13 OCTOBER 1923, Page 1

The only proper thing now is for the Government to

undo the mistake by emphatically stating the truth as soon as possible. We are glad to read in the papers that the Dominion Prime Ministers would like their own criticisms on foreign policy to be published. If this should be done everything would, of course, come out, as we could not well have criticisms without the facts criticised. Till proper publicity retrieves the lost situation this country is at the dreadful disadvantage of being- misunderstood and wrongly blamed in all directions. Lord Curzon's speech to the Imperial Conference can be represented in an entirely false light, as wantonly provocative to France.

488 Yet it can seem wanton only so long as it appears to contradict the views quite falsely attributed to Mr. Baldwin after the Paris interview. There was no contra- diction, and the sooner the Government explicitly say so the better.