14 AUGUST 1841, Page 7

The sky has not been quite so gloomy as it

was last week, and the accounts of the crops are not so cheerless; but as yet the change far the better is uncertain. The prices of wheat in Monday's market had advanced from ls. to 2s. since that day week ; and ranged from 58s. to 808. for British, and from 47s to 76s. for Foreign. On Wednesday, English wheat had advanced about 2s. per quarter, and bonded 3s. to -48. The weekly average declared on Thursday was 70s. 5d. The duty is 20s. 8d. The hay-crops have suffered in many places, and especially in the stacking. In Lincolnshire, the wheat-fields still look well; and only require fine weather to return abundance. In Hert- fordshire, weeds are in some places almost as thick as the wheat ; but upon the whole, crops look better than might have been expected. The wheat in Kent has sprout, d, and bad weather for another week would produce serious consequences. In Romney Marsh, the wheat is much " scrawled." The harvest in Northumberland will be late; but the -corn only requires a brilliant sun to bring it to maturity. The corn is laid in Worcestershire ; but the weather has revived the hopes of the farmer. In Berkshire, the crops are fair; and we see instances re- corded of harvest being begun. In Suffolk, there is an average crop ; and drying winds are mentioned with satisfaction. The wheat is -"scambled" in •Sussex; and though there has been no fresh damage done lately, another week has passed without improvement: cutting began on Monday. In Somerset, the rain, it is said, has produced good rather than evil, in filling the ear. It is feared that the crop in Wilt- shire will be inferior to that of last year: reaping has been begun, but unless the weather improve materially it will not be general until Monday week. The corn has been much laid in Cambridge, but some

fine fields appear to have sustained no injury from the rain. Reaping is general in Essex, though the weather is still gloomy. There have been all varieties of unfavourable weather in Lancashire ; and the grain is much beaten down, and of an unhealthy colour.

In Scotland the accounts are still checkered. The crops look well in Lanarkshire, but dry weather for a few days would be highly acceptable. In Renfrew, the weather has been favourable. An early and abundant harvest is promised in Ayrshire. In Mid Lothian the corn has been laid; but fine weather only is wanted to secure abundance. In Stirling the wheat is of unusual size, but suffers from rust. Rain has poured in Dumfriesshire, and a late harvest is inevit ble. Cutting has com- menced in Aberdeenshire, and a most abundant crop is promised.

The reports from Ireland are worse : " the wheat in Ireland is all but ruined," says a Dublin paper ; and the potato-crop is generally defi- cient, the potatoes being injured in quality by the rain. In Antrim the weather has been generally unfavourable, and rust prevails. The corn, which has been laid in Drogheda, and risen again, has again been thrown down. Wet and cold weather in Limerick have as yet done no serious injury to the corn-crops. In Roscommon it is feared that they have been spoiled by incessant rain. In Waterford, the hopes of the farmer are nearly levelled with his crops. Cold and wet cause gloomy prospects in Cork, though as yet no extensive injury has been done. In Kildare the wheat is almost lost: large fields in that county, as well as Westmeath, both of wheat and oats, are completely prostrated. In King's County the growing corn looks better.

During the deluge of rain in the storm on Tuesday night last, there was a slight mixture of snow : it did not, however, lie on the ground, but melted as it fell. To have snow in August is indeed unusual in Lincoln.—Lincoln Gazette.

All the accounts received from Asiatic Turkey concur in describing the harvest as the most abundant remembered for several years.

