13 OCTOBER 1838, Page 17

An Attempt to Develop the LIM of Storms by Means

of Facts. arranged according to Place and Time ; awl henee to point oat a rause for the Variable Winds, nith Mmieursics,

An Essay towards a Science of romthmsness, mure particularly illostrativo of the compass, as well as respects its uniformity : the nearer they Ell


1, Th,Oriental Ant:nal; P39. Contahttag a Reries of Tvles, rsesnes.ana IlielOrical course of the revolving whirlwind, would feel none of its effects; Romances. By Thomas Itacm, Esq., ES-V. Author of " First Impressions, an I those in the exact csntre of a whirlwind, very little, though the s:oates frau:Ilk:Mute in ili!ohistAn," .:.e. With Engravings by W. and E. Fitplon, 2. Friendshir's 00.1■rhig, and Winter's Wreat11; a Christmas and New Year's Pre- compelled to soud—that is, to run before the wind—or adopted

sent. fur 1839 Smith, Elder. and Co.

3. Fisher's Juvenile Seraisllook, lea By Agnes etrichland and !termini liartnn.

fr. Fisher's Drau:ng-Boam ecrap.3tIlis ; lei). With Poetical Illustrations by 21facbeth, I,. E. L. Fisher. Sun, aid Co. '‘ Be tempest tost, G. T. Annual of Ihitish Lan L.esp, Scenery : an A Ill anti it 3mbleret the Wve. 133, L'Aliaa Lille TWaIliky. With I wtuty Engravings. L!. FieloLag. Cox. fse. .