14 APRIL 1860, Page 11


I. The following is an Abstract of the gross Produce of the Revenue of the United Kingdom, in the undermentioned periods, ended March 31, 1860, compared with the corresponding periods of the preceding year.

Cuat01116 Excise Stamps Taxes Property Tax Post-office Crown Lauds Miscellaneous Totals .

Customs , Excise

Stamps ...... ..... •••••

Taxes Property Tax Post-office Crown Lands Miscellaneous.

Totals Customs


Stamps Taxes Property Tat. Post-office Crown. Lands Miscellaneous

Totals 5,341,877 383,877 5,998,746 321,360 £3,019,200 £6,612,386

Net Increase. Net Increase.

III. An Account ahowing the Revenue and other Receipts of the Quar- ter ended March 31, 1860 ; the Application of the same, and the Charge of the Consolidated Fund for the said Quarter, together with the Surplus orDeficiency upon such Charge.

Surplus Balance beyond the Charge of the Consolidated PUAI1, for the Quarter ended December al, 1880, vie...- Great Britain Ireland £720,591 -------- 790,431

Income received hi the Quarter ended March 81,1660, as shown in Account I. 20,219,807 Amount received in the Quarter ended Match 31, 18110,1n repayment of Ad- vances for Public Works,&c 267,571


Amount applied out of the Income to Supply Services, in the Quarter ended Charge of the Consolidated Fund for the Quarter ended March 31,

Amount applied out of the income for the Quarter ended March 31, 1880, 31, 1859, via March 31, 1840

in redemption of Exchequer Bills (Deficiency) for the Quarter ended December

1860, v Interest of the Permanent Debt £5,607,814 Terminable Debt 604,328 Interest of Exchequer Bills (Deficiency) 962 Other Charges on OonsolidateA Fund 373,663 Advances for Public Works, &e. 282,872 The Civil List 100,884

Surplus Balance beyond the Charge of the Consolidated,rtind, for the Quarter ended March 31, 1860, viz.-

4324,758 arvat Britain Ireiaud 1,029,892 1,148,648 £21,207,999 Q1J4RTEES ENDED 3014 June 20th Sept. 1664 1869.

£'£ 6.108,418 6,676,866 4,945,000 5,549,000 1,960,582 1,927,000

1,349,900 146,000 782,108 1,874,000 795,1100 150,000 64,500 61,979 497,650- 839,981 Slat Dec. I 31st March 1059. 1880.

18,492,268 17,264,778 17,112,839 20,210,807

QUARTERS ENDED 80th June 30th Sept. 1468. 1858. 31st Dec.

1828. 81st March 1869.

4 5,879,039 6,115,422 4,696,000 6,089,000 2,064,370 1,421,000 1,326,006 141,000 1,199,587 2,464,M* 785,900 746,000 84,000 60,940 300,170 681.690 4 6,209,187 6,004,060 2,029,000 1,383,000 547,000 869,009 82,500 917,971 14,179,986 18,984,053 17,032,668 15,200,607 8,225,000 5,360,000 2,018,000 1,424,000 938,900 830,000 83,090 234,830


5,060,618 4,507,000 2,128,016 313,000 6,002,000 915,000 75,000 729,173


5,914,295 3,187,000 2,061,399 312,000 2,483.000 830,000 72,800 340,313 Year ended 31st March 1860. Year ended 31st March 1859.

Customs Excise Stamps Taxes Property 'fax Post otlice Crown Lands Miscellaneous Totals £ £ 24,480,902 24,117,943 20,381,000 17,902,000 9,013,598 8,005,769 9,232,00.1 3,162,000 9,596,106 6,683,587 3,310,000 3,200,000 284,179 280,040 1,901,584 2,125,914 -- - 71,989,869 65,477,283 II. Increase and Decrease in the Quarter and Tear ended March 31, 1860, as compared with the corresponding periods of the preceding year.


Mardi AI, 18.0,

YEAR- ENDED March 31, 1059.


£ 1,320,000 66,617 1,000 3,519,000 85,000 2,400 388,860 Decrease.

363,677 Increase.

£ 342,966 2,459,000 37,829 70,000 2,912,519 110,000 4,409 Decrease.

£ 324,380 £2,971,601 9,917,268 6,970,552