In the Morning Chronicle of yesterday, we find the following extract from a Whig provincial paper-

" PRINCIPLE and EXPEDIENCY.—The Spectator, which has been abusing the Ministers for several years past, because they did not attempt to perform impossibilities, now discovers that the practicability of a measure is an import. ant consideration for a political party. Speaking of the errors into which the Radical party is now likely to fall, it says—' Another is that of mistaking the rules which govern theory and practice. Tile principles of the Movement—the principles, in reality, of social progression—are founded in nature; their eventual advance is quite irrespective of any itidividual or any party. But their immediate advance is dependent, like that of other things, upon various circumstances, which sometimes hasten sometimes retard them, and call respectively for various modes of treatment. The theory may be advocated, and very properly advocated, " in season and out of season," by those who feel a vocation that way. In practice—in arranging an immediate business lying before us in daily life—a different prin- ciple of action comes into play, and things must be considered with a view to what it is possible to obtain. Absolute free trade, for example, is necessary to insure industry free play and full reward, and to guard all monetary and corm. mercial systems from constant derangements. We blame no one—quite the contrary—for advocating absolute free trade, even though the time may be un- propitious and the thing impossible of immediate attainment ; fur whatever there is of truth in *such labours will have an influence in proportion to its merit, though the results may not be immediate. But he is, in our opinion, quite as true a friend of free trade, and perhaps a more judicious one, who en- deavours to obtain all that is at present practicable. If he should even fail, he has the other course to fall back upon, with a stronger argument and a more ii did not occur to willing audience—This is all very true; but we wr"2'2"a• ilia Speciaior, ii,ai its =nooks will apply just as well to one party as another ; and that, if 'things must be considered [by .1.1a:leels] with a view to what it is possible to obtain,' a Whig Ministry was bound no take some account of the practicability of the measures which it was called upon to bring forward. But the Spectator was incessantly attacking the present Ministers, because they did not propose measures which, in the existing state of opinion in the Legislature and the country, they had not the slightest chance of being able to pass. Nay, in the very article from which the 'acceding extract is taken, it accuses them of having deceived and betrayed the Liberal party by giving up the Appropriation-clause of the Irish Church Bill—the fact being perfectly no- torious that they abandoned that clause because they found they could not carry it even through the House of Commons. But the Spectator, after long doing its best to bring Sir Robert Peel into power, is now trying to reconcile the public to his government ; which, in a newspaper professing to support progres- sive reform, is a somewhat inexplicable course."—Manchester Guardian.

