13 SEPTEMBER 1879, Page 21


Thaekeray's Works : the New "Edition de Luxe." (Smith and Elder.)—Our reference to this magnificent edition of Thackoray's works last week was necessarily deficient in some details. It is an effort, by Messrs. Smith, Elder, and Co., to do honour to the great author, by producing an edition which shall be unrivalled in typo- graphical and artistic perfection, and we are bound to say that they have succeeded. The collection, in twenty-four volumes, is complete, and the illustrations, prepared by some twenty of the first draughts- men of our day, including Millais, Luke Fildes, Miss Thompson (Mrs. Butler), G. du Meunier, John Leech, Frank Dickaee, Linley Sam- bourne, F. Barnard, E. J. Wheeler, Charles Keene, &o., as well as the author himself, are, as we said, marvellously fine. Only one thousand copies of the edition, on which a fortune has been ex- pended, have been printed, the edition not being intended so much for the public, as for the wealthy collectors who like to possess groat anthers in a form which gratifies to a high degree bibliographical taste. The work has been a labour of love with the publishers, as well as a most costly enterprise, they desiring to raise a kind of monument to the greatest of the great writers who have been con- nected with them.