12 SEPTEMBER 1940, Page 23


IA prize of a Book Token for one guinea will be given to the sender of the first correct solution of this week's crossword puzzle to be opened. Envelopes should be manked" Crossword Puzzle," and should be received not later than first post on Wednesday. No envelopes will be opened before noon on Wednesday. Solutions should be on the lam appearing below. The name of the winner will be published in oar next issue. Envelopes containing .solutions must bear a lid. stamp, eiheriizse they are surcharged on delivery. Solutions from te U.S.A. ,annot be accepted ]

ACROSS I. A high-churchman, so to speak (ii).

DI Mr. Huxley's hay (5). it. Wrong-doing after coffee, very nearly, for footwear (9).

12. Bad luck on sleepers (2 words) (4, 5).

13. There seems to be a great deal of this head-dress (5).

14. Declare (6).

16. No cards I shuffle (8).

18. Outfit (8).

2o. Led and surrounded too (6).

23. Upstairs on the farm (5). 24. It has no reputation but to be upset (9).

26. Band hero (9). 27. I come back and moan (5).

28. They sound like the nudist headquarters (II).


2. Instructor made of fish (5). 3. A character from Measure for Measure (7).

4. A morning in Lent (6). 5. John is invited to remain (8). 6. It makes all the difference to being damaged to get a hun- dred first (7).

9. Unscrupulous aspect of a villa is Cheam (13).

10. Lord Chatham's salary? (8)

11. Liza, he's Scotch for a plant (13).

x5. They get nosed out (8). 17. He might be near gold (8). 19. Attitude about a label (7). 2z. Old girl of the sea (7). 22. Growing part of a celebrated

preacher of the past (6).

25. The greater part of glamour (5).