The first thing to be remarked upon here is the misrepresentation. The Spectator did not accuse the Whigs of " deceiving and betraying the Liberal party by giving up the Appropriation-clause." We stated generally that they had "deceived and betrayed" the Liberal party,— reduced it, for example, from a majority of 86 in the Commons to a similar minority ; destroyed, to take another example, all confidence in the honesty of public men, and rendered it impossible to form a line of action for the Liberal party ; in short, brought matters to the present plight. The Appropriation-clause was merely mentioned among other Whig tricks and treacheries, as evidence of their mode of conduct. The Appropriation-clause, however, might have been adduced with perfect propriety ; for in 1835 and 1836 that was a practicable measure, till Whiggery betrayed it to the enemy. The truth of our view is admitted ; the application only disputed, and that based on another misrepresentation. The main accusation of the Spectator against the Whigs has not been that they only brought for- ward practicable measures, but measures that were not practicable- " measures for rejection "; bills that were never even designed to be carried, but only intended to serve the fraudulent purpose of tiding over the session, and giving the Parliamentary Radicals an excuse for sup- porting them. So far from abusing them for not bringing forward measures which could not be carried, immediately after the election of the Queen-Melbourne Parliament in 1837, the Spectator strenuously urged them to discard their pet scheme of " proposing measures which in the existing state of opinion in the Legislature they had not the slightest chance of being able to pass," and to prepare a series of " practical mea- sures." And we attached so much importance to this line of action, as to occupy a good part of the autumnal recess in exhibiting in detail several of the measures that seemed to demand immediate treatment; as we had in 1832 and 1833 called upon them, and with a like detailed exposition, to revise our whole system of Taxation, especially the Im- port-duties. Practical measures they never tried at all—unless their extravagant Civil List is to be called one ; and Tariff-reform they left alone as long as it was practicable, and only brought forward an abortion when "they had not the slightest chance of being able to pass it," with the view of again trading upon the credulity of their supporters. That the Spectator will not be sorry for the expulsion of these men, is perfectly true—nothing can be gotten from them, something may from their successors; and a reality of any kind is better than a pretence however taking, and the Whig Ministry has long ceased to be even a plausible delusion. We are not " trying to reconcile the public to Sir Robert Peel's government," but we believe we only state the truth in saying, that at present the public have no other choice than to wait and see what he will give them ; taking it, if it be a fair and practicable offer, and if not, setting to work in a practical way to see what can be extorted. Had our opinion been followed, the Radicals would long ago have left the Whigs to their own strength; and the cause of the Move- ment would not have been in its present state, depending upon the strategy of its opponents.: Rumours got abroad in Lancashire that Lord Francis Egerton had taken steps towards raising a corps of Yeomanry Cavalry ; and by some of the Liberal papers the supposed proceeding was construed into a preparation for the forcible suppression of popular tumult anticipated under the approaching rule of the Tories. Lord Francis has written a letter to the Standard stating the facts of the case- " Some months ago, Colonel Braddyl, the late Commandant of the Duke of Lancaster's Yeomanry, announced his intention to retire. The officers of the corps did me the honour of desiring that I should succeed to the vacancy ; and with my consent the appointment was effected in the usual course, by the recommendation of the Lord-Lieutenant to her Majesty. My eldest son, at the same time, also received a commission in the corps. When the latter appointment was made known in this neighbourhood, some forty or fifty of my neighbours and tenants, unsolicited on my part, expressed to me a desire to form themselves into a troop, in the hope that my son might obtain the com- mand of it. The present establishment of the corps, consisting of three troops, being small in comparison with the force in other districts, 1 should have had little scruple in recommending this proposal to the consideration of her Majesty's Government; but believing that the estimates for this branch of the public service had been made up for the year, I was unwilling to trouble the Home Office with an application which could have no immediate result. 1 have therefore, in fact, neither raised a troop of yeomanry nor taken any posi- tive step towards the raising one. It would appear that these ordinary and most unimportant occurrences have been magnified into a measure for the spe- cial protection of my own property, or even some more objectionable purpose. -Whether they can reasonably bear such a construction, the public may judge."

Sir Francis Burdett has been on a visit to Sir Robert Peel, at Dray- ton Manor. He left Drayton for Burton-upon-Trent on Friday.

It is stated that Sir George Cockburn goes to the Mediterranean, in command of our fleet in that sea.—Morning Chronicle.

Captain Everard Feehan, an officer in the late Spanish Legion, has refused to subscribe to a testimonial which some of his brother officers intend to present to the Marquis of Londonderry. He does not believe that the Marquis's ostentatious protection of the Legion proceeded from any more worthy motive than the embarrassment of his political oppo- nents : he cannot avail himself of the services " of the open abettor and eulogist of the monster Carlos," or of one who made wholesale charges of cowardice against the Legion ; and he is proud to see that only five officers of the two regiments in which he had served had sub- scribed to the testimonial. Captain Feehan attributes the settlement dale L' ion's accounts to the untiring exertions of General Evans.

The following comparative " weekly statement of London leilefe,- dated 9th August 1841, has been put forth—


No. of Letters.

Four weeks ending 7th August 1841 5,488,916 Corresponding period of 1840 3,928,687 Ditto, as nearly as can be given of 1839 1,620,413 Increase since 1840 on the four weeks' letters 1,560,229 Ditto since 1839 on the four weeks' letters 3,868,503


Four weeks ending 7th August 1841 1,694,702 Corresponding period of 1840 1,548,003

Ditto, as nearly as can be given of 1839


Increase since 1840 on the four weeks' letters

146,699 Ditto since 1839 on the four weeks' letters 673,316

The Paris papers of the week, which have been received down to Wednesday, contain more than one evidence of an uneasy restlessness among our neighbours.

