14 APRIL 1832, Page 14

The following news of Don PEDRO'S proceedings, we copy from

the Courier of last night- " We have received by an arrival from Terceira the papers of that island up to the Illth ult. They contain, among other articles of interest, the decree of Don PEDRO, on assuming the Regency of Portugal; and another decree establish- ing the customary forms of Government during a Regency, according to the provisions of the Constitutional Charter.

"Among the acts of the new Regent, we find a decree relieving the people of his dominions from the burthensome operation of the tithes ; and another an- nulling all the acts of confiscation by the usurper against the faithful Portuguese, to whom Don PEDRO promises full compensation in proper season for the in- juries which they have sustained in supporting the rights of the Queen, and ad- hering to the Constitutional Charter. One of these papers gives a long and very gratifying account of the reception of Don PEDRO in the island of Terceira. It appears to have been of the most ardent description, and will prove a bitter dis- appointment to the Miguelites and soi-disant Liberals, who had speculated upon a different result.

"Our private advices from Terceira announce that the Conde DE FUNCHAL has been accredited by Don PEDRO to this Court, and his arrival here may be hourly expected."