14 APRIL 1849, Page 8

Paris papers describe the soiree given to the London deputation

by the Prefect of the Seine, at the Hotel de Ville, on Wednesday. The corre- spondent of a morning paper mentions, with pleased wonder at the incident as unprecedented in all France, that the band of the National Guards fol- lowed up "God save the Queen" with "Rule Britannia." The President

of the Republic was present, and "left nothing undone to gratify the Eng- lish guests." Many of the most distinguished military officers in Paris were also present.

The National Guards gave the visiters a banquet on Thursday night, in the Salle Valentino. M. Francisque Bouvet, a Deputy, presided. Not- withstanding the high price of the dinner (fifteen francs) the hall was crowded. The chairman was supported on the right by Mr. Lloyd, and on the left by Mr. Kennard, described by the French papers as "Governor of the County of Middlesex," and who in that capacity wore "the English uniform of the functionaries of his order, a red coat, with epaulettes a praise d'epinards." Among the toasts, M. Jobet proposed the health of the "Queen of England "; adding, "she was the first to come and shake us by the hand." The toast was drunk with the utmost cordiality.

M. Proudhon has retired to Mons in Belgium, "to prepare his mdmoire or appeal to the Court of Caseation."