The French Government again displays unaccountable energy and haste in preparing for war. The 7'oulonnais of the 6th instant states, that 1,200 recruits for the naval service were expected in Toulon ; who, together with 100 already arrived, were to be formed into thirteen com- panies of 100 men each. The division of Rear-Admiral Lasusse had been ordered to hold itself in readiness to sail at a moment's delay. The corvettes Brillante and Igualo were to put to sea in a few days, the first for the coast of Mexico, and the latter for Cadiz. The Chimere and Styx steamers were directed to join the squadron of evolution under Admiral Hugon ; and the Veloce, Cameleon, and Acheron, were taking in their coals.

Admiral Lasusse sailed from Toulon on the 8th, with the Inflexible and Santi Petri ; having received pressing orders to repair to the Levant, and to unite under his command all the French ships of war in those seas.

The Sidcle of Wednesday will have it that Rear-Admiral Lasusse had been instructed to watch the course of events in the East, and re- port progress to Admiral Hugon, who was to bold himself in readiness to sail, with his " naval army," for the Dardanelles. " The Council of Ministers," adds that journal, "has even deliberated on the expediency of ordering immediately the whole of our fleet to the Bay of Vourla. The fear of awaking the susceptibility of England, and depressing the stock-market, prevented, however, their adopting that resolution." On the other hand, it is said that it was to watch the movements expected in Spain that those squadrons were at sea.

Reports of fresh resistance to the fiscal measures of M. Humann con- tinue to appear from day to day ; the Municipal authorities of Tours, Dijon, Aix, and Marseilles, have all signified their opposition to the. resurvey of taxes ; and the Municipal Councils of Bordeaux, St. Quentin, St. Omers, and Douai, have protested against it. At Neves the people have refused to open their doors to the fiscal officers. The National Guards of Condom, emulating their brethren of Martres, have' addressed congratulations to the National Guards of Toulouse.

The Messager publishes a telegraphic despatch, announcing that "the: census had been taken at Souillac on the 7th, without opposition." Upon. this statement the Commerce observes—" This, indeed, is a victory worthy of a telegraphic despatch. Souillac is a village in the depart- ment of the Lot, containing 1,800 inhabitants!"

The Courtier du Bas Rhin observes, that " the best proof that can be produced that the Minister of Finance is himself aware of the illegality of his orders, is that in his instructions to the Prefects he anticipated the possibility of the Mayors refusing their concurrence."

A statue of Napoleon is to be placed at the top of the column of the Grande Armee, at Boulogne, tomorrow, with much ceremony. The King and Marshal Soult will be present.

