13 OCTOBER 1866, Page 3

A strangely socrowful, yet dramatic story, is told of ,*

Nipprqss Charlotte of Mexico. It letimid, it4e9me to-be true, (Out tkle fatigues and excitements of the last few years, rtnirinatiug in the final refusal of the EmperorNapoleon to assist Mexico vvith further troops er treasure, have overset her reason. The unhappy lady, daughter and wife of reigning Sovereigns, has become a mono- maniac, believes herself ourrounded with poisoners, and recently besowlit the Pope to ,allow her to.temain in the Vatican, where alege.,ehe ;was safe. This request could not, he granted, more e9finiA1iYsf4811,44nilisan,under the censure i9f the 9.4F-91; and the Emprwhas since been Aeorted.by her brether., the Comte de Planclreff,1 to igixamar. Qtyiet ,and. time will, we *met, restore a lady of :whom mooing but geod has law. 1q own, but the **at inuet,accelerate the inevitable depaatare:Pf w4q, with the French troops about to retire and the Juariets regsOing city after city, telegraph,s to his legations to tell the .world that all goes well.