14 AUGUST 1830, Page 9


WE anticipated as a matter of course, that Mr. Brougham and his col- leagues, Lord Morpeth and Messrs. Duncombe and Bethel!, would be returned for Yorkshire, notwithstanding the opposition of Mr. Stapyl- ton ; and we have not been disappointed. The attempt of the last gen- tleman to disturb the county was, to say truth, as impertinent as any that has been made in our recollection. Setting aside the absolute want of anything like support, he did not take the trouble to exhibit to the -electors the forms of ordinary courtesy. He left the hustings after the nomination, wishing the electors "all at the devil," and threatening them with a fifteen days' poll. It was closed 'on the morning of the second day. In Essex, the polling, accompanied by the filthiest person- ality, still goes on, and Mr. Wellesley still continues to lose. He says he will keep it open to the last moment allowed by law,.in order to swell the costs of his opponents. This, we suppose, is meant as a practical -exemplification of Mr. Wellesley's opinions of law and equity. In Suf- ,folk, Sir Thomas Gooch has acted with more fairness : finding at the :end of the second day, that he had no chance of being returned, he


ANTRIM (County).

O'Neil Belfast . . ...



Lord Osborne ..... .

Adeane ....... ..... ......... Lord Manners........ ...... Coax (City).

Boyle . ........

Baldwin ...

DEVON (County).

Ebrington ...... ..............

Acland Bastard.... .

Lomax (City).

Moore ..... ......... ..... . .....


Grattau ............ DUBLIN (County).

White ......... ..... ....

Hamilton .. ..... Talbot ................. .....


NOTtil .......... .....

O'Connell.. ....... . • • . .........


Western ..... ........

Wellesley.-- ..... ......• .. ... OF THE POLLS.


287 O'Hara.. • • .

.. 248 .. 246 Gross majority for Mr. O'Hara


2253 Leader ..... 1999 1725 NV. H. Bayley.......... ..........

. 1141 LEICESTER (County).

Keck 3e4 Manners. . . • • • Paget ...... .

2944 LIME R ME (City). Rice.. ..... ....... ...... ........

2174 Dickson ............. Dawson ...L..°..u.." (County) . 1836

M'Clintuck Bellew . . 1911 Shell ..... ..... Mayo (County): • •

... 136

112 101 Kerr . 76 J. Browne... ..... ...

D. Browne.... .... ..... ....

Donnell.. . .. . . .. ..

2e7 s ST R ATII. ochefort W.MIL

Chapman ....... . . . .........

2037 Tuite

1861.1 .


• .

• • .... 4(C





1135 795 463 371 269 223 196

193 11 2 2




frankly gave in. Colonel Joliffe has been beaten in Surrey since eta last, by the independent candidate ; to whom he also, on finding the struggle fruitless, honourably yielded the field.", In Devonshire, Lord Ebrington has been proposed instead of Colonel Bastard, whom we per- ceive by the accounts of this morning, he has ousted. The position of Sir T. D. Acland seemed at the commencement somewhat hazardous, but he soon topped his opponent. In politics there is not much difference between Sir Thomas and the Colonel. The latter has always voted with Minis- ters, except on the Test Acts and Catholic Bill ; Sir Thomas voted with them on these and all other questions. Lord Ebrington is an accession to the county members. Bedford borough is decided at last : Captain Polhill is returned, and Lord John Russell is thrown out. There has been very little speech-making, but nowhere in England has there been a closer run of votes than at Bedford. Lord John Russell and Captain Polhill, after moving on pan i passu for eight or ten days, quit the field, the one with 490, the other with 491 votes ! Captain Polhill is said to be the Lona fide lessee of Drury Lane Theatre; in that character, if not in eloquence, he will be the successor of Sheridan.


Axons (County).—Ilon. W. Maule. Arri.sur.—Hon. H. Tuttou ; Lord Mait- land

ARMAGH {County). — lord Acheson ; Browillow.

A R MA G Jr.—Right Hon. G.Goulburn. AYRSHI RE.—W. Blair.

BANFF' (County).—J. Morrison, Esq. SANDON.—Lord Bernard. BassertAw.—Lord Newark ; Captain


BEDFORD.—Marquess of Tavistock; W. Stuart.

