13 NOVEMBER 1858, Page 7


The following has been published as a completed list of the new medical council.

Sir James Clark, Bart. Sir Charles Hastings, Mr. Win. Lawrence, Mr., T. P. Teale, Dr. Christh,on, Dr. Stokes, Crown ; Mr. Green, College of '

' D Surgeons r. Watson, College of Physicians of London ; Mr. J. Nussey,

Society of Apothecaries ; Dr. Acland, University of Oxford ; Dr. Bond, University of Cambridge ; Dr. Embletou, University. of Durham, Dr. Store rar, University of London • Dr. Alex. Wood, College of Physicians 04 Edinburgh; Dr. And. Wood, College of Surgeons of Edinburgh ; r. James Watson, Glasgow Faculty ; Mr. Sy-me, University of Edinburgh and Aberdeen ; Dr. Lawrie, University of Glasgow and St. Andrews; Dr, Ag. Smith, College of Physicians of Ireland ; Dr. R. C. Williams, College of Surgeons of Ireland ; Dr. Apjohn, University of Dublin ; Dr. Corrigan, Queen's University in Ireland ; Dr. Leet, Apothecaries Hall of Ireland. The Senate of the University of London have taken upon them- selves to elect a representative of the University to the new Medical Council under the act of last session. This has given offence to the Graduates, who hold that the whole University has a right to elect. In Oxford the medical representative has been chosen by Ccnvocation ; in Cambridge he will be chosen by the graduates ; and it seems that the act is not definite upon the point. On Wednesday, the Convocation of the University of London met at Burlington House, Dr. Foster in the chair, and after some debate, resolutions were carried, regretting that the Senate elected before Convocation had considered the rights of the gradu- ates, and requesting the Senate to submit the ease to the law officers of the Crown, and in the meantime suspend the confirmation of the mi- nutes so far as relates to the election. Dr. Storror is the choice of the Senate.

" Azov " writing from Timrook, states that the Russians have Just placid a steamer, composed of steel plates and manufactured in England, on the Kuban river, for the express purpose of keeping up their military communications on a better footing.- Hitherto they have used waggons. The steamer if successful is to be followed by five others. As the Hue

ban divides Russia from ndependent 'a, the important2iqg of

this new enterprise upon the fate of the req tribes of the Cefuitsns will be af. once seen. The Cireaasimis arg.bIonkisdOd On the Black Sea; they will now be shut in on the Kuban. While these 'measures are in pro- 'gre there are seventy steamers on the'Caepian, and the EusSians are mikiug the greatest efforts to divert our trade with Persia from Turkish to Russian territory.