14 AUGUST 1841, Page 4


A preparatory meeting was held at the Royal Exchange in Dublin, on Monday, Colonel Henry White, M.P. in the chair, to make arrange- ments for a public meeting bf the Reformers of Ireland, on Thursday, " to consider the most suitable means of testifying the national admira- tion of the public character of Lord Viscount Morpeth, and to mark the gratitude of the Irish people towards his Lordship for his long and

most useful labours on behalf of our country, and his eminent services to the cause of civil and religious liberty."

The meeting took place accordingly. The Duke of Leinster was voted to the chair. Mr. O'Connell and a host of public men, titled and untitled, were present. Among the resolutions passed was the follow- ing— o That we deplore the recent event which has deprived the country of the services of Lord Morpeth in the House of Commons, as a misfortune of no or- dinary kind to the empire at large, but especially to Ireland, whose interest found in Lord Morpeth a strenuous and constant advocate."

An address, couched in terms of affection and regret at Lord Mor- peth's retirement from the Government and Parliament, was unani- mously adopted. The address says-

" To recapitulate the various acts of public service which your Lordship has accomplished in Ireland would far exceed the limits prescribed to an occasion like the present. To enumerate the beneficent designs in which your Lordship has been engaged, but which have been rendered abortive by the hostility of the enemies of Ireland, would still more transcend the boundary which we have defined for our immediate purpose. Let your Lordship be assured, that the people of Ireland treasure in their hearts the recollection of every benefit de- signed for the amelioration of their country."

One of the resolutions was to invite Lord Morpeth to a public dinner.

Mr. George Wyse, a brother of the late Member for Waterford, has been appointed Magistrate at the Head Police-office, Dublin.

The uneasy state of the public mind in Ireland, produced by the prospect of a Tory Government, has induced her Majesty's representa tive to recommend that an addition be made to the military force in that country. We have of late years had the pleasure of reporting a re- duction in the army stationed there. We have now the unpleasant duty of stating that a regiment of cavalry is ordered to proceed to Ireland forthwith, to be followed by two infantry regiments.— Globe, Aug. 13.

At the meeting of the Repeal Association in the Corn Exchange, on Monday, Mr. O'Connell produced the report of the Committee on the future course of action for the Association. The report sets out with the premises that there is no society or association at present in exist- ence with which the Repealers can combine ; that in no imaginable combination of parties should they relax their efforts to obtain Repeal; and that it is totally beside the purposes of the Repeal Association to be influenced by the fact of what party may be in power or what party in opposition ; "the Repealers must in future look to themselves. There are no friends of Ireland so sincere in their attachment to our country as to justify or palliate any relaxation for their sake of our strenuous exertions to obtain the Repeal." However, they propose to cooperate with English and Scotch Reformers-

" Subject, thus, to our unalterable determination to persevere by all legal and constitutional modes of action in procuring the Repeal of the Union, we are convinced that much benefit may be achieved to the cause of liberty in general by a hearty cooperation of all classes of Reformers in England, Ireland, and Scotland, for further reform. We hold out the band of fellowship to the English and Scotch Reformem. We Repeaters are ready in our own indivi- dual capacity to cooperate heartily and zealously in procuring a further mea- sure of reform. We will cooperate with all or any class of Reformers in any part of the British dominions. We will support any Ministry that inscribes on its banners 'Further Reform.' • * * * We will never support any Ministry or any party that will not give the pledge of further reform.'

