12 SEPTEMBER 1935, Page 20


[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] Sut,—In The Spectator of July 19th you published a letter from Miss Lee advocating the formation of an armed inter- national police force with which to maintain order amongst the nations.

I beg to draw Miss Lee's attention to Admiral Sir Herbert Richmond's book, Sea Power in the Modern World, in which she will find this question very fully and ably investigated and the conclusion drawn that an economic boycott enforced against an aggressor nation is the most efficient and humane manner of maintaining peace.

Had the other Great Powers threatened Italy with such action, Abyssinia would now be safe and the peace of the world not endangered.—Yours truly, F. H. FiNcif.

Estancia " Garruchos," Garruchos, Provincia de Corrientes, Argentina, August 18th.