The trial of Madame Laffarge, at Tulle, for the robbery of Madame' Leotaud's diamonds, has been the prevailing topic of the French press. The metropolitan print La Presse, aided by extraordinary expresses, gave an early and minute account of all the proceedings. The imme- diate facts out of which the charge against Madame Laffarge arose were these. On the 9th June 1839, during a visit of Madame Laffarge, then Mademoiselle Marie Capelle, at the house of the Marquis de Nicolai, the father of Madame Leotaud, there arose a conversation apropos to a friend's marriage, concerning diamonds. Madame Leotaud produced hers, and left them on the table in an ecrin when she went out ; on re- turning, they were safe ; and she locked them up securely in the coin: they were once more produced on the following day. Seven days after, diamonds being again the subject of conversation, Madame Leotaud re- produced her &rat; Mademoiselle Capelle left the room, and on the ecrin being opened the diamonds were gone. M. Leotaud applied straightway to the Police of Paris : on mentioning Marie Capelle as the niece of a Madame Garat, they reminded him that several robberies had occurred at Madame Garet's. M. Leotaud hereupon desisted in his inquiries ; but on the examinations made by the Police after the murder of M. Laffarge, the diamonds were discovered in that gentle- man's house, in a box belonging to his wife. To the questions then put, Madame Laffarge answered, that they were given her by a gentle- man whom she did not know ; but the defence which she now offers is different. She and Madame Leotaud, when the latter was still Mademoiselle Nicolai, became acquainted with M. Clavet, the son of a schoolmaster, whom they met at church and in the street ; letters passed between them, but at length M. Clavet went to Africa : Ma- demoiselle Nicolai, after her marriage, wishing to burn her letters and purchase silence of Clavet, employed Madame Laffarge to dispose of the jewels in order to give him the money. Madame Leotaud admits that so much of this story is true as relates to some trifling passages of ac- quaintanceship between the girls and M. Clavet, and his having received two notes which were their joint production ; but she explains that the affair was only a girlish joke, and indeed contrived by Marie Capelle to mystify Clavet, who was assiduous in admiring and watching them at church. One of the witnesses for the accusation deposesjn respect of Madame Leotaud, that " unfortunately her character is not of a nature to resist the will of another"; and in respect of Madame Laffarge, that " from the first impulse she thought her as dangerous as a serpent, and judged her severely." In order to establish her defence, Madame Laff;,rp 4-.4aiffiGd tc, Lave the irial cieferrea for twenty weeks, that M. Clavet might be brought home from Guadalaxara, in Central America, and his evidence taken. The accusers declared that M. Clavet left France before the time at which the disappearance of the diamonds took place ; that the imputation in respect of them is therefore calumnious ; and that the presence of M. Clavet is needless. Ma- dame Laffarge, at this point of the case, arose before the Judge, and demanded, in a clear voice—" What means have I for com- bating the witnesses brought against me, since my witnesses, espe- cially Clavet, cannot be heard, and since all I say is called mere calumny ?" It was decided that the trial should proceed at least till the accusing evidence should show the presence of Clavet to be neces- sary. Upon this, Madame Laffarge said she would make no defence ; and she was subsequently allowed to withdraw from court. Judgment by default was afterwards allowed to go against her upon her refusing to plead. On Saturday, the Court pronounced Marie Capelle, widow Laffarge, guilty : but as the punishment for her offence was imprison- ment for life, that sentence is merged in the similar sentence which she is undergoing for the murder of her husband. She was, however, ordered to restore the diamonds, and to pay the costs of the action ; for which the Leotaud family, as civil prosecutors, are responsible to the Government. It was expected that Madame Laffarge would appeal against the sentence.

Madame Laffarge has memorialized the Civil Tribunal of Tulle for a trial of Denis Barbier, who was a material witness against her in her late conviction for poisoning her husband, on a charge of perjury. Bar- bier purchased the arsenic with which she was supposed to have poi- soned M. Laffarge. She avers that Barbier can be proved to have borne her a fixed enmity throughout, and to have indeed prophesied that she would die for poisoning her husband : moreover, that he has, in a hasty moment, said that he " took care not to deliver her the arsenic which he bought for her, as he had a conviction she meant to poison her hus- band." Now it appeared at the trial, that some powder found by the Police in the garden, (which Barbier had received out of the packet that he really gave his mistress, to poison the vermin,) was carbonate of soda, and not arsenic. Madame Laffarge argues that Barbier him- self must have put the arsenic in the drink which she had prepared.

A sudden change took place on the 5th instant in the Belgian Cabi- net. M. de Mulinear, Minister of Foreign Affairs, has resigned, though he retains his seat in the Council of Ministers. He is replaced by Count de Briay, the Finance Minister ; who is himself replaced by M. Smitz, the Director of the Belgian Bank. Reports say that Count de Mutineer was opposed to the projected Customs-Union between France and Belgium.

Advices of the 5th instant have been received from Madrid.

