14 AUGUST 1875, Page 3

The habit of looking at a Corporation of any sort

as a', Pile, "enemy of the human race," which distinguishes 114tah juries, viailudicicivaly.sliown at the Gloticeiter Assizes on Tuesdal. The pieriiietell of the Kings Aril Hotel at Oxford sited a lady who haditiffered in the Shipton aceident, and whO had been afterwards cared- fcir- in the hotel, for a stun of 1117. It was contended for the defence that the Great Western Railway Company, and not the siffeier, was liable to the hotel-keeper, because a doctor, professing to be authorised by the Company, had ordered that everything which was required in each case should be done for the injured persons. The Company, however, refused to pay the hotel bills, and the hotel-keeper then brought this action. The jury, however, declined to attend to the careful directions of the judge, who had defined the legal liabilities of the case very elaborately. They came into Court with a deter. mined verdict for the innkeeper, but against the Great Western 1Railway Company, which was not a party to the action at all. ! Retiring under judicial correction and popular derision, they ; returned to say that their verdict was in favour of the defendant, giving her £100 damages as:mini-31 the Company. Being again instructed to reffiember that the iii3ulto be tried was not between the hio and the Company, but betWeen the lady and the hotel- keeper, they withdrew for a third time in a condition of hdpeleta muddle, and came back With a verdict which the Judge. Wig obliged -to reeefie, though he declared that he did not approve of it, givingsthe Plaintiff £17. This Was a great deal too little, if the liability of the defendant *ere admitted, and too mubh if it were denied ; but the jury could not get out of their heads the notion that the Company ought, somehow, to be made to pay .E100 of the claim.