13 OCTOBER 1855, Page 8


The doubts regarding the future operations of- the- Bank of France con- tinue to create intense excitement, the more so from the contradictory tone- of the mercantile letters from Paris concerning further contracts for gold. from England : the latest do not refer to the subject, but mention that anxiety still existed respecting the stock of bullion, and that the probability of a further advance in the rate of discount had not been removed, but it would depend, it was thought, upon the future rates on this side. The ru- mour that the Bank of England is selling Stock has been revived ; it has also been stated that part of the gold drawn from the Bank finds its way by- some indirect route to Russia. Random and unfounded reports of com- mercial difficulties have been spread ; the circulation of which just before the arrangement of the Account produced the greater effect on the Funds, when combined with a belief prevalent on the Stock Exchange and in other quarters, the leading bankers excepted, that the Bank of Engliind would this week enhance the rate of discount to 6 per cent : the demand for accommo- dation at that establishment was consequently great. Speculative sales on an increased scale have been made in Consols, and they have repeatedly de- scended to 865; but the fall has been frequently arrested by the public, who evince confidence and continue to invest largely.

Yesterday, when it was known that the Bank had made no alteration in the rate of discount, Consols recovered to 87. Today the settlement of the Account has taken place, and the rate of continuation has been f to 5-16. From a more favourable view of our financial position, and the closing' of accounts by some of the operators for a fall, Consols for Money have reached 875; closing at 8715, and 875 f for the 8th of November. There have been some mitigating influences during the week,—nainely, the quiet state of the Corn-market, symptoms of improvement on the'French Bourse, the firm appearance of the exchanges, an impression that no further sums have been withdrawn for France, and a knowledge that gold has been deposited at the Bank. It is also said that about 400,0001. m specie has been received in Havre from America within the last few days. Exchequer Bills have been heavy, through sales by parties exchanging the investment for Ccinsola and the other Funds. The dividends on the Stocks lately closed- will be payable to the public tomorrow. The bullion and specie arrivals have comprised 111,0001. from America, 48,2851. from Australia, and 46501. from Brazil.

Foreign Securities have been much depressed. Peruvian and Russian have fallen 2, Brazilian, Belgian, and Venezuela 1, Mexican 5. Turkish Six per Cents are now quoted ex-dividend, and have undergone some fluc- tuations : yesterday they were as low as 795, and the new Scrip was done at -

5 discount ; both are now higher. Buenos Ayres has been steady, owing to a.

statement that is proposed to double the monthly remittance for divi- dends.

In Railways the fluctuations have been slight, and, considering the state of Consols, have on the whole been tolerably firm. Yesterday, after the ter- mination of the Bank meeting, there was an improvement of 2s. 6d. to 10s. in several cases, and today they are also higher. London and North-West- ern have advanced 158., and close at 925 5; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 751 5 ; Midland, 645 5; Great Western, dull at 54 5. French Shares have been more in demand during the week. Paris and Lyons are 11. los., Eastern of France, and Northern of France, it. better.


In the English Market there have been some extensive purchases by some of the late sellers, and the Funds have improved 5 since the morning ; Con- sols for Money are now 885-1, for Account al 5. Exchequer Bills 6 1 dis- count. Annuities 1885 16 5-16. Exchequer Bonds 984 5. In Foreign Stocks, Brazilian is 1, and Turkish 5 better ; the latter has been done at 801 1 ;305 lf ; Ditto New Scrip 35 25 discount. Buenos Ayres 535; Spanish Certificates 4. Railways are higher, owing to the rise in Console; preparations for the arrangement of the Account on Monday have occupied the chief attention— Eastern Counties, 95; Great Northern, A Stock, 68; Great Southern and Western, (Ireland,) 100; Great Western, 54; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 755; London and North-Western, 93; Midland, 645; North British, 251; North-Eastern—Berwick, 685 ; Ditto Extension, 12 ; Ditto York, 455; Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, 241 ; South-Eastern, 565. Pre- ference Shares—Eastern Counties Extension 5 per Cent No. 1, 5 prem.; Ditto 5 per Cent No. 2, 5 prem. • Great Northern 5 per Cent, 1124 ; Ditto 5 per Cent, Redeemable at 10 per Cent Fern., 1075; Eastern of France, 355; Great Western of Canada, 235; Northern of France, 345; Paris and Lyons, 45 ; Zealand, 19. Mines—Brazilian Cocaea and Cuiaba, 3. Joint Stock Banks—Australasia, 85; Colonial, 195 ; Union of Australia, 685. Miseella- neous—Canada, 148; Crystal Palace, 25; General Screw Steam Shipping Company, 141; Royal Mail Steam, 704; South Australian Land, 35.

Swedish 4 per Cents

A meeting of the creditors of De Lisle and Co. was held on Monday ; Mr. B. Dobree presiding. It was intimated that the proceedings were of a prelimi- nary character, with the view of obtaining temporary forbearance on the part of the creditors until some suggestions made by the friends of the house


The English Funds are 5 lower than the prices attained yesterday after official hours, when Consols for Account were done at 88 5 ; they are now 875 5, and 871 for Money. Exchequer Bills 7 2 discount. The bullion return by the Bank of England shows a decrease of 659,6471. The Foreign Market is steady ; Turkish Stock is 801 1 ex dividend, Ditto New Four per- Cent Scrip 35 35 discount. In Railways no alteration has occurred—Great Western, 545 ; London and North-Western, 925; these are the only bar- gains at present.

3 per Cent Consols


Ditto for Account 88

8 per Cent Reduced 87

New 3 per Cents 88

Long Annuities 85 • Bank Stock 207 9 Exchequer Bills 6 1 dis.

India Stock 227 9

Austrian 5 per. Cents

80 2

Brazilian 5 per Cents 98 100 Belgian 44 per Cents 93 5 Chilian 6 per Cents 99 101 Danish 5 per Cents 101 3 Danish 3 per Cents 81 4 Dutch 24 per Cents 64 5- Ditto 4 per Cents 93 5 Mexican 3 per Cents 214 5 Peruvian 44 per Cents 71 3

Ditto 3 per Cents 52 4

Portuguese 4 per Cents 48'6 Russian 5 per Cents 95 8

Ditto 44 per Cents

Spanish 3 per Cents Ditto Deferred Sardinian 5 per Cents 85 8 374 8- 19 83 5 87 90

can be presented in a definite shape. Two proposals have been thought of, and the course ultimately to be followed will be left to the decision of the creditors. The first is the introduction of capital, if possible, through the assistance of friends, the payment of twenty shillings in the pound, and the immediate resumption of business. In the event of this plan failing, the next will be a liquidation of the estate under inspection, and the distribution of the assets as they may be received. If the process of inspection is carried out, a new firm will then be formed to take up the counexion, which is valu- able, and can without difficulty be kept together. In this state of affairs an adjournment was moved until Saturday, when it was expected a finarar- rangement might be come to. Meanwhile, the funds of the house were stated to be in perfect safety. The accounts, though in a forward state, were not completed. The adjournment was agreed to.

At the iron-masters' quarterly meeting at Birmingham, on Thursday, the tone of the market was pronounced " firm," but any advance at present was repudiated.