The protest of Queen Christina against her removal from the guardianship of her children, and indirectly against her compulsory resignation of the Regency, is said to have created a sensation in the provinces. The Madrid Gazette of the 5th publishes the manifesto of the Spanish Government in reply to Christina's protest. It states that the protest would have been considered as a private and not a political paper, if it had not been accompanied by a letter addressed to the Duke of Victoria, ordering him to publish it in the Madrid Gazette. It insists that the nation only was qualified to choose a Guardian for the Queen ; and that any authority. derived from any other source is in itself null and contrary to the spirit of the constitution. It is not denied that the Queen Mother was named Guardian by the will of Ferdinand ; but it is maintained that that will and every thing else concerning the Royal Family and the nation must be submitted to the Cortes, as far as public rights are concerned. It is equally useless to invoke any other law of the Monarchy, since the changes which have takcn place in the consti- tution control and overrule those laws, and no power can exist in the state which does not originate with the existing Legislative bodies. The reply concludes by calling on the people to disregard any thing which does not come recommended by the Cortes and the Regency ; assuring them that the constituted Government, supported as it is by the laws, by the army, and by the National Guard and public opinion, will triumph over the enemies of the country, The document is signed by the Duke of Victoria and Antonio Goniales, and dated August 2d.

A passage or two will show the tone of the manifesto-

" To accomplish their object, persons of different political views rallied round an august personage residing in a foreign country, with no other object but that of compromising that same person, without considering the conse- quences or foraeeing the results, which cannot but be fatal to them. Without any other object but that of gratifying their individual ambition * * * they have called into action all the means which they could command. It is im- possible that such machinations can be countenanced. The Royal word, spon- taneously and with full liberty given, cannot be withdrawn ; nor can such in- famous suggestions be offered without producing crime and horrible consequences. It cannot be conceived how that august personage could be induced to lend herself to suggestions so contrary to her dignity, her words, and the interests of those most dear to her."

" It is for Spain, and for Europe, and for history, to designate in proper terms a document as singular as it is inconsistent, as deficient in accuracy as in consideration and decorum."

In the sitting of the Senate, on the 3d instant, the President commu- nicated to the Assembly a letter which he had received from General Francisco Narvaez. That officer, who is one of the hangers-on of Queen Christina in Paris, writes that his health will not permit him to resume his seat in the Senate ; and he then proceeds to " blame his col- leagues for having deprived her Majesty of the guardianship of her daughter, in violation of the constitution and the laws of the kingdom." This communication occasioned the greatest confusion in the House, and Messrs. Heros, Seoane, Capaz, and others, simultaneously rose to protest against it.

A Paris correspondent of the Times tells a long story to prepare that paper for " grave proceedings" in Spain at an early day-

" During some time very active correspondence has been maintained between the partisans of the Ex-Queen Regent in France and their (her) friends in Madrid, Catalonia, and on the whole of the French frontier of Spain. Among the most zealous of the former is M. Carrasco, a senator, who, from having been one of the principal leaders in the revolution of La Granja, which in- flicted the first blow on the prestige of Spanish Royalty and on the authority of the Queen Regent, has become one of her Majesty's most devoted cham- -pions. For this change of opinion, his friends state M. Carrasco to have the best possible reasons. The Exaltado party, of course, decry it. Be this as it may, he arrived in Paris on the 22d ultimo, and was present at the Queen Regent's fête on the 24th, on a mission, it is reported, from her Majesty's adherents in Madrid. He returned to Spain a few days since. The chief of the Queen Regent's partisans in Madrid .is the renowned Diego Leon, (Count of Bellascoa,) a man who has earned and obtained the sobriquet of 'the Murat of Spain.' Chivalrous as Murat he decidedly is, and, if the truth must be told, with only about as much head. He is, however, a capital fellow for such an enterprise as I believe is in hand. You will recollect that he presided at the dinner given in Madrid on the 24th ultimo iu honour of the Queen Regent's fête; and he is to be the chief of the move- ment of that corps which there is every reason to believe is at hand. Simultaneously with that movement will be another in Catalonia. With a view to inlist the population, the rallying-cry of the insurrection is to be 'Destruction to the steam-engines!' Of this movement Baron de Meer is to be the head. He is, if I be not misinformed, still in Paris. He has, however, been preceded to the frontier by the brave General O'Donnell, Ramon Narvaez, and Pavia. They are assured, I am informed, of the support of the French Government; but I do not pledge myself for the correctness of that statement, although I am convinced that that Government is .prepared to act, and with decision, upon the first appearance of disorder in Spain. So far for the intended revolters, whose safety I might be suspected of a desire to compromise were I not to give them this public caution. The Regent of Spain (Espartero) is fully aware of every movement of every Spaniard in Paris, in Bordeaux, and along the frontier, and of every intrigue carried on in the French capital. He is prepared to crush the revolt of the Garde Royal, if it take place, and he will shoot like dogs all engaged in it. On the correctness of every word of this letter you may implicitly rely."

