12 SEPTEMBER 1946, Page 21

tt THE SPECTATOR " CROSSWORD No. 392 [A Book Token

for one guinea will be awarded to the sender of she first correct sc;laion of this week's crossword to be opened after noon on Tuesday week, Cep:ember 24th. Envelopes must be received not later than first post that day and 'rni.st bear the word "Crossword," the NUMBER of the puzzle and a lid. stamp. Solutions Mat be on the form below, and none can he accepted from the U.S.A. The solution and the name of the winner will be published. in she following issue.]


r. Hammer like a snow vehicle in reverse. (rt.)

9. Making for stability all goes either way in the middle. (7.) 10. Is there a salt-water crossing here ? (7.)

II. Where the poor man lives incog. (Ii.) 12. "Homs shall behold thy morning meal, and - see thee safe in bed " (Flecker). (4.)

14. Applied like lipstick if taken aback. (5.) 15. Wind from Shelley for sensational entertainment. (4, 4.) 17. Signiors were also potent and grave. • (S.) 19. A man of some address, perhaps, re- quiring support. (5.) 22. It turns without moving. (4.) 23. A cow would complete the old slogan. (5, 5.) 26. Like the sides of a scalene triangle.


27. Falsehood told by a little scamp. (7.)

28. " Think him as a serpent's egg which, hatched, would as his kind grow (Shakespeare). (rr.)


I. Fish turned yellow. (5.) 2. How to avoid friction. (v.) 3. Do they earn their pay when in their cups, so to speak ? (so.) 4. Respites for house-agents ? 3.) 5. Even tepid C.O.'s may become it. (8.)

6. She takes one end of a gamp. (4.)

7. Cat treads (snag.). (9.) 8. Card under the sun. (6.) 13, Like other fruits, it is associated with the fall. (5, 5.) 14. Equal quantity ? (9.) 16. Unfit in a confused county. (8.) 18. " The fair, round face, the snowy beard. The - of her paws " (Gray). (6.) 20. Green, I depart. (7.) 21. A taste for saute. (6.) 24. Ironed by the Protector. (5.) 25 A mug turned insular. (4.)