one far -more solid education in morals, politics, aad pconemy than ordinary life gives,the Irishman of the ordinary ;kind. .4s a mere matter of education, it would anstv"> one far -more solid education in morals, politics, aad pconemy than ordinary life gives,the Irishman of the ordinary ;kind. .4s a mere matter of education, it would anstv" />
13 OCTOBER 1866, Page 3

alr..Orgtin,,,the,aille, 'lecturer ' to. the Dubiin.antl„1,usk ,cpnvict prisons, who has

b,een•#oaucceesful .in ataiAg the refermatiOn of criminals, tells -DS in his last report.tlrat Up Atigilawd _convict from these sr-WM& has sever been AeviOed "ens*. The truth no doubt as that the-convicts -in the ,949:0444e p,> one far -more solid education in morals, politics, aad pconemy than ordinary life gives,the Irishman of the ordinary ;kind. .4s a mere matter of education, it would anstver•to psoJit of-them to commit a orimethet -would send them liar threeor -loarhYaars to Dublin or Lusk. But what a .comment Wills on the adneatioaaslsyetera of 'Ireland ! A considerable event has occurred at Fortress Monroe. The American Government has been trying experiments to ascertain whether iron-plated granite will resist shot. A •target thirty feet high, thirty-six feet wide, and eight feet thick, was erected and plated with four layers of iron each DBO thick. A Rodman, 15-inch amoOth bore, And a 4740 #110 *0611411.1b were planted 350 yards off, and on 21st -Septe,mber eleven shots were fired, and on the 22ndsix more. The result was, that while the shot when unresisted by the iron plates pulverized the granite, they never penetrated the plates. So impressed is the British Government with the result of the experiment, that it has, according to a demi-official ann.ouncemeut, resolved -to plate the fortifications, at Portsmouth with immensely think ilayers of iron. Earth is, we imagine, out of the question there, but we wish the Ordnance would go to the expense of trying ,the heavy gi,ths sgai,ust earthworks. They cost comparatively nothing, emild be put up in a inonth, ,and certainly resisted the old forms .9f assault better than any, structures of masonry. Would bolt from a Rodman gun cleave a way through an su4inary railway embank- ment?