14 APRIL 1866, Page 2

The Emperor of the French has, it is said, signified

to the Ger- man Governments that the radical reform of the Federation is not a domestic question. It must obtain the assent of those who signed the Treaties of Vienna. This is a e e in the direction of an European Congress, but it is reported tit France is pushing forward secret preparations, strengthening the garrison of Stras- bourg, and disposing the weight of her army towards her north- eastern frontier. ThPEmperor, moreover, holds military councils at which Marshal Niel is present, and according to the corre- spondent of the Times, asks persons who urge him to interfere, " Que voulez vows?" which sounds mystical. It seems most pro- bable that he is, as usual, waiting for events, resolved to profit by any opportunity, and meanwhile getting his army into good con- dition. The cuirassiers, who under M. Fould's advice were to be disbanded, are to be retained.