13 OCTOBER 1923, Page 3

The Minister of Transport has addressed an admirable circular letter

to the local authorities on the subject of the disfiguring of our high roads by the hideous and indiscriminate advertisements which now border them. Anyone who has lately been out of London by the Bath Road can testify to the urgency of this question. The approaches to London are fast becoming mere cut- tings through avenues of hoardings. Almost worse, every village in the countryside has its incredibly un- sightly advertisement for the various needs of the motorist. It is obvious that some action is necessary ; it would indeed be in the best interests of the advertisers them- selves, for they will soon kill half the pleasure of motoring, at any rate within twenty-five miles of London. At present they are making a devastated area of the delightful country which every London motorist seeks when he goes out on a pleasure drive.
