13 OCTOBER 1894, Page 18

On Monday, Mr. Tom Mann and his friends bit back

at a mass meeting held at the Drill Hall, Woolwich, under the auspices of the Independent Labour party. Mr. Mann's speech, which is noticed by us elsewhere, did not retort in kind ; but Mr. Frank Smith, in defending the policy of his party, struck at Mr. Burns. " Landlordism was in a hurry, capi- talism was in a hurry, and in spite of cheap sneers, which contained neither wisdom nor wit, the Independent Labour party were going to be in a hurry too. They were said to be badly orgailised. Perhaps they were, but they had no bombastic bullying boss at their head, whose ill-conditioned gibes might do for newspaper proprietors who were getting rich out of the present system." The quarrel is a real one, and will spread because it is real, and not merely persona/. We have given our reasons elsewhere for hoping that Mr. Burns will win in the bitter struggle which is before him.