This outbreak, according to the Paris Temps, is to take place tomor- row, the 15th. The Regent, for political motives, which he kept con- cealed, had refused General Diego Leon permission to repair to Paris on leave of absence.

Important despatches had been received from General Ripero, the commander of the Basque Provinces. The General demanded either his recall, or the removal of the troops under his orders, because he could not rely on their loyalty.

A. shocking murder has been committed in Lisbon. Francisco de Mattes Lobo was the nephew to a man whose widow, Donna Adelaid da Costa, her daughter Julia and son Emygidio, lived in Lisbon with a single servant. On the 25th of July he was invited to dine with the family, and he staid till late at night. At eleven o'clock the daughter had retired to bed, leaving the boy asleep on a couch, and the servant in the kitchen. Francisco then began to murder the whole family. How he overcame the mother, a powerful woman only thirty-three years of age, while he is a puny creature, is not known ; but it is supposed that he despatched her drat, and next the boy and thg servant, He

then went to Donna Julia's room. Seeing him with a knife in his hand, and his clothes all drenched with blood, she made a rush towards the window ; but before she had time to open it, he dragged her in and stabbed her thirteen times, leaving the knife or poniard plunged in her body up to the very hilt. Fortunately, she had sufficient presence of mind to pretend that she was dead. Having, as he thought, destroyed her, he then opened the window and looked about in every direction, as if to see whether anybody had been watching him. At that moment a little dog rushed at him from the house and barked furiously, upon which he seized the animal and flung it out into the street. It was seen by Mr. Frederick James, an inmate of the house opposite ; and guessing at once that there was something wrong, he immediately ran off to the next guard-house to give the alarm. The murderer was taken at his own house, where he was found in the act of washing the stains of blood from his waistcoat. He has since confessed his guilt, which he at first attempted to deny.

A letter from the frontiers of Austria, dated the 30th July, gives the particulars of an accident which has happened to the Duke of Bor- deaux— " The Duke, while riding on the 18th, near Hirshberg, met a waggon full of peasants, and covered with a cloth top. His Royal -M. ighness's horse was frightened at the cloth, reared, fell on the Prince, and broke his thigh in the upper part. The physicians and surgeons aver that the fracture is only a simple one, and that there is no danger. Two surgeons were sent for from Vienna, to aid the usual attendant of the Royal Family. The family of the Duke de Blacas, M. de Levy, M. Ducayla, and the Count de Montbel, were at Hirshberg."

A correspondent, just returned from Italy by the Simplon, informs us, that although that magnificent route received much damage between 1834 and 1839, from torrents and other causes on the Italian side, yet it has been sufficiently repaired, and is in good condition, although in parts rather narrower than it used to be. There is only one stream, also on the Italian side, where carriages have to be ferried over.—Galignani's Messenger.

A packet-ship has brought New York papers to the 20th July, three days later than those brought by the Halifax steamer.

Nothing of much importance had occurred in the interval. Various reports are given as to the position of the M'Leod affair ; but nothing trustworthy appears on the subject. It had again been alluded to in violent language by some of the restless spirits iu Congress, in a debate on the Fortifications Bill. A New York paper publishes a letter signed William Eustace, and dated "Lockport, four a. tn.," which says that three or four hundred Canadians had broken into the town, surrounded the gaol, "and doubtless they have effected their purpose before this [in rescuing Mr. M`Leod] : I say doubtless, because as yet we know nothing for certain—only the arrival of the mob, the surrounding of the gate, and the forcing of the guard." A postscript says—" It is thought that poor Theller is kidnapped," and "rumour is also rife about the abstraction of Mackenzie : God only knows what will be the end of it !" This is obviously one of Brother Jonathan's startling in- ventions, now so common as to fail of startling any one.

