13 OCTOBER 1967, Page 28

Table Talk

Sir: The letter from Graham Greene in the issue of 22 September had a curious ending. He denounced as 'war propagandists' Cardinal Spell- man and 'Bishop Sheehan.' Now, there is a Cardinal Sheean of Baltimore and, of course, Bishop Fulton J. Sheen, now head of the diocese of Rochester, Ntv. 1 don't know the political views of the cardinal from Baltimore, but I pre- sume Mr Greene was not speaking of him, anyway. Bishop Sheen, since settling in Rochester, has .come to express some sympathy with civil rights groups there and some lack of sympathy with the American policy in Vietnam. Could be he needed merely to get free of Cardinal Spell- man's sphere of influence here in New York City. Cardinal Spellman, however, remains dismal.