12 SEPTEMBER 1924, Page 2

The. present war broke out between Chi Hsieh- yuan, the

Military Governor of Klangsu, and Lu Yung-hsiang, the Military Governor of Chekiang. The former of these gentlemen is a member of the great Chihli party and a subordinate of Wu-Pei-fu. The latter is the one principal ally of Chang Tso-lin outside Man- churia. Hence Chang Tso-lin's interest in the present campaign. At first it was open to him to regard it as a mere provincial squabble, but now that the Central Government has definitely taken sides with CM Hsieh- yuan, he can only regard it as an attempt by his great- opponent, Wu-Pei-fu, and the Central Government which he controls, to- crush his only ally in the south. There- fore on Monday last he-- deelared war on the Central Government, and is said to be moving south. • * *