The Whigs are disowned ; and the terms are dictated upon which the Reformers of Great Britain may obtain the countenance of the Repeal Association— •

" The declaration lately published by Lord John Russell is a document of considerable merit and great value. As far as it goes it is excellent. Its fault is, that it is too circumscribed and limited. It omits matters of the most vital importance : it is a mere Whig declaration. We are not Whigs. We feel it a sacred duty to proclaim that the Whig party is gone by for ever. It had many great and good qualities; it had many essential detects and incurable faults. As a party, the Whigs received much support from Ireland, which they did not so much merit on their own account as because they were the enemies of our enemies. We therefore are not Whigs; we are thorough Re- formers of the Radical class, devoted to peaceable, deliberate, steady, unrevolu- tionary, but continuous Reform. " Ha party shall start up in England or Scotland for Further Reform ' they shall have our cordial support, and all the assistance which we, individual Repeaters, can possibly give them. They must, however, proclaim a large, and, if possible, a general, extension of the suffrage. The further they extend the suffrage, the more will [shall ?] we concur in our sentiments. They must in- sist upon the Ballot—the honest, the protective, the auti-corruption Ballot. They must insist upon limiting the duration of Parliament to three years at the utmost. They must insist upon the extinction of small constituencies, and snake as close an approach as possible to equalization of the representation. The property-qualihcation must be abolished."

Afterwards the Whigs are again attacked : the Ministry, it is observed, have outlawed Repealers—it was made an incapacity for any office or employment to be a Repealer : "Perhaps in the annals of crimes com- mitted against Ireland there seldom was one of more flippant insolence, than this proscription of Irish patriotism by the Whigs." The recom- mendations of the Committee are summed up in the follow ing "basis of the farther operations of the Loyal National Repeal Association."

" First—Never to enter into any compromise, even in the shape of post- ponement or delay, in the agitation of the Repeal.

" Secondly—To cooperate individually, but cordially, with the Reformers of England and Scotland in every exertion they make to procure further reform.

' Thirdly—Never to support any Ministry that does not leave the question of Repeal an open one to the Irish people.

" Fourthly—Never to support any Ministry but one that avows 'Further Reform' and disavows

The speech with which Mr. O'Connell introduced this report was more rambling than usual. He spoke very differently of Lord John Russell's address in his report and in his speech. In the speech he said, " Were they to go whining after Lord Ebrington and his Whigs, or were they to stand on Lord John Russell's proclamation—his milk and water, with very little sugar, proclamation ?" And of the cooperation with the " Further Reformers," so formally recommended in the report, he spoke very mistrustfully in the speech, unless he himself were at the l,aead of it— It might be said, that by agitating Repeal they impeded the progress of Re- form in England ; that there were honest and sincere Reformers there, who, if they joined, would become powerful for Further Reform. He had put on his spectacles and looked over the entire map of England, and he could not find any place there where the cry for Reform was active. An effort had been made, to be sure, in Leeds ; but a Tory and a half bad been returned at the last elec- tion. Let a Reform Society be established in England ; let England declare in favour of Reform ; and then as individuals the Repeaters would join them heartily, without abandoning for a moment their efforts for Repeal. They should have a Convention, because they could have it in point of law, whilst Ireland could not ; and he would find some place in England in which there were enough of Irishmen to elect him as a delegate.

At the same meeting, Mr. O'Connell created much amusement by proposing his youngest grandson, John James O'Connell, only four days old, as a member of the Association. The baby was admitted. [The Further Reformers are interested in this accession to the strength of their allies. But will the new Repealer vote in person, or by proxy ?] The Tory papers describe Carlow county as being in a very " dis- organized ' condition, in consequence of the revengeful outrages com- mitted on those who voted for Colonel Bruen at the late election. The Carlow Sentinel enumerates several instances. A farmer named Pendred was beaten in Donegal Chapel, because his brother voted for Bruen. One Kelly was beaten nearly to death on the 1st, in Hackets- town Chapel; and his sons and daughters were beaten on the previous Sunday ; when two young women (perhaps Kelly's daughters) were turned out almost in a state of nudity. At Rathoe Chapel, on the 1st, three men were dragged out and beaten because they worked for an elector who voted for Bruen and Bunbury ; and notices are circulated warning those who intended to prosecute in such cases to be provided with a coffin. The village of the Royal Oak (so we understand the wording of the Carlow Sentinel) has been for six weeks in a state "dis- graceful to any country pretending to civilization." The Magistrates of the county held a meeting on the ed instant, and passed resolutions declaring that the present state of the county requires an immediate increase of the Police-force, and requesting the Lord- Lieutenant to add at least twenty-five men to hs Constabulary, and "to cause such arrangements to be made as will enable the county to have the benefit of the immediate services of men already drilled." These resolutions are signed " H. H. Cooper, II. Bruen, Somerset It. Max- well, Horace Rochfort, W. F. Burton."

