, that Hawkins, one of the defendants had offered him a bribe to proceed against the company and wind it up in Chancery.

On Thursday the proceedings in the police court were resumed. A great part of the time was taken up with the cross-examination of Bryon, with the object of damaging hie credibility as a witness. Some of the defendants counsel put many questions touching the solvency of the-Saloon Company, the bearing of which upon the case neither the Magistrate nor anyone else could see. The most material point elicited from Bryon, in cross-examina- tion, was, that he had consented to give evidence against the Generat Omnibus Company on condition that he should not be included among the defendants. William Pugh deposed that he had taken a share in the Saloon Company, at the instance of one of the defendants, Lloyd Jones, who paid for it. Jones professed to want the accounts of the Company, and Penh went to the meetings to support his demand. Mr. Parker, chairman of the Sateen Company, showed that he had vainly endeavoured to.effect an ar- rangement with the General Company, on the principle of "giving times." The General Company wanted to buy up the rival. Policeman Bloomfield gavespeoifieevidence on She subject of numikag. • • His evidence was -objected ks'onitiaa ground: that there was nothing to prove that the drivers were or- dered by the directors to nurse the rival omnibus. It was shown, however, thet•She,nuseing was eyatematie, whether directly ordered or not. The case yearn:tin adjourned. Before he left the court Mr. Paynter strongly recent- /Derided ther,parti.C8 to O01110 to some amicable arrangement. So long as a oompenyhy icagying.out improvements, by putting before the public better Sorieramonintinsii.bettere horses, better carriages, better servants, and perhaps more, osmyselientItlEt1;„ of ruaning, succeeded, no one would blame them If they drove oyery one off the road ; but if they attempted to crush others by farce of.eapatel, and when they carried it to the length deecribed, it became very reprehensible. He could not believe that the gentlemen before kin of the London Gemmel Company could concur in carrying it to such a length, and , he set hoped that by some arrangement, and by the fair means of capital, t4 reepective parties would be enabled to carry on their wader- takunss William Lemon Oliver, stockbroker, committed for trial on a charge of misappropriating 5000/. worth of securities belonging to Miss Dance, has been now again emwnitted for trial on two charges, larceny and forgery. Time - en/Meader in this new case is Mr. Robert Swan, a gentleman of pro- PFAY:rrs NOrennuberband. From the evidence given before Alderman Cu- latt at the Guildhall it appears that Swan and Oliver were on the most inti- mate terms, mud.that Oliver was trusted with the management of Swan's property in. shares. in writing to Mr. Swan, Oliver begun his letters ".My dear old :Robert," and signed himself ".old Holiver • " and Mr: Swan ad- dressed Oliver as " My dear old Cromwillian," and signed himself "Senior Dog, Boo." Swan's share property was placed in a box supposed to be Mintte,seentS by a Chubbleck, placed thereon by Oliver, but the lock was a cemmen, nue,that could be 'unlocked by almost any key. The box was de- posatedissllig. London and County Bank. Under pretence of lending 1000 North British Australasian shares to "a first class man anxious to get on the direction of the Company," Oliver obtained permission from Swan to get the shares. - As a blind he wrote to ask for the key When he had no need of a hey. Taking out the shares be transferred them without authority, in one case fogging the signature of the attesting witness, in another forging the ereeatsiseef Swan. Thus, instead of lending the shares as be proposed, he s44rcasratsedmoney on them for his own benefit. He suppressed the no- tion ef!She tesafers addressed to Swan at his once. These facts were proved by Swept, the siitness whom signature IVOR 'forged, and the officials who transacted the business. It was also proved that he had taken out of Swan's !Alt and disposed Of certain Crystal Palace Shares, without the knowledge or authority of his principal. Alderman Culfitt committed Oliver on the two chaigeti of larceny Mt& the charge of forgery: The police, not always at hand when wanted, appear to be not always willing to act when at hand. On Sunday night, Captain Nicholson, making Way to his brig, was led by it pretended waterman into an ambuscade, severely beaten and robbed. Be appealed to the first constable he met, but the man took no heed. Staggering along, he met with others, and they, who had been on the alert, having beard suspicious characters dividing money, succeeded in arresting two of the gang. They have been remanded. Mr. :Yardley- remarked that it was Most extraordinary that the policeman first spoken to did not interfere at once. This is not the only ease where a similar apathy has been shown. The Globe mentions two others of a simi- lar kind.

b" Victim" writes to the Times describing his sufferings and losses from a garotte robbery at Dalston. At six in the evening he was seized round the throat by a-lurking 'ruffian, deprived of all power of resistance, and robbed of his watch. The highwaymen did not stay to rifle his pookets, but ran off. No policeman was at land, and they got clear away. The " Victim " asks for more lamps and more police.

Another salmon case. Mr. Mitchell, superintendent of the water bailiffs on the Tweed, has failed in an endeavour to prove before the Lord Mayor that one Meyer, a fishmonger, had knowingly received two barrels of salmon alleged to have been sent by the Tweed poachers. Mr. Mitchell had followed them from the railway station. They were labelled with false addresses. One fishmonger would not take them in. Mr. Mitchell found themiri Mey- er's shop. They had been taken in by Mrs. Meyer. There was nothing to prove that Mr. Meyer knew anything about them.