13 OCTOBER 1849, Page 10



The only circumstance worth notice is the resumption today of purchases by the Bank broker on account of the Sinking-fund. These operations have been intermitted for so long a time as to have all the charm of novelty. The purchase today was to the extent of 12,000/. ; but as no statement of charge and income has yet been published, we cannot determine to what extent these purchases are to go during the current quarter. The fluctuations of the Stock Market have been quite unimportant; the price of Consols varying from buyers to sellers at 921, and closing this afternoon at 92* 1 both for Money and Account. No very large operations have occurred; and if, as in the case this morning when a pur- chase of about 80,0001. took place, any upward impulse has been given to the market, it has not been of long duration. There is no change in the rate of dis- count or value of money. All the Stocks the dividends upon which became due yesterday are now open for private transfer; but as the dividends themselves will not be payable to the public till tomorrow, the usual stimulus of their partial re- investment has not yet been imparted to the market.

The Foreign Funds have been in a quiescent state. Some activity has been observable within the last few days in Portuguese Stock; which has advanced about 1 per cent, and appears to be in demand at the improved prices. The pur- chases have been principally made by the agents of Dutch commercial houses; this stock having recently become a favourite in Holland, where the price is con- tinually but gradually advancing. Peruvian Deferred Stock has also been in de- mand at about 2 per cent advance upon recent prices. The transactions in Rus- sian, Dutch, and other Northern European Stocks, have not been extensive; but the little done has been at rather improved prices. Mexican Bonds have been without any material change, and without any business of moment.

The Railway Shares are all lower; the decline upon the principal varieties being from 21. to 31. Indeed there seems to be no limit to the fall. With the ex- ception of North-western, which is at about 10 premium, hardly any share upon the list is at a premium; and some of the most important lines, as the Great Western and Midland, are at from 45 to 52 per cent discount. Formerly, when- ever a large decline in prices occurred, there were buyers to take advantage of the decline: but now, the market has been in a continued state of depression for a very long time, and every further decline seems to have the effect of bringing sel- lers into the market instead of inducing purchases.

3 per Cent Consols

Ditto for Account

3 per Cent Reduced 34 per Cents

Long Annuities

921 1

921 4 901 91 ex d. 921 I excl.

8 3-16 5-16 ex d.

Danish 3 per Cents Dutch 24 per Cents Ditto 4 per Cents

Mexican 5 per Cents 1846... •

Peruvian 6 per Cents

72 4

531 4 82 3 261 7 53 55 Bank Stock 196 198 ex (1. Portuguese 4 per Cents 1842 .. 304 11 Exchequer Bills 41 5 pm.

Portuguese 5 per Cents 1824..

83 86 India Stock

Russian 5 per Cents 105 108 Brazilian 5 per Cents 83 5

Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents

16 1

Belgian 41 per Cents

86 9

Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 331 41 Chillan 6 per Cents ... ...... 93 5 Venezuela 22 5

Danish 5 per Cents

98 100

Tire accounts of the Bank of England for the week ending the 6th October exhibit, when compared with those of the preceding week, the following results-


Rest Increase.

£6,991 Decrease.

Public Deposits

$38,861 Other Deposits 301,841

Seven-day and other Bills 60,033

Government Securities, Including Dead-weight

Other Securities 364,290

Notes unissued 77,350

Actual Circulation



Notes issued




This week. Last week.

Total Bullion In both Departments

15,118,857 15,254,383

Actual Circulation

18,029,825 18,131,065


An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 32, for the week ending on Saturday, the 6th day of Oct. 1840.



£28,268,310 Government Debt Other Securities Gold Data and Bullion

Silver Bullion

BANKING DEPARTMENT. £11,015,100 2.904.900 13.801.233 497,077 £26,188,310 £28,268,310

Proprietors, Capital


Public Deposits° Other Deposits

Seven Day and other Bills ....

514,553,000 3,390.636 9,029,698 9,103,234 1,073,470 Government Securities,

eluding Dead Weigh tAnnuityltli,385582

Other Securities Notes

Gold and Silver Coln (In-

11.875 433 10,238.483 550,547 £37,310,019 £37.350.019

• laciudlng Exchcquer,SavIngs Banks, Commissioners of NationaiDebt &Dividend Accts.


The English Funds are firm at the closing quotations of yesterday. Nothing worthy of remark has occurred in the Foreign Market ; the prices of all the cur- rent varieties being nominally the same. The Share Market is without improve- ment, although a trifling demand is observable for some of the more important varieties, in consequence of the dealers having oversold themselves, and the ap- proaching settlement of the Account.