13 OCTOBER 1860, Page 7


On Tuesday, the Chief Secretary for Ireland and Mrs. Cardwell ar- rived in Galway by the midday train from Dublin. They immediately proceeded to the Queen's College, where they were met and conducted through the building by the Vice-President and the Registrar. Their examination of the building occupied over an hour, and at its conclusion, Mr. Cardwell expressed himself in the highest terms of the arrangements of the college, and said he was happy to learn that it was making such rapid progress. Mr. and Mrs. Cardwell left for Leenane, Letterfrack, Connemara, next morning, where they will spend some time previous to their return to the metropolis.

Dr. Paul Cullen ordered a mass to be celebrated for the repose of the souls of the " undaunted warriors" who fell in defending the Papal territory against that "nocturnal robber," the King of Sardinia. Dr. Cullen says-

" The cause of the Pope is the cause of God ; it must triumph ; but it is our duty to pray that the present evils may not be prolonged, and that peace may soon be restored to the Church. May the names of our countrymen, and of the Bretons, Belgians, Bavarians, Swiss, Austrians, and Italians, who died with them defending tee same holy cause of religion, be in per- petual benediction ; may their souls obtain eternal peace and happiness."