13 OCTOBER 1939, Page 19


SIR,—Canon Roger Lloyd in his article last week points to Germany as a menace because she has fought four wars in less than a hundred years. We have got a much more imposing record than that. In the 8o years before 1914, we had : Two Afghan wars (1838 and 188o), Two Boer wars (1881 and 1899), The Crimean war (1856), The Zulu war (1879), The Egyptian war (1882), Abyssinia (1867), Ashanti (1873-4) and a series of wars in China. We called some of these " punitive expeditions," but they all involved consider- able loss of life and expense. Of course they were all wars of "Defence."

Another historical fact which is conveniently forgotten is that between the last partition of Poland in 1795 and 1918, that is to say for a hundred and twenty-three years, we acquiesced, not in the reduction of the frontiers of Poland but, in the extinction of Poland as an independent State.— Yours faithfully, PONSONBY. Shulbrede Priory, Lynchmere, Haslemere.