14 AUGUST 1852, Page 10

Telegraphic despatches from Madrid, received at Paris on Friday, state

that Beltran de Lys is appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs, in the place of Miraflores. Ordonez, Governor of Madrid, is appointed Minister of the Interior.

It was currently reported in Paris yesterday that Prince Mavrocordato, the Greek Minister, is going to Rome to negotiate a concordat with the Pope. The Emperor of Austria arrived at the citadel of Munkaes, on the Northern frontier, near the Carpathians, in safety on the 6th instant.

The Savoy official Gazette of the 11th says the Committee appointed by the Senate to examine the Civil Marriage Act has declared against the project in the shape in which it came from the Chamber of Deputies. Lord Westmoreland has left Vienna for Trieste, and will not return for a month or six weeks.

The Danish Exhibition of Industry, at Copenhagen, was opened by the King of Denmark in person on the 6th instant. The building is something like our Crystal Palace. Agricultural objects form a large proportion of the whole exposition. At one of the printing presses exhibited, a beautiful self- acting band-press—an Applegath in miniature, ingeniously simplified— was printed the flret number of "The Exhibition Paper," (Industri-ud- :fillings Tidende,) which is ornamented with a wood-cut of the building. Large numbers of this gazette were immedialely disposed of at a penny each.

The New Brunswick journals report that the first locomotive engine in that province had just been put in motion on the opening section of the St. Andrew's and Quebec Railway.