14 AUGUST 1897, Page 15


[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Is "the emerald gem of the Western world set in ths crown of a stranger ?" I think not. The throne of Great Britain and Ireland is occupied by a Sovereign descended from an Irish race. The most ancient blood flowing in the veins of the Queen is Irish blood. Queen Victoria is in direct descent from King James I. of England and VI. of Scotland. James's pedigree can be traced back to King Kenneth II. of Scotland (A.D. 854) and to King Feargus More of Argyle- shire (1.D. 487). The latter came from Ireland, and his ancestors, through a long line of Irish Kings, date back to B.C. 580, by a more or less ascertained chain of descent, till we arrive at Heremon, a King of Ireland. Without doubt our Queen's pedigree carries us back to a long line of Irish Kings, who, one thousand four hundred years ago, inaugurated the Scottish and English chain of descent, and it is plain that the reigning dynasty of to-day was Irish at one epoch of its