13 APRIL 1944, Page 14


Sta,—Owing to the loss of my books and notes re Hong Kong, due to enemy action, I confused the British Medical Association with the General Medical Council of Education, a statutory body that recognised the Uni- versity of Hong Kong Degree in Medicine as being acceptable for registra- tion, allowing practice and registration cf the Chinese and ether graduates in medicine in the United Kingdom. That registration is granted to graduates of medicine in the University of London. In the endeavour to limit the length of my letter the statement concerning the standard of the University of Hong Kong degrees may have conveyed the impression that the authorities of the University of London were responsible for the examinations, which was not the case. The argument concerning the high standard attained by medical and engineering graduates in the Uni- versity of Hong Kong is not affected by this explanation.—Yours sincerely, 21 Five Mile Drive, Oxford. C. A. KIDDLETON SMITH.