Business continued dull, and commercial transactions were limited entirely to the immediate wants of the purchaser. Money was plentiful, at easy rates ; but this had little effect in extending speculation. The rate of exchange on England for the best paper was S to si premium. There were, however, plenty of second-rate bills offering at 71.

It is said that the Honourable Edward Everett, of Massachusetts, has been nominated by the President as Minister in England ; Colonel C. S. Todd as Minister in Russia ; and the Honourable Daniel Jenifer, of Maryland, in Austria. The nominations have to be ratified by the Senate. The correspondent of the Morning Chronicle says—" Mr. Everett will, I think, be quite a favourite in England : he is not only eminent in America as a statesman, but also as an orator and an ac- complished scholar."

Mr. Rush, the United States Secretary of Legation in London, took his departure for America last week ; when Colonel Chew, the late Chargé d'Affaires for the United States, passed through London on his return home.

Mr. George P. Putnam, of New York, has written a letter to the Morning Chronicle, in reference to the acknowledgments of money re- ceived from America at the weekly meetings of the Irish Repeal Asso- ciation, and especially to a contribution from Philadelphia. Mr. Putnam says- ' I have abundant reason to know that every individual in the United States who belongs to Irish Repeal Associations, or has any thing whatever to do with contributions toward them, is himself an Irishman by birth ; and however they may claim to be citizens of the United States,' by a short residence or by naturalization, they show by these proceedings that they are unworthy of the name; inasmuch as the recognized policy and practice of the American people, from Washington to the present time, has been opposed to all inter- ference with the affairs of foreign states. And I am authorized by two intelli- gent and respectable citizens of Philadelphia, now in London, (and whose names can be given,) to challenge the production of the name of a single native American in that city who has had any thing to do with this matter."

The New York papers contain some very meagre accounts from Canada. Lord Sydenham had quite recovered his health. In the Pro- vincial Parliament, on the 12th July, the Government measures were announced. The most important are, a bill for the creation of local or municipal authorities in Canada East ; a bill respecting bankrupts, and the distribution of their effects ; and a bill for the repeal of the acts relating to education now in force, and for making more effectual pro- vision for the promotion of education in the provinces. The announce- ment of these measures generally was received with great satisfaction.

An occurrence in Brazil has given rise to some misrepresentation, which a correspondent on whom we can rely enables us to correct. Two officers of the Navy and thirteen men landed from a British ves- sel, the Clio, at Campos, a populous county-town, about forty miles up the river Parahyba, and about a hundred miles from Rio de Janeiro. As the party landed armed, the Justice of the Peace in the town had no alternative but to detain them, in obedience to a standing order pro- laulgated to the authorities all along the coast, A message was seat to

Rio for instructions, and an estafette returned with orders for the re- lease of the Englishmen. The officers themselves admit that they were treated with respect, well housed, boarded in the best style, and allowed to be at large on parole. An endeavour has been used to make it ap- pear that there was some hostile intention in those necessary form- alities.

Sir Henry Pottinger, Bart., and Admiral Sir W. Parker arrived at Aden on their way to China early on the morning of the 29th June, and proceeded to Bombay in the afternoon of the same day. Sir Henry Pottinger purposed to set off for China in one of the Company's steam- frigates as soon as practicable after reaching Bombay, and expected to reach China the first week in August. Sir Henry's health appeared perfectly reestablished by his trip, and he embarked from Aden in the full enjoyment of all his mental and bodily energies. * * * We have good authority for stating that Sir H. Pottinger has proceeded to China with the most ample powers, and that his policy has not been restricted by minute instructions. It is Probable that on his arrival in China he will demand by an ultimatum the terms on which peace can be concluded ; and if not immediately acceded to, he will direct our combined land and sea forces against Pekin.—Naval and Military Gazette.