12 SEPTEMBER 1924, Page 3

In an interview,' published in the Westminster Gazette on Friday,-

September 5th, Sir Alfred Yarrow expressed the opinion that though British trade might be better in the immediate future it would -later have lo meet more dangerous competition than ever. " The time has passed when no one but a Briton was an engineer or a shipbuilder." The limitation of output by " ea' canny," he said, was increasing the cost of production, and this was keeping us out of the markets of the world. To -some extent, however, he blamed the masters who were very slow to adapt science to the improvement of their factories. They were particularly slow in the investiga- tion of chemical processes. In his view there was only one hope for the future of British trade—to decrease the cost .of production. An enormous help to this end would ,be the general introduction of payment by results. -" The man who does twice as.much ought to get at least double-the pay." In America, which he had just visited, he found .the _average workman doing a great deal more than a workman does here.

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