13 SEPTEMBER 1913, Page 17



SIR,—Your article in issue of July 26th (pp. 129 and 130) on this subject gives in concise form a very clear idea as to the general purport of such a scheme. The proposition is vivifying in the extreme ; it is a superb suggestion, and will, of course, be carried out to a successful termination and issue. The buildings, metaphorically speaking, will be silhouetted against the mental horizon of millions throughout the Dominions, like the Matterhorn flung against a clear, pure Swiss sky. But the name must be changed. Get your imagination working to improve on it, for various reasons. The name "Dominion House" signifies to many of us small country hotels throughout the length and breadth of the land; the majority of hotels bearing the name being anything but gems ; many are exceedingly poor specimens. This is not said in a carping spirit of criticism. The singular, "Dominion," does not seem to cover all the Colonies either, does it? "House" does not convey what we want it to—a sort of word that signifies a smaller class of building. Mansion would be larger. Why not try "Dominions Buildings," or" Dominions Imperial Mansions," or anything that would be impressive and convey a sort of impression of massing together in one building all the legislative buildings and Parliament buildings throughout the Empire? Apologizing for trespass-

ing on your space, I am, Sir, &c., H. J. HOI/AN. Winnipeg : August 18th, 1913.