13 SEPTEMBER 1834, Page 16




A Sketch of Chinese !fide*, Ancient And Modern ; corriptds;ng a Retrospect of the past resident in that country. vids • Sailla and Eithr. Map of the Empire. By the Reverend Charles Gut zlaff, iww and for many years Foreign Intercourse and Trade with China. Illihtrated by a new and conveted View or the Origin and Migrations or the Bnitctajnls Nation; dernmstratin4 their Anvient Discovery amt Progressive SeIlletnent of the cow Ment th Ammica. fly Joint Dunmore Lang. D.B. Principal of the Anorali•oi College, $ 11w:'. A,Ithor of.' An Historical and Statistitsal Account .4 New So Curbruge wed


Spain Yesterday and To.Day. By the Author of "Po:Jogai," "The New 1...state,"&c.,

Platen nail ilarny.

RIWIRAP111/ AND earrictsm.

The literary Life and Miscellanies of John Galt. $ t,b, DI. EtAi:rood.

The Words of a Believer. (Les Paroles Won Cr yuat.) T:::ntlated from the Finch

of de la %minds CULEfAs.