13 NOVEMBER 1926, Page 1

1. The minimum percentage addition to basis rates shall be

that provided for in the 1921 agreement. This minimum to be paid, whatever the hours worked.

2. The ratio for the division of the net proceeds of the industry between wages and profits to range between 87: 13 and 85: l5, according to the circumstances of the districts.

3. The present method of ascertaining proceeds to be retained. " 4. The subsistence allowance for low-paid day wage men to be oontinued. The level of these allowances to be the subject of further consideration.

5. In the absence of a national agreement, each district to give its guarantee to the Prime Minister.

It was known, of course, that the owners' objections to a national agreement were as strong as ever, and in these circumstances the Government confined them- helves to discovering whether the variety of district agreements—which were the first consideration—was Capable of throwing up a common denominator. Economic safeguards were offered, since a single national agreement was no longer possible, by the Prime Minister himself becoming a guarantor of the guiding principles. • * * * *