14 APRIL 1849, Page 1

Nothing further is ascertained respecting the result of King Frederick

William's election to the throne of " Germany." The reports as to the counsel given by the Governments of Tads and London'are diainetrically opposite—that both Governments had counselled him to accept, and that both had counselled him to decline. if a conspicuous paper in the Lead- ing Journal is any foretoken of the course which the same journal will have to applaud as that of Ministers, our Government has taken its posi- tion against the completion of a German empire. The writer argues against " innovation,' —as if that were less inevitable than tomorrow; and he stands by the treaties of 1815,—as if every state in Europe woul not kick against the enforcement of those treaties upon itself. Austria will as little give up Polish Gallicia, as Belgium will return to Holland, or Russia restore Warsaw. "Innovation "h—why one of Vulliamy's clocks has been set up in the arsenal of Mussulman Constantinople ; so that the very Turks are learning to know what 's o'clock.

The Germans have gained a naval victory over the Danes ! That is an "innovation" in MeV. Yes, two small batteries in the small town of Eckenfiirde have destroyed a line-of- battle ship and captured a frigate, with great loss of life. Immense exasperation the event will cause among the Danes, immense exultation among the Germans ; so that, with both parties enteuis, a settlement of the Schleswig affair seems to be further off than ever.