REDFO 'IA.—H. Whitbread; W. Polhill. Bea am.sTow.—Lord Loraine; C.Black- ett.

BELFAST.—Sir A. Chichester.

B riECKNOCKS RE.—T. Wood. CARDIGANSIIIRE.—Colonel Powell. CARLOW.—Lord Tullamore. CARMARTHEN (County).—Hon. G. H.


CARNARVON (County).—C.W. G.Wynn. Carta cargetous.—Lord G. Hill. CASHEL—M. Pennefuther.

CHESTER (County).—W. Egerton; Vis- count Belgrave.

Ctowmo t.—E. Coote.

CORNWALL—Sir It. R. vyvyan ; E. W. Pendarves.

CUMBERLAND (County)...-.SiT L Low- ther ; Sir R. G. Graham.

De vows ut an.—Lord Ebrington ; Sir T.

D. Acland.

DORSET (County).—E. B. Portman ; Henry Bankes.

Do wx.—Ruthven.

DUIAFE IRS (County).—J. J. H. John- stone.

DinioanNow.—Hon. T. Knox. DUNGAR VON.—Hon. George Lamb. DURHAM (County).—Lord NV. Powlett ; NV. Russell, Esq. Eur NS R (City).—Hon. W. Hondas. EDINBURGH (County).—Sir Geo. Clerk, Bart.

FLINTS IIIRE.—Sir T. Mostyn.

HLAM ita.a.): (Con nty).—C. R. M. Talbot. HADDII■:GT ON (County).—LOId Hay. HAM rsut az.—Fleming ; Sir W. Heath.


Ilauarounantas.—Sir J. Cottrell; Sir It. Price. HUNTINGDON (County).—Lord Mande- ville ; Lord StrAtilaVell. EENT.—si r linatehlm I I ; T.L. Hodges, KILAF:NNY.—N. P. Leader, Esq. Kt SALE.—Capt. John Russell. LIMERICK.—Col. Fitzgibbon ; COI.


Lracol.s.—(county) Charles Chaplin; Sir W. Ingilby. _ LINLITHGOW (COIIIIty)....-Sir A. Rope. Li SD UR N.—Henry Meynell.

L ONGFORD..--MV. A. Lefroy ; Ld. Forbes:

ITC tt (Borough).—Ron. L.Kenyon„ MONTGOMERY (COUllty).-HOLI. C. W.

W. Wynn.

Non vo La.—T. W. Coke ; Sir W. Folkes. NORTHUNDERLAND..—M. Dell; T. W. Beaumont.

Oita° au.—Fane ; Lord Norreys. Pamir Les (County.)—Lord Montgomery. rsmartoKssinna.—sir J. Owen. QUEENBOROUGH.—W. Holmes ; S. Ca.

pet ; Sir P. Durham (double return). QUEEN'S COUNTY.—Sir H. Parnell; Sir •

C. Coate.

RADNOR (County).—Hon. F. Lewis. RADNO R.—R. Price.

ItuAnixo.—Palmer ; Russell.

KEN 'maw (County).—Sir M.S. Stewart. ROSCOMMON (County).—O'Conor Don; A. French.

SELKIRK (Connty).—A. Pringle. Sri tr. or s HIRE.—Sir R. Hill ; J.C. Pelham. - S LIG o.—John Wynne. Solis a SE T.■AV. Dickinson ; E. A. Sand- ford.

STAFFORD (County).—SirJohn Wrottes. Icy; E. J. Littleton. S FrO LIS.—Sir II. Sunbury; Tyrrell. Son y.—W. J. Denison ; J. J.Briscoe. -- Suss Ex.-11. Cartels; W. Burrell. TaUR o.—Lord Encombe ; Mr. Peache. TYRONE (County.)—Hou. H. Corny; Sit

H. Stewart.

Wayaa eo Jno. Newport.

WE smioaRLAND.—Ld. Lowther ; Hon.

He. Lowther.

Wax mu n.—Wm. Wigram.

WICKLOW (County).—Colonel Howard; J. Grattan.

Wivrs.—Sir Sao. Astley ; J. Benett.

YORESH IR MOrpail ; RIOLIglianl. I Duncorube; Bethel.