13 NOVEMBER 2004, Page 87

Q. I have written a perfectly good book and would

like to see it published. I have, however, given up sending it to conventional publishers. They are not interested and I know this is because I have lived happily in Norfolk for 20 years and can't be bothered to go to London. The upshot is that I am no longer on the so-called scene. I thought! would never stoop to having a book vanity-published, but now I learn that Felix Dennis has done just that but, rather than using one of the embarrassing imprints, he apparently got Hutchinson to do it for him. Could I too, Mary, have a book published by Hutchinson, if! paid for it?

T.B., Norfolk A. I iteraty supremo John Walsh informs me that it is a little-known fact that 'proper' publishers will also do vanity publishing They don't advertise the

fact, but most will happily knock up foryou, say, a thousand copies to a nomial professional standard. The difference is that your book will not appear irt the catalogue, have any publicity or be distributed to the bookshops. You would have to investigate the precise costing for ymrself. And, of course, you are unlikely to be reviewed by Philip Hensha in The Spectator.