13 NOVEMBER 1858, Page 9


STOCK EICIIANOS, FUlDAT AkTEILKOOtr::, There has not been an important amount of business doing in public securities this week, the fluctuations not exceeding 1 per cent ; there is etill an absence of bona file purchases which contribute so much to the stability of prices. On Monday the Consol Market opened steadily, at a slight im- provement upon the quotations of Saturday. The announcement of large arrivals of specie from Australia tended in a great measure to revive that strength in the tone of the market which had been gradually giving way during the late withdrawals for the Continent. The chief -business bas been in connection with the monthly settling in Consols; the first price on 4onday was 98 98/, the final quotation previous to the close being 1 ad- vance upon that price. Immediately after the settlement a fall of per cent took place for the December Account, from no apparent cause whatever. Late in the day yesterday Consols, from 98k sellers, rapidly rose to 981 upon the report that the Emperor of the French WOS about to make a large re- duction in the army. Money has not been in great demand, and late in the week rates have ruled slightly easier. Indian Debentures First Issue, are quoted 99a 99k; Reduced and New Three per Cents, 961 96a. Consols have been 98f 98/ all day.

The Foreign Stock Market has been more animated this week than for some time past, most descriptions of seeurity having advanced ; this is especially the case with Peruvian, which has, in some instances, risen 2 and.

3 percent lately ; public attention has been drawn to the Iiiibarren Four- and-a-half per Cent Bonds, which have a depreciated value of 8 per cent compared with the old Four-and-a-half per Cents ; and there can hardly be a doubt that in the course of a short time their values will approximate. The Four-and-a-half per Cent Dollar Bonds, which were 78 80, are now 81 83. Victor Emmanuel continues firm at the late advance. Spanish and Portuguese are in request, with a short supply of stock. Venezuela Active leaves off 40 41 • Mexican, 20k 20h; Peruvian Four-and-a-half per Cent, 91 92; Ditto Time per Cents, 73 74; Turkish Six per Cents, 92i 93; Ditto, Four per Cent, 105 105k; Ditto, Scrip No. 1, 1 discount 1 premium; Victor Emmanuel, 981 99k; Brazilian Four-and-a-half per (ents, 1858, 971 97t; Spanish, 47 47k; Spanish Deferred, 301 30; Ditto Certifleated, Business in the English Railway Market has upon the whole been very trifling, the variations being for the most part caused simply by the flatness or otherwise of the Consol Market. The last prices today show little or no alteration upon those of last week ; a few lines have somewhat improved, chiefly upon better traffic returns. The final quotations in some of the leading stocks are as follows, little activity having been shown throughout the day. Lancashire and Yorkshire, 95i 95k; Midland, 97/ 98; London and North-Western, 901 691; London and South-Western, 93(931 ; Great Western, 541 541; Caledonians, 421 42k; South-Eastern, 22 224; Great Northern, 261 26k; North Stafford,41, dis. ; Manchester, S egad, and Lincolnshire, 35 3451' Eastern Counties, 121 121 ; Berwick, 93 931 • Ox- ford Worcester, and Wolverhampton, 131 14f. The French Share karket improved mproved considerably, in consequence of late purchases by large capi- talists in London and Paris, and the report of a reduction in the French army. Paris and Lyons, 34; 51, ; North of France, ni 40; Paris and Strasburg, 28 28k; Orleans, 55 56. Indian Market flat.

BANN OF ENGLAND. An Account, pursuant to the 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 32, for the week ending on Wednesday the 10th day of Nov. 1858, Issue D RRRRRRR Ii7.

432,316,415 Government Debt 411,015,100 Other Securities 3,449,1100 Gold Coln and Bullion 17,841,416 Silver Bullion Notes issued 432,316,415 132,314,413


E14,553,000 Government Securities (inclu-

ding Dead Weight Annuity) L10,808,301 Other Securities 14,697,7PS Notes 11,327,280 Gold and Silver Coln 541,412 437,495,105 437,105,105 Proprletom'CapItal Best 3,140,002 Pattie Deposita 8,873,591 Other Deposits 12,290,082

amen Days and other Bills 837,750

laclading Exchequer, flaving-Banks,COtamtasIOnersof National Debt,* Dividend Aect