13 NOVEMBER 1897, Page 28


Adams (J.), The Herbartian Psychology applied to Education, Cr 8vo (Iebister) 3/6 Ansted (A.). A Dictionary of Sea Terms, Cr 8vo (L. U. Gill) 7/6 Atteridge (H.), Butterfly Ballads. 4t0 (Milne) 36 Bibliography of X-Ray Literature, 8v0 (Electrician Office) SO Book Sales of 1E97, 4to (Bell) 15s) Cam (Dom Bede), A Benedictine Martyr, cr 8vo (Bliss) 7/6 Cambridge (A.), At Midnight, and other Stories, cr Svo (Ward & Lock) 3/6 Canon (The), with Preface by R. B. C. Graham, 8vo (Mathews) 12/0 Dibbs (B.), In Summer Isles, cr 8vo (Heinemann) 3/6 Dixon (C.), Our Favourite Song Birds, Pro (Lawrence & Sullen) 7/6 Dodd (C. L), Domestic Economy for Scholarship Students. cr 8vo...(Hughes) 2/0 Egerton (H. E.), A Short History of British Colonial Policy, 8vo ...(Methuen) 12/6 Ellis (H.), Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Vol. I., 8vo...(Universitv Press) 10/0

English Masques, with introduction by H. A. Evans, Cr Pro (Bleak) 3.6 Evans (E. H.), Trim & False Aims, & other Sermons (Hodder & Stoughton) 5/0

Fenn (G. M.). High Play, cr 8vo (Downey) 5,0 Fisher (H K. C.), and Another, Students' Guide to Submarine Cable Testing, Pro (Electrician Moe) 6/ii Forrest (D. W.), The Christ of History, 8vo (T. & T. Clark) 10;6 Fraser (L), An Illustrated Record of the Retrospective Exhibition, South Kensington, 1896, 4to (Chapman A; Hall) 21/0 Granville (C.), Mrs. John Foster, or 8vo (Heinemann) 3/6 Grieg (0.), When All Men Starve, cc 8vo (Lane) 3/6 Grooms (D.), Up-to-Date and Economical Cookery, Cr 8v0 (Jerrold) 36 Bayne (IL H. E.), and Another, The Pioneers of the Klondyke (S. Low) 3/6 Hichens (IL), Byeways. or 8vo (Methuen) 610 Hickson (Mrs. M.), Concerning Teddy, cr 8vo (Bowden) 3.6 Hopkins (T.), The Dungeons of Old Paris, 8vo (Putnam) 7/6 Kennard (Mrs. Edward), At the Tail of the Hounds, or Pro ...(F V. White) 6/0 Little Journeys to the Homes of Famous Women, 12nio (Putnam) 5/0 Low (O. IL), Famous Frigate Actions, cr 8vo (Virtue) 3/6 Macpherson (H. A.), A History of Fowling, 4to (Douglas) 21/0 Masters (C).). The World's Coarse Thumb, or 8vo (Warne) 3/6 Melrose (C. J.), Modern Scientific Whist, cr Pro (L. U. Gill) 6/0 Moore (F.), Parson Prince, cr 8vo (Bemrose) 26 Murray (D. 0.), This Little World, cr 8vo (Chatto & Hindus) 6/0 Music for the Soul : Daily Readings from Rev. A. Maclaren, selected by G. Coates, or Pro (Hodder & Stoughton) 5/0 Napoleon I., New Letters of, 8vo (Heinemann) 15/0 Nicoll (W. R.), Sunday Afternoon Verses. cr 8vo (Hodder & Stoughton) 3/6 Out-of-Door Library (The), Angling ; Big-Game Shooting ; Monntain Climb- ing; Athlete Sports, Cr 8vo (K. Paul) each 50

Patrick (C. H. Cochran), Maude Chatterton, or 8vo (Virtue) 3/6

Page (E. M 1, A Matrimonial Freak, or Pro (Digby & Long) 6/0 Penn (R.), Cherrwink, 4to (Macqueen) 6/0 Poems by a New Zealander, 12mo (K. Paul) 5/0 Real Ghost Stories, Cr Pro (Richards) 5/0 Remington (F.), Drawings, oblong folio (Lawrence & Bullen) 21/0 Redd (R.), Poems of the Fleet, and other Poems, cr Pro (Arnold) 6/0 Russell (F.). The Hanghtyshire Hunt, roy Pro (Bradbury) 140 Sandeman (M.), Sir Gaspard's Difficillty. or 8vo (Digby & Long) 3/6 Sherring (H.). The Mayo College, 1875-95, 2 vole. or (Ivo (Thacker) 15/0 Sigerson (D.) (Mrs. Clement Shorter), The Fairy Changeling, or 8vo (Lane) 3/6 Singer (H. W.), and Another, Etching, Engraving, and the other Methods of Printing Pictures, 4to (K. Paul) 15/0 Simms (J. R.), Notes on the Way in Verse, or 8vo (Digby & Long) 5/0 Smith (IC. G.). Songs from Prudentine,l4to (Lane) 5/0 Spinks (W.), House Drainage Manual, 8vo (Biggs) 5/0 Stables (G.), The Island of Gold, or Pro (Nelson) 3/6 Sutcliffe (H.), A Man of the Moors, or 8vo (K. Paul) 6/0 Taylor (N. Le), By Still Harder Fate, cr 13vo (Son nenschein) 3/6 Temple (A. G.), The Art of Painting in the Queen's Reign (Chapman & Hall) 63/0 Thomas (F.), To the Angel's Chair, or 8vo (Hodder & Stoughton) 6/0 Victorian Art at the Guildhall, 1897, folio (Blades) 31/6 Wharton (H. R.), & Another, The Practice of Surgery, roy 8vo (Lippincott) 25/0 Wundt (W.), Ethical Systems, 8vo (Sonnenschein) 6/0