14 AUGUST 1869, Page 3

A correspondent of the Pall Mall Gazette, apparently an Englishman,

reports a most extraordinary state of feeling in the Dutch East Indies. The entire Dutch population, including the troops, is discontented, ready to declare a Republic or to accept the English flag. It is believed that in the event of any attack upon Holland, these colonies would immediately declare themselves in- dependent, or accept British rule, if they could get it, which might not be impossible if for British rule we substitute the rule of the Australian Republic. It is to that State that the Archipelago must ultimately belong, and once exploits by Englishmen, a won- derful possession it will be, worth more than India. Only we doubt if the Dutch residents will be quite so satisfied with their position as this reporter imagines. Our countrymen, English, American, and Australian, have a tendency to offer to other white races the alternatives of absorption or departure. The Knicker- bockers chose the former, the Boers the latter.