13 NOVEMBER 1909, Page 14


[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sim,—In your issue of the 23rd ult. " Senex " takes me to task for asserting that as a Nonconformist I prefer to vote for the present Government, notwithstanding that on some points I object to the Budget, rather than vote for a Balfour Ministry. He accuses me of want of courage in doing wrong to avoid a possible evil in the future. My answer is simple. I never said the Budget was evil, and I look upon the return of a Balfour Ministry as a far greater evil than the present Budget. We Nonconformists were humbugged once over the Khaki Election, and we are not likely to run the risk of a second Balfour Education Act. I have no doubt that " Senex" is quite unable to understand the feelings of Nonconformists as regards the Education Act of 1902. I look upon that Act as a far greater iniquity than anything in the present Budget.—I am, Sir, &c.,