13 NOVEMBER 1909, Page 3

The coal strike in New South Wales has assumed for-

midable dimensions, the Northern strikers having been joined by those of seven Southern collieries. Coal has gone up to 60s. a ton, and while other industries are seriously hampered by the strike, thousands of men are being thrown out of work, while the decision of the Northern strikers to picket the mines, and thus prevent repairs or baling, is likely to lead to great damage. The Premier, Mr. Wade, has assured the Legisla- tive Assembly that the Government is greatly impressed by the gravity of the situation, and alive to its obligations. " He did not suppose that the Industrial Disputes Act was lifeless. In view of a possible immediate conference, it would be unwise to set the criminal law in motion, but if a determina- tion to force war upon the community were manifested, the Government would without hesitation do its legal duty."