A deputation from the cotton and linen hand-loom weavers of Belfast waited upon Mr. W. Sharman Crawford, the Member for Rochdale, at an inn in Belfast, on Friday, and presented him with a complimentary address, expressing their esteem for him as a man, as a landlord, as a magistrate, and as a politician ; and concluding with a hope that he would long be found, in Parliament, what be had hitherto uniformly proved himself to be, the friend and the advocate of the working- classes. The deputation expressed the universal opinion of their fellow- workmen, that the chief causes of the decline of their trade, and of the prevailing and increasing distress of the baud-loom weavers, were the Corn-laws, the dissolution of the Linen Board, and the swamping of the forty-shilling freeholders. Mr. Crawford complimented the hand-loom weavers on their enlarged views, and took occasion to read them a friendly lecture on the advantages of free trade. Before the deputation retired, he headed a subscription-list of the weavers' emigration-fund with a donation of 51.

The Tories of Cork are following the example of their Dublin bre- thren, and beginning to bestir themselves in preparation for the coming Municipal elections.

At Galway Assizes, on the 5th, Handcock Mitchell and Luke Dillon were indicted for the murder of Malachi Kelly, who had been killed in

a duel with Owen Lynch. The witnesses called were James 111•Donough, John Kelly, the brother of the dead man, Henry O'Mourc, and William Calaghan ; who seem all to have been present at the duel ; and they all, one after the other, refused to answer the questions put to them, as they might criminate themselves. Mr. French, counsel for the prosecution, observed that it would be waste of time to proceed with the case ; and the Chief Baron remarked to the Jury- " Gentlemen, in this case the several witnesses, one of them the brother of the deceased, have refused to give evidence ; and the law has provided, that, when witnesses are apprehensive of any danger to themselves, they may decline to state what they know of the transaction. It may be, gentlemen, that a great crime has been committed, that a gross outrage has been offered to the laws of the country, and that the perpetrators of it will be allowed to go un- punished ; but as the case stands, )oti must acquit the prisoners."

The Jury acquitted them accordingly.

At Clonmell Assizes, on Tuesday week, four men named Ryan were indicted for setting fire to the dwellinghouse of Patrick Walsh, and

James M•Carthy for being accessory before the fact. The only witness

examined fur the prosecution seems to have been John Lysaght ; who said that be was of the party, and that M•Carthy sent them on the errand and provided the materials for their crime. Part of this wit- ness's evidence is worth giving at length, for the cool atrocity of its admissions—

Judge Torrens—" Was it you murdered Noonan ?" Witness—" No; I joined in it." Mr. Ilatehell—" How mummy men did you murder before this?" Witness—" None."

Mr. Hatchell—" You went with the party to the burning for the love of amusement?"—" They induced me to go with them, but did not force me:

1 was not very unwilling to go after I got the liquor; but when I brought the gun had no such intention." " Did you load time gun before you went out ?" —" I did." " Had you liberty to carry a gun? "—" Yes, from a Magistrate, Mr. Coates, who is since dead."

