13 NOVEMBER 1976, Page 18


Sir : Mr Enoch Powell tells us that Britain's indigenous population is being replaced h)". African and Asian stock at the rate 01 110,000 a year. As an Englishwoman wh° loves her country dearly, and takes just able pride in our history and traditions, arll, I seriously to be labelled a 'fascist' if express my sorrow at such a squandering our race? Is such a sentiment to be allovven no free expression ? This is not to say that immigrants are lesser people than we. It suggests no slur co.n them. They should rightly be proud of their race also. But they must allow us, in our oWn country, to voice our understandable fears for our national identity. I note with verY grave concern that immediate (possible, organised) howls of 'racist' and 'fascist greet anyone bold enough to warn of the imminent loss of our country's British character, and I trust that this sort of ill" advised mud-slinging is not taken seriouslY. (Mrs) Jean Williams 9 Vesta Street, Sutherland, NSW, 2232, Australia