" Were you ever tried before you committed the murder on Noonan ?"— " Indeed I was : 1 was tried here for posting a threatening notice, but it was no such thing." " Were you not sentenced to be transported ? "—" I was." " Did you out fire shots at the same time? "—" Yes." Judge Torrens--" And the reward you gave the Governtnent for bringing you back was murdering Noonan I " Mr. Hatchell—" You say you were only present at the murder of Noonan: now, was it not you that knocked down the unfortunate man with the but- end of a blunderbuss ? "—" Yes, the very first." " And do you not call that murdering the man? "—" We were all murdering him." " Were you not one of them who carried bins into the ditch to hide the body? "—" I was." "Did you know Leonard, the smith? "—"I did." "Did you see hint killed? "—" I saw him struck, but was not looking on at his killing." "Did you give a blow then ? "—" I did not strike a blow at the man." " Did you give a blow that day ? "—" Yes, when myself was struck." "Do you remember Wat Hayes? " " Yes."—" You attacked him, but he shot you off? "—" No, he did not." " Was not one of your companions shot by Mr. Hayes ? "—" No, but by a man on the road near me." (Laughter.) "flow tell me, did be not kill one of your friends? "—" Oh, be had a party against us, and waylaid us." "Did you remember Jemmy Hughes, who was killed with a hatchet? "—" I did." " Were you looking on at his murder ?"—" Oh no; he was married to my first cousin." " Were you not taxed with the murder ?"—" The whole country knew who was in that affair."

" You recollect David Hickey, who was killed at Bilboa ?"—. I was in the Stir." " You were of the party ? "—" I was looking at him." " That was your third murder? " A Juror—. His fifth murder."

"Did you rob Michael Rogers ? "—" No ; but I got the course of law, and was acquitted."

" You know Mick Griffin, Lord Stradbroke's herd ? "—"I heard he was shot."

"Was your brother Caravat accused of this looseness?"—" No; I never heard of it." " Did you not say that you would put a rope about M•Carthy's neck?"— "I did not. I remember when Kennedy was put out of possession : WCartby's cattle and premises were burned after this, but the country say himself did it. I never asked a farm of Lord Stradbroke, but my father or brothers might. I never beard M'Carthy prevented us getting the farm on the ground of our being so bad. I married, and bless the country with a wife and three children." Mr. Hatchell—" Do you remember you and your uncle carrying away a woman ?"—" I do." " Your uncle was transported ? "—" He was."

" So you have been guilty of one abduction, five murders, and one burning : what else did you do ?"

Judge Torrens--" Did you commit a rape ? "—" No." Mr. Hatchell- " Were any of your brothers convicted of rape ?"—" Yes." " Were you not charged with holding the unfortunate woman while your brother committed the rape? "—"No, but another brother was." Mr. Hatchell—" Would you suggest any other crime in the catalogue of which you were not guilty ? " Judge Torrens—" Did you steal cattle ? "—" No."

Mr. Hatchell—" That would be too shabby an offence. When you came to the house of Walsh you lifted one of the Ryans up to the roof?"—" Yes." "And you lit the tire ? "—" I did." "Did you know there were women in the house ? "—"I partly guessed there were." "Did you mind how many 'innocent people might have been burned ? "—" I did not care."

Judge Torrens—" Is it necessary to examine this man any longer? "

The witnesses for the defence were the Earl of Stradbroke and the Reverend John Ryan ; who gave 3I'Carthy an excellent character. The Jury acquitted all the prisoners.

The informations sworn by a wretch named Connors against Mr. Arthur St. George junior, touching the fatal assault on the late Mr. Nether, [an Ordnance surveyor,] were considered by the Crown coun- sel on the Connaught Circuit so grossly inconsistent and incredible, that they very properly declined to send them before the Grand Jury at the late Assizes for Galway.—DuNing Evening Post.

Sunday evening, about half-past six, the town of Portpatrick was visited by a moat unusual phmnomenon, namely, a waterspout ; which did very serious damage, by causing the almost total destruction of up- wards of twenty houses. Fortunately, no lives were lost. This is to be ascribed to the partial descent of the rain, which formed a complete volume of water during the time it lasted. The part of the town which suffered most severely was the lower part, very close to the waterside.